Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2688 Qinghua Ancient Lotus

Chapter 2688 Qinghua Ancient Lotus!

It is now in the form of a flower bone and has not yet bloomed.

Everyone who sees this black lotus bud can feel it.

The terrifying power is brewing inside.

Once the black lotus blooms, it will be extremely terrifying!

Ye Xinghe slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This Black Lotus of Nirvana, I have finally refined it to the level of Xiaocheng!"

It turned out that Ye Xinghe discovered it.

During this period of time, I was just immersed in refining Xuanhuang's divine power and comprehending the Small Universe Art.

In fact, some of it is putting the cart before the horse.

You know, this Small Universe Art is mysterious.

But it doesn't bring him a direct improvement in strength.

He realized that during the battle with Ji and Liang.

I am currently lacking in hard power.

For example, although my own Xuanhuang divine power is sufficient and strong.

But there is no sword technique that is powerful enough.

If you have enough powerful swordsmanship.

On that day, his own thousand rays of mysterious and yellow divine power were enough to compete with Ji Heliang's 1,300 rays of mysterious and yellow divine power.

Rather than being beaten so badly.

He suddenly realized that it had been a long time since he had mastered the second move of the Green Lotus Sword Technique, the Black Lotus of Annihilation.

Therefore, I squeezed out three hours every day to practice this Black Lotus of Nirvana.

His cultivation level had greatly increased before, and he was quite easy to practice.

After this period of time, the Black Lotus of Nirvana has been refined to the state of minor success.

Feel the terrifying power contained in that black lotus bud.

Ye Xinghe nodded.

It deserves to be called the Black Lotus of Nirvana!

Even though it is only a small level of achievement, once it blooms, its power is quite terrifying!

Ye Xinghe stretched out his hand and crushed the black lotus into pieces, without letting its power bloom.

He didn't want to cause any more trouble.

But what Ye Xinghe didn't know was.

After he quietly crushed the black lotus, most of the power in the black lotus disappeared directly.

But there was also a trace of power that leaked out from between Ye Xinghe's fingers and quietly fell into the magic circle.

Ye Xinghe did not feel it.

Even if you sense it, you won't care.

It's just that what he doesn't know is.

After the remaining power of this black lotus of annihilation entered the magic circle.

It was actually directly absorbed by the magic circle.

Without any obstacles, he passed through the magic circle and entered a place that looked like a sea of ​​stars.

This is exactly that underground mysterious vein.

The remaining power of the Black Lotus of Nirvana passes through the profound veins.

We actually entered an indescribable place.

At the same moment, the deepest part of Yuehua Holy Land.

This is the most important place in the Moonlight Holy Land.

Around this place, there are six levels of magic circles.

Each level of the magic circle is extremely terrifying.

Even enemies at the peak of the Martial God Realm would have no chance of breaking through these six levels of magic.

In fact, at the fourth level of the magic circle, the bones will be smashed into ashes, and no bones will be left.

In addition to these six layers of magic circles.

Within a radius of a hundred miles, there are dozens of high platforms.

On each high platform, there is an elder guarding the twelfth level of the Martial God Realm.

This is the most important and sacred place in Yuehua Holy Land.

It is the birthplace of the ancestral court of Yuehua Holy Land!

It is also surrounded by beautiful mountains and clear waters, pleasant scenery, and a large sea of ​​bamboo.

A gust of wind came and the waves surged into the sky, like a god.

But if you go deep into the ancestral court of Yuehua Holy Land, it is the most central place.

It will be surprising.

It turned out that the core of the ancestral court of Yuehua Holy Land was guarded by ten strong men using six levels of magic formations.

It turned out to be a pool.

A pond that looks ordinary.

Next to the pool is a cliff about a hundred meters high.

A waterfall flows down from the top. It is not big, but it is beautiful and pleasant.

A pool with a radius of 100 meters was created below.

There seems to be nothing special about it, and you can't even feel the presence of aura.

There is no living thing in this pool.

There are no flowers, birds, insects, fish, etc.

But in the center, there is a lotus.

An almost dead lotus flower.

The whole body is withered and yellow, the lotus leaves are withered, the lotus flowers are dilapidated, and the petals are hanging down.

The reason why it is said to be almost dead is because.

In the center of the lotus, there is a thin stamen, which is still shining with a subtle white light.

But it is only one step away from being extinguished.

Next to the pool, there is a thatched hut, which is very simple.

Four log pillars support the thatched roof above.

An old man in white clothes sat cross-legged among them.

My eyes opened and closed, looking at the withered lotus.

There was a deep sadness and unspeakable fear in his eyes.

He whispered to himself: "The last words left by the ancestors, if this ancient green lotus withers away, a great disaster will come to our Yuehua Holy Land!"

"When the time comes, maybe the Holy Land's orthodoxy will be cut off, and I will be the biggest sinner in Yuehua Holy Land!"

He glanced at the ancient green lotus, then turned his head again, saying to himself: "Oh, there is still no change, what did I expect."

"It has withered for hundreds of years, so how could it happen?"

But suddenly, his figure froze and his eyes widened.

He suddenly realized a problem.

"When I went to see the ancient green lotus just now, it seemed a little different from before!"

However, he instinctively ignored it.

He suddenly raised his head and his eyes widened.

Sure enough, he actually saw it.

In that blue and white ancient lotus, except for the bright stamen.

Another flower stamen lit up with a ray of white light!

His eyes widened and he rubbed them hard in disbelief.

Finally, I was sure that I had read it correctly.

There is indeed a stamen that lights up!

The next moment, his eyes were filled with ecstasy.

"The Patriarch is favored by the spirit of heaven. Is this ancient green lotus going to revive?"

He rushed madly to the ancient green lotus, his hands trembling, and he did not dare to approach.

For fear of breaking the stamen that had just awakened.

After a moment, he laughed loudly and wildly.

A moment later, a large number of top experts from the Moonlight Holy Land rushed over with faces full of ecstasy.

Ye Xinghe didn't know anything that happened here.

At this time, he was in the bamboo forest retreat of Elder Han Yun.

Ask him for advice on some rules.

There was a hint of vastness in Elder Han Yun's voice.

"Rules are like the gravel of the Ganges River, floating everywhere in this black and yellow world. Those who are destined and have the strength can naturally obtain them."

"However, the rules you can get at one time are only one grain."

"As long as you can get a rule, you can use the power of this rule."

After hearing what Elder Han Yun said, Ye Xinghe suddenly realized.

"The use of the power of rules also requires a medium, and it cannot be used out of thin air."

"Its medium is a rule in this world."

Although, Elder Han Yun said it lightly.

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