Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2702 Black Lotus Vision

Chapter 2702 Black Lotus Vision!

He directly picked up a cup of green liquid and drank it in one gulp.

Ancestor Luyun and others are full of confidence.

Among these demon gods, they are either physically powerful or born with divine bodies.

Or, like Chu Zhenyang, he is a master of poisoning.

For example, Patriarch Luyun himself was proficient in poison techniques.

His true form is a poisonous mountain snake.

He felt no danger from the green liquid.

But the next moment, everyone's expressions changed.

It turned out that the moment after Chu Zhenyang drank the green liquid.

At that moment, he didn't even take a breath.

Chu Zhenyang's face turned red instantly.

His whole body twitched violently and his muscles began to contract.

And countless big blisters suddenly appeared on his body.

Those big blisters immediately fester and ooze pus and blood.

His body began to twist, and his face swelled like a steamed bun.

Every pore on his body was exuding black poisonous gas.

Ancestor Luyun and others’ eyes were beating wildly.

"This poison is too powerful. I have never seen a poison more powerful than this in all my years in the wild world!"

"You, Moon Flower Holy Land, might as well call it the First Poisonous Land!"

Chu Zhenyang clenched his throat with both hands, as if he wanted to scream.

But he couldn't make any sound, he just rolled on the ground whining.

Soon, he was foaming at the mouth and looking close to death.

Everyone was shocked in their hearts.

This poison is too strong!

Chu Zhenyang waved his hand.

An elder immediately came forward and drank a bottle of potion for him.

Soon, Chu Zhenyang started vomiting heavily.

Finally he vomited a large amount of green pus.

Only then was the poison detoxified, and the body began to slowly recover.

The leader of Yuehua Holy Land looked at the other people and said calmly: "Now, let's come forward one by one and give it a try."

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Having learned from Chu Zhenyang's mistakes, they were all extremely scared at the moment.

This strange poison is extremely powerful at first glance.

Although the supreme nectar is good, you must have the life to get it!

Even Chu Zhenyang didn't resist even for a moment.

I'm just afraid that as a human being, I will be poisoned to death immediately after drinking it!

There may not even be a chance to be rescued.

Immediately, someone among the top ten said: "Master, I quit the competition!"

"I will also retreat. Please forgive me for not daring to try!"

Everyone retreated.

In the blink of an eye, there were only two people left who did not retreat.

Shengzi and Ye Xinghe.

So in an instant, this level turned into a direct competition between the two!

The headmaster of Yuehua Holy Land is not in a hurry either.

Because, in his opinion, it was these two people who were the most likely.

His temperament has always been fierce and violent.

According to his idea, everyone else should be blown away.

Just leave the two of them and give it a try.

But before, he was dissuaded by Liang Zizhen and others.

With a status like that of Yuehua Holy Land, one must follow a decent rule when doing things.

He had to hold back his temper.

Now, only Ye Xinghe and Shengzi are left.

He laughed and said, "Which one of you two comes first?"

The Holy Son glanced at Ye Xinghe and said calmly: "I'll come first."

He walked to the green liquid and found a glass of it.

But he didn't take it immediately, but slowly stretched out his hand on it.

Touch the green mist and carefully feel the power inside.

He always thinks before he does anything and never dares to take risks easily.

Now, he is sensing the degree of danger in this cup of green liquid.

After a while, under everyone's gaze.

He just raised a glass and then drank it slowly.

Everyone looked expectantly.

One breath, two breaths.

Found nothing wrong with him.

The Holy Son looked calm.

After drinking the green liquid, he stood there with a calm expression.

This lasted for three moments before he waved his hand.

Then, the antidote in the elder's hand flew over.

The Holy Son immediately took the antidote.

After a moment, his face twitched.

Then, above the head, a burst of green smoke slowly floated up.

Then he was safe and sound.

There was admiration and admiration in everyone's eyes.

"As expected of the Holy Son, you are so powerful!"

"Yes, he lasted for three seconds, and the detoxification process was also very calm. This Lord Holy Son is indeed extraordinary!"

"Now, Ye Xinghe is afraid that he will be defeated!"

"That's right, although Ye Xinghe won the first level and got the first position, I don't know how he won it, but I'm afraid it was just luck. This time he fought with hard power!"

"Yes, let me see how he can compare with the Holy Son!"

Many people are quite jealous of Ye Xinghe.

Because, in their opinion, the Holy Son is used to being so powerful that he always suppresses them.

Then, it’s okay to continue to suppress them.

But this Ye Xinghe is just a mere

Why should you suppress them?

They all couldn't stand it in their hearts.

I just hope that Lord Saint Son will destroy Ye Xinghe.

The Holy Son smiled and said: "Ye Xinghe, I supported it for three moments, what about you?"

"Can you compare with me?"

His eyes were arrogant. In his opinion, this Poison Leaf Galaxy would definitely not be able to withstand it.

He has no means of his own, so he has already won this level!

It turned out that the poison was so powerful that even he couldn't bear it.

Even the Holy Son can feel the power of some rules in it.

But his time rules are stronger.

In fact, he was already poisoned when he drank it.

Others don't know, but he knows it very well.

At that moment, extremely violent toxins penetrated into every part of his body.

His internal organs, bones, and limbs were revealed.

Almost instantly, it spread throughout the body.

Even the Holy Son, a well-informed man, was shocked.

But he didn't panic, he had already thought of a way.

In an instant, his time rules run.

Just let your body return to a moment ago

Then, the toxin activated again.

He went back to a moment ago again.

In this way, three times in a row, he persisted for three moments.

This is already his limit!

However, three moments are enough.

But Ye Xinghe ignored his provocative words at this time.

His expression seemed a little strange.

It turned out that just now, Ye Xinghe's face suddenly moved slightly and his right hand quietly clenched into a fist.

The moment the Holy Son drank a cup of green liquid.

In the palm of his hand, a black lotus quietly appeared.

About the size of a finger, crystal clear.

Ye Xinghe was surprised and didn't know why this black lotus suddenly appeared.

Ever since he refined the Black Lotus of Nirvana into a small form.

This black lotus will appear every time the sword is used.

Now it suddenly appeared.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe felt it.

The black lotus burst into flames, and an emotion surged above the black lotus.

That's the emotion called longing.

It seemed to be eager for something at the moment.

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