Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2693 Elder, do you think I still have a chance?

Chapter 2693 Elder, do you think I still have a chance?

It may not be that there is nothing left. Let Xiang Yinning test Ye Xinghe's true and false thoughts first.

As a result, this temptation shocked him.

Ye Xinghe's strength is no weaker than the top disciples of Yuehua Holy Land.

He thought to himself: "He is worthy of being chosen by Elder Han Yun!"

At this time, Elder Han Yun's voice came.

"Ji Feiyu, come in when you're here."

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you here to visit Elder Han Yun?"

Ji Feiyu smiled bitterly and said: "I really want Elder Han Yun to accept me, join his sect, and then enter the Guanghan Dao Sect, but that's all."

He spread his hands and said, "Elder Han Yuan doesn't like me, so there's nothing we can do about it."

"I would like to congratulate you, Brother Ye!"

His smile was bitter, but also a bit free and easy.

Obviously, this person is quite open-minded.

Ye Xinghe understood clearly.

It turned out that Ji Feiyu also wanted to enter the Guanghan Taoist Sect and pass Elder Han Yun's quota.

But it seems that his talent has not yet reached the requirements of Elder Han Yun.

Therefore, it was rejected.

However, this person was free and open-minded and did not hold a grudge.

Ye Xinghe finally knew why Yin Ning hated him so much.

Presumably, except for what happened in Yuehua Holy Land.

Also, he felt that he had taken his eldest brother Ji Feiyu's spot.

The two of them walked into a quiet house in the bamboo forest.

Elder Han Yun glanced at Ji Feiyu and said softly: "Ji Feiyu, I am going to take Ye Xinghe into the Guanghan Dao Sect."

There was a hint of apology on his face.

Ji Feiyu smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. If you do this, elder, you will naturally have your own considerations."

"I am here to congratulate Ye Xinghe in advance!"

He smiled sincerely.

Elder Han Yuan sighed: "You are actually very good!"

"It's just that this matter is really related to my life and fortune, I don't dare to neglect it!"

Ji Feiyu nodded.

"That's natural!"

However, it was deep in the eyes that neither Ye Xinghe nor Elder Han Yun had seen.

Ji Feiyu's eyes flashed with extremely strong hatred and resentment.

There is even a hint of madness!

That was the hatred that wanted to tear the two of them to pieces!

It turned out that Ji Feiyu was one of the most outstanding disciples in Yuehua Holy Land.

And he also had some understanding of the inside story of Elder Han Yun's coming to Yuehua Holy Land.

Knowing that he was selecting disciples for Guanghan Dao Sect.

Therefore, he had hinted and made it clear to Elder Han Yun many times that he wanted to enter the Guanghan Dao Sect.

But unfortunately, Elder Han Yun has very strict requirements.

In his opinion, Ji Feiyu was still a bit off.

Therefore, it has never been passed.

However, Ji Feiyu is also a man of great perseverance.

Every other month, I would come to say hello.

And the story was mentioned again, hoping that he would let him join the Guanghan Dao Sect.

This has been going on for decades.

He also came hundreds of times, but Elder Han Yun never agreed.

Because the real reason for his refusal was that he only had one chance to recommend.

If this opportunity of recommendation fails, then he will capture the sect and execute him directly.

He looked down upon Ji Feiyu's talent at all.

I don’t believe that he can become a top disciple of Guanghan Dao Sect.

Naturally, she would not put her life in his hands!

Ji Feiyu already hated Elder Han Yun in his heart.

But there is a glimmer of hope hanging in front of me.

He didn't care at all whether Elder Han Yuan was dead or alive.

Anyway, as long as he has the opportunity to enter Guanghan Dao Sect.

Even if you don't become a top disciple, you can still enter with other identities.

As for Elder Han Yun, he didn't care.

What he was betting on was that Elder Han Yun had no choice in the end.

Or you can only push yourself up.

To his sad relief.

Although Elder Han Yun did not take a fancy to himself, he also did not take a fancy to other people in Yuehua Holy Land.

This made him feel that he still had a chance.

But now, that hope is completely dashed.

Elder Han Yun chose Ye Xinghe, and he had no chance.

Therefore, at this moment, he was extremely jealous!

He took a deep breath, but his face looked very calm.

There was unspeakable pleading and earnestness in his eyes.

He said softly: "Elder, do you think I have any other opportunities?"

Elder Han Yun was about to refuse.

Seeing the expression in his eyes, I was touched in my heart.

Over the years, he rejected Ji Feiyu many times.

But Ji Feiyu was still very respectful to him.

Every time I come back, I must visit him first.

He was also very grateful in his heart.

The words of rejection were never spoken again.

After a long time, he sighed and said, "There is an opportunity in front of you."

Ji Feiyu's face showed a look of ecstasy and he kowtowed heavily.

"Please give instructions from the elders!"

Elder Han Yun said softly: "In the Lotus Conference in seven days, if you can help Ye Xinghe win the title of Lotus Conference, I will introduce you to Guanghan Dao Sect."

Ji Feiyu's face turned red with excitement and he just kowtowed heavily.

"Elder, don't worry, I will definitely help Ye Xinghe win the title!"

In the next seven days, Ye Xinghe will recover and improve his Xuanhuang divine power.

After seven days, his condition had reached its peak.

He came to the Bamboo Forest Quiet House and met Ji Feiyu.

Then, Elder Han Yun waved his hand and took the two of them to fly quickly into the distance.

About half an hour later, we arrived at the core of the Yuehua Holy Land.

There are strict legal formations everywhere here.

There are a large number of Temple Guard disciples patrolling the perimeter.

On the inner periphery, there are dozens of powerful elders guarding the Yuehua Holy Land.

After passing through many levels, the three of them entered the core of this holy place.

As soon as I came in, I was suddenly enlightened.

This is a huge open land with a radius of several hundred miles.

In other words, it was built to look like a venue.

Among them, there are still several magic circles that are constantly operating.

Ye Xinghe saw it keenly.

Directly north of this huge area is a small hill.

That small hill was no more than a few hundred meters high, and it wasn't very pretty, just ordinary.

There are some trees growing on it.

But Ye Xinghe could feel some very terrifying auras coming from there.

That aura is enough to crush everything!

Moreover, the guards there are obviously even tighter.

Elder Han Yun said softly: "That's where Patriarch Jin Lingzi attained enlightenment."

Ye Xinghe nodded, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

It is such an ordinary hillock, but it gave birth to the Qinghua True Lotus, a god that can be said to defy the heavens.

Then he created a generation of powerful men like Jin Lingzi, who wrote endless legends.

His eyes were burning, a little impatient.

When Ye Xinghe and others arrived.

Many people have gathered in this venue.

At the outermost periphery, almost all the disciples of Yuehua Holy Land were standing there, looking up towards the field.

In the field, there are people who are qualified to participate.

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