Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2710 Breaking in by force

Chapter 2710 Breaking in!

There is no way to capture it, let alone use it for yourself.

From this aspect, Ye Xinghe took a huge advantage.

His Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron can absorb the opponent's rules after the opponent dies.

And it can be refined after paying a certain price.

Looking at the entire Lieyang Dynasty, few people can achieve this ability.

This is also the reason why Ye Xinghe will never tell anyone the secret of the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

He really doesn't dare challenge human nature.

Elder Han Yun might go crazy after knowing his secret.

Killed him directly.

Let alone others.

Once this secret is spread, Ye Xinghe will become the target of everyone's pursuit.

It is precisely because it is so difficult to get the rules before.

Therefore, it is relatively simple to absorb.

Ye Xinghe immediately withdrew from his dantian, and there was already an ice blue rule in his hand.

He clasped his hands together, placed it in his palm, and slowly rotated it three times.

So, the next moment.

He only felt that his body was cold.

It's not the kind of cold that goes deep into your bones and freezes you to death.

But the kind of cold that can be endured.

Ye Xinghe suddenly thought of the time when he was very weak before practicing.

In that old house in the ancient city, on a winter morning.

Pushing open the door, I felt the chill that hit my face.

It’s exactly the same feeling!

The next moment, a layer of icy blue ice appeared on the surface of his body.

Then, it dissipates instantly.

Ye Xinghe looked inside himself, and he discovered it at this moment.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness in his brain, there is already a slowly rotating ice-blue rule.

Ye Xinghe understood.

The territory of Xuanhuang's divine power is in the internal organs.

The place where the power of this rule lies should be the sea of ​​​​consciousness in the brain.

At this time, his sea of ​​consciousness was dark and blurry, with only this one rule.

Ye Xinghe tested how to use this rule.

He held his breath and concentrated, and his mood calmed down.

Close your eyes and carefully perceive this rule in your mind.

There was no response after a long time.

But Ye Xinghe is not in a hurry, he is just so fully immersed in it.

About two hours later, Ye Xinghe's mind suddenly trembled.

That one rule buzzed quietly.

Ye Xinghe felt that he had some spiritual connection with it.

The silk thread is ice blue in color.

There is a connection between Ye Xinghe's thoughts and that one rule.

Ye Xinghe suddenly opened his eyes, waved his right hand, and his mind moved slightly.

Then in an instant, with that one rule, there was a quiet buzz.

A touch of icy blue power splashed out from the palm of his hand.

This icy blue light moved forward.

It seems slow, but it's actually very fast.

In the blink of an eye, the space in front of him turned blue.

At this time, Ye Xinghe had a very clear feeling in his heart.

That is, this space is frozen.

He can break this space with just one strike.

Ye Xinghe came to the front and looked at it slowly.

Space is inherently void, formless, and without quality.

But it was actually sealed by this icy blue power!

Ye Xinghe casually flicked forward.

There was a ‘click’ sound.

Nothing happened in front of him, but he heard the sound of the void breaking.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe knew.

The space in front of him has been shattered and is in a temporary vacuum.

He took a slow breath, a smile appearing on his lips.

The power of the Ice Rules did not disappoint him!

Even space can be temporarily sealed.

So what will happen if we face the enemy?

As expected, he gained the power by giving up the Rules of Thunder!

At this time, the ice-blue power flowed back into his body along his sleeves.

Ye Xinghe felt an unspeakable fatigue.

It's not the consumption of the physical body or the circulatory power, but the extreme mental fatigue.

Just like ordinary people who have never practiced cultivation, they don't sleep for seven days and seven nights.

He looked into the sea of ​​consciousness and found that the light of the ice rule had become slightly lighter.

Ye Xinghe understood clearly.

In the next few days, he continued to experiment with the rules of ice.

I found out that the number of times this ice rule can be used is about once a day.

No more and it won't work.

It can cause extreme mental fatigue.

This exhaustion is not pain.

It's not the kind of feeling where your brain feels like it's about to split open and your spiritual world seems to be torn apart.

It was the kind of extreme drowsiness that seemed like he would faint in the next moment.

Ye Xinghe didn't know why.

He asked Elder Han Yun for advice.

Elder Han Yun said: "Everyone's understanding of rules is different."

"The world of rules is endless and huge, and everyone will have their own reaction."

His experience can't be of much help.

Ye Xinghe knew it in his heart.

A few days later, Ye Xinghe's strength recovered.

It’s also time to revive the Qinghua True Lotus once every seven days.

Then he went to the realm again.

The hill where this forbidden area is located is the most heavily defended location of Yuehua Holy Land.

Before, it was more symbolic.

After all, this is a forbidden area that cannot be coveted by anyone.

But now that Qinghua True Lotus has revived, its defensive power has increased several times compared to before.

The three inner and outer layers of the hill are all guarded by strong men at the peak of the Martial God Realm.

As soon as Ye Xinghe arrived there, he suddenly heard a loud shouting sound coming from the front.

A fierce and violent voice echoed above the forbidden area.

"Damn it, what a bullshit forbidden area!"

"You, Yuehua Holy Land, have designated this place as a forbidden area and have not allowed anyone to enter for so many years. We also accept it."

"But why, I heard a few days ago that a boy with a talent at the ninth level of the Martial God Realm went in?"

Another hoarse voice said: "That is, if you want to say no, then everyone will not be allowed in, and we brothers have no objection."

"Why, a kid at the ninth level of the Martial God Realm can enter, but we demon gods at the 12th level of the Martial God Realm cannot!"

A high-pitched voice came from the side, with a hint of joking.

"We brothers have a relationship with Yuehua Holy Land that goes back thousands of years."

"I have tried to ask to enter the forbidden area and see the True Green Lotus no less than ten times, but you have not given me any face."

"In the end, a human cub was allowed in."

"Today, we must give an explanation for this matter!"

"that is!"

Ye Xinghe narrowed his eyes slightly and looked forward.

I saw a dozen people shouting loudly in front of the forbidden area.

There were three people standing at the front.

One is a rough man, the other is short and stocky with a scar face.

There is another one who is a very beautiful and charming woman.

Ye Xinghe could naturally tell it at a glance.

At this time, these people who are making trouble are all demon gods.

Although he has turned into a human form, the aura of the monster on his body cannot be concealed no matter what.

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