Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2679 There are still trump cards

Chapter 2679 Do you still have a trump card?

Then, he used hundreds of extremely huge meteorites to hit Ye Xinghe fiercely.

Each of these meteorites is about ten meters in diameter, falling from the sky.

Their main bodies seem to be some kind of extremely hard extraterrestrial metal.

And wrapped in a bright red flame.

It looks like it gives the impression that it can destroy everything, it is extremely domineering and powerful.

At the same time, Ye Xinghe felt.

Those meteorites seemed to have eyes, and their aura shook and locked onto them.

It seemed that no matter where he ran, he would be hit by them.

Ye Xinghe tried to move his body and came a hundred meters away.

Those meteorites also immediately adjusted their direction.

Jie Heliang laughed wildly and said: "This is a third-grade spiritual treasure, you can't escape it!"

"No matter where you escape, they will chase you until you are reduced to ashes!"

These are his two highest-level spiritual treasures, and they are all used here now.

At this time, another moment passed!

Ye Xinghe already knew when the transformation of the colorful dragon body was completed just now.

After burning these twenty drops of blood essence.

This colorful divine dragon body can only be used for three seconds.

Now, two moments have passed.

Ji Heliang is worthy of being the uncle of the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land.

It was truly the strongest enemy Ye Xinghe had ever encountered!

In the midst of a near-death crisis, this person was able to use his trump card and escape with his life.

Moreover, it can launch a counterattack in an instant.

Not only did he escape for his own life, he also delivered a fatal blow that was as high as the mid-twelfth level of the Martial God Realm.

At the same time, he transforms into a divine body.

His fatal blow was both offensive and defensive.

If Ye Xinghe couldn't withstand this fatal blow.

The colorful dragon body will be directly crushed.

He could naturally reap the benefits without having to bother killing Ye Xinghe.

Even this fatal blow cannot kill Ye Xinghe.

But it was enough to stop him for a while.

He didn't know how long Ye Xinghe's colorful dragon body transformation would last.

But what he wants is to complete the transformation of his divine body.

As long as his divine body transformation is completed, he no longer has to be afraid of Ye Xinghe!

At the same time as the meteorite fell from the sky, Jie Heliang had already started his divine body transformation.

The only flaw that Ye Xinghe could catch.

It's the transformation of Ji Heliang's divine body that takes time.

Ye Xinghe has seen too many transformations of the divine bodies of powerful men from Qingyang Holy Land.

They all need some time.

Moreover, he probably judged.

Ji Heliang's divine body should be the most common and most powerful ancestral soul body in Qingyang Holy Land.

The transformation time of the ancestor's soul body takes at least two moments.

Within two moments, you have the chance to kill him!

If you can catch it, you can win, and you will win a big victory today.

If you fail to seize this opportunity, you will definitely die today!

In just two moments, Ye Xinghe wanted to break through this fatal blow and kill Jie Heliang.

How can it be!

At this time, facing the countless giant meteorites with a diameter of more than ten meters that fell down.

Facing a terrifying scene like a natural disaster at dusk.

Ye Xinghe did not have any fear and moved forward bravely.

The wings of the colorful divine dragon flashed, and with a 'swish', it rushed forward at an extremely fast speed.

He actually took the initiative to greet these meteorites!

Seeing this scene, Ji Heliang suddenly felt happy.

"Boy, you're looking for death, and you can't blame me!"

"If you dodge this fatal blow before it's too late, you can at least escape with your life."

"You dare to fight hard, who do you think you are!"

Ji Heliang stood there and opened his divine body.

His body gradually became void, and the soul of his ancestors gradually activated.

Give him another moment to complete his divine body transformation.

Ye Xinghe rushed towards him.

Above Ye Xinghe's head, between the two of them, was the giant meteorite that fell.

Everyone shook their heads.

"It's too late, this meteorite is so powerful, Ye Xinghe will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die!"

"Yes, he still wants to kill Ji Heliang through meteorites. That's just a dream!"

"As expected of a third-grade spiritual treasure, this power is truly terrifying!"

The meteorite reached the top of his head in an instant, and Ye Xinghe sighed softly.

"I have no choice but to use you!"

He wasn't flustered and had a trump card.

At the same time, a transparent bead appeared in Ye Xinghe's hand.

There is a small crack on the bead, and it seems that it may break at any time.

It is Fengyun Longhu Pill.

As Fengyun Dragon Tiger Pill appeared, Ye Xinghe's thoughts moved.

Everyone felt that the sky was dark.

A huge figure suddenly appeared between him and Jie Heliang!

Everyone screamed in surprise and exploded instantly.

It turned out that a zombie appeared in everyone's sight!

A giant zombie with a purple-gold color and a length of a hundred meters.

The location where it appears is extremely clever.

It happened to be suspended above Ye Xinghe's head, standing between him and the countless giant meteorites.

So the next moment, those giant meteorites wrapped in surging flames appeared.

It hit the purple gold zombie hard!

When the Purple Gold Zombie first appeared, I was a little confused.

It originally stayed in the Fengyun Longhu Pill, leisurely and leisurely.

Those demons were obedient to it and did not dare to provoke it.

Although it is a bit boring inside, it is also leisurely.

Unexpectedly, he was suddenly released.

Before it could recover, those giant meteorites hit it.

These meteorites carry an extremely terrifying power.

In an instant, this purple-gold zombie at the eleventh level of the Martial God Realm was smashed to pieces.

The whole body was twisted.

However, the Zijin Zombies are not easy to mess with.

He possesses powerful strange power in his body and has no sense of pain.

Although it was twisted and broken by the smash, he roared softly and struggled to get up.

He actually showed his fierce look and took the initiative to face the meteorites.

It even grabbed the giant meteorites that fell into it and threw them into the sky.

Everyone was dazzled by the sight.

And with the Zijin Zombie, he can block this wave of attacks for himself.

Ye Xinghe, in an instant, reached in front of Jie Heliang and slashed him with his sword again!

At this moment, the third moment has just passed.

Between this lightning and flint, Ye Xinghe rushed to Jie Heliang!

The meteorite failed to stop him.

Ye Xinghe clearly felt that the power of the Demon God's blood was draining away.

The transformation of the colorful divine dragon body will end in an instant.

And at this same moment, the nameless broken sword in Ye Xinghe's hand was fiercely chopped down.

The mirror-like sword reflected Jie Heliang's extremely frightened face!

This time, he no longer has a trump card and can no longer escape!

The nameless broken sword in Ye Xinghe's hand passed by, and Jie Heliang was chopped into pieces again.

This time, he died, completely!

Ye Xinghe even felt that his soul was not preserved.

Because, at that moment just now.

The God of Yangming clearly felt the soul-shattering aura.

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