Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2699 The Rules of Powerful Ice

Chapter 2699: Powerful! Ice rules!

One is fear and the other is kindness.

It’s self-evident who has the higher affinity!

Outside the White Lotus Formation, many people are already waiting here.

Here are all customs clearancers, about a hundred people in total.

The others either died inside, or retreated and left quietly.

At this time, in the White Lotus Formation, Ye Xinghe pressed forward step by step.

Ji Feiyu was already asked to retreat to the edge of the black mist, with no way to retreat.

If you go backwards, you will enter the black mist at any time.

Hidden inside are those terrifying lotus petals.

The two were already engaged in a fierce battle, reaching hundreds of moves.

In the end, Ye Xinghe had the upper hand and had already pushed Ji Feiyu to a corner.

At this time, Ji Feiyu was injured all over his body, his eyes were blood red, and he looked like a madman.

"Ye Xinghe, do you really think you've got me?"

"Do you really think you can kill me easily?"

"Tell you, I will let you see my true strength now!"

As he roared, his body glowed with strange light.

The power of rules surged out of his body.

He actually has rules too!

The power of his rules is different from what Ye Xinghe has seen before.

A strange blue color flashed all over his body.

On his fingertips, there were also blue lights lingering out.

The next moment, he advanced instead of retreating and charged directly towards Ye Xinghe.

In an instant, it was close.

Blue light shone from his hand.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were calm.

Ji Feiyu had already expected that he had rules.

It is a high probability that he is such an outstanding person and has rules.

And the most important thing is that Ye Xinghe can feel it.

He is very confident and is sure that he can kill himself in the White Lotus battle.

If he hadn't relied on him, he wouldn't have felt this way.

Sure enough, the blue light fell leisurely.

Ye Xinghe instantly felt a chill.

An extremely cold feeling!

Although he has not yet come into contact with the blue light, the coldness seems to have penetrated deep into his bones.

Ye Xinghe frowned, his face became solemn, and he clapped his hands.

The extremely powerful black and yellow divine power surged towards the blue light.

The blue light is soft and graceful, spreading down like a veil.

There seemed to be a few stars inside, and it looked quite soft and weak.

But what Ye Xinghe didn't expect was.

The terrifying power of his thousands of mysterious and yellow divine powers was directly penetrated by it.

It didn't affect him at all.

This blue light directly ignored Ye Xinghe's offensive.

The next moment, it fell directly on Ye Xinghe!

Ye Xinghe immediately understood.

The reason why he is able to do this is because this blue light is a regular power.

It is a power at a higher level than his own Xuanhuang divine power.

Therefore, Xuanhuang's divine power cannot stop it at all!

The blue light turned into dots of starlight and sprinkled into Ye Xinghe's body.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe discovered it.

He was frozen in place, unable to move!

His whole body was sealed by a layer of ice.

It was directly turned into an ice sculpture and frozen in place.

The ice looked so thin that it seemed to break when touched.

But unfortunately, he couldn't break free at all.

The blue light was still seeping into his body.

Turn him into an ice sculpture from the inside out.

This is the power of rules!

Ye Xinghe was completely sealed and could not move.

The next moment, he was frozen from the inside out.

Just like a piece of crisp ice!

Seeing this scene, Ji Feiyu was completely relieved

All emotions are released instantly.

He laughed wildly: "Ye Xinghe, did you see it?"

"This is the power of my rules, can you compare with me?"

He roared wildly: "I was born with red clouds falling into my mansion. It was a miracle from heaven!"

"I was born with extremely high talents. I entered the acquired realm at the age of three. I was able to defeat ordinary twenty-year-old warriors at the age of five. I am regarded as a genius!"

"I am the number one in my family at home, I am the number one in the city in the city, and I am number one in the county when I enter the county government!"

"Later on, he became the first genius of the dynasty and was spotted by Yuehua Holy Land."

"After coming to Yuehua Holy Land, he also rose quickly!"

His voice echoed here.

"I am the one with great luck, and destiny is mine. You, Ye Xinghe, are only worthy of being my stepping stone, and you are worthy only of letting me step on you to rise to the top!"

"Don't worry, I will never let you survive the Lotus Tournament. I will use you as bait to get the first place in the Lotus Tournament and get the inner drop of supreme nectar!"

"At that time, you will be dead, everyone will die, and I have obtained the supreme nectar, and my strength will be greatly improved!"

"There are a few people in Yuehua Holy Land who can compare with me!"

"When the time comes, this old guy will choose me if he wants to, and if he doesn't want to choose me, he will have to choose me. He has no other choice!"

"When the time comes, I will enter the Guanghan Taoist Sect, step into the heaven and enter the Immortal Sect, and become a Buddha and an ancestor in the future, just like the sages and ancestors of the Moonlight Holy Land back then!"

Ye Xinghe's entire body was frozen and he was no longer able to answer him.

Ji Feiyu didn't stop. As he spoke, he stepped forward to beat him into pieces.

But at this moment, the smile on Ji Feiyu's face suddenly solidified and turned into a roar.

"How is this possible? My power of rules!"

It turned out that the ice layer on Ye Xinghe's body.

There was a 'click' sound, and a crack quietly appeared.

The cracks spread around, like a spider web, expanding rapidly.

Soon, the ice layers on Ye Xinghe's body broke apart.

He has regained his freedom!

It turned out that just now, Ye Xinghe was frozen.

The star-like regular power penetrated into his body.

It penetrated into his limbs, bones, blood meridians, internal organs, bones, etc., everywhere.

It was about to completely turn him into an ice sculpture.

In this way, even a naughty boy can break him into pieces with a simple push.

Directly dead.

The soul will also be sealed inside!

But at this moment, it seemed that the power of the ice rules was sensed.

In the dantian of Ye Xinghe's body, the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron buzzed and spun instantly.

A huge force burst out from his body.

That power was scorched black with a hint of blue.

There are countless lightning and thunder fires surrounding it.

Ye Xinghe immediately judged that this should be the power of the Rule of Thunder.

It is the power of the half-refined Rule of Thunder!

The next moment, the power of Thunder Rules.

The intersection of black and blue is filled with the power of thunder, fire and lightning.

It collided hard with the dots of blue power.

Along with Ye Xinghe's body, there was a loud sound like a stormy sea.

His body shook wildly, and the power of blue starlight was instantly shattered.

The stars flew away again.

However, it was flying towards Ye Xinghe's body.

And the power of the Thunder Rules is still chasing after him.

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