Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2712 Conspiracy

Chapter 2712 Conspiracy!

It was not until Ye Xinghe and others disappeared from sight that they came back to their senses.

They quickly asked other people in Yuehua Holy Land who were familiar with them.

The elder of Yuehua Holy Land sneered and said, "You don't even know him. Let me tell you, he is Ye Xinghe!"

"You all know about the Lotus Conference held by Yuehua Holy Land some time ago, right?"

Zuoshanjun and others nodded.

The Lotus Conference was quite a sensation.

One of their brothers also participated, Natural Xiao.

The elder said, "He is the first person in the Qinghua True Lotus Conference. He was summoned by the headmaster and entered the holy land."

"Now he has a very high status in my holy land. Don't provoke him!"

"So it was him, that weak human kid!"

Zuoshan Jun wondered, "I heard that the Holy Son also participated in the Lotus Conference. How did he defeat the Holy Son?"

"Moreover, there are brothers among us who participated. They are very strong, but they all lost to him. What's so special about this kid?"

The elder of Yuehua Holy Land actually knew some inside information.

But he didn't dare to say more.

This involves the core secret of Yuehua Holy Land.

He waved his hand and said, "How should I know? Don't ask. Let's go!"

Zuoshan Jun and others left.

Seeing that they were a little far away from the forbidden area, he suddenly turned his eyes.

He pulled the burly man and the enchanting woman aside and whispered, "I heard that the reward of the Lotus Conference is called the Supreme Nectar!"

A hint of extreme greed flashed in his eyes.

His saliva was almost flowing out, and his eyes were burning.

"It is said that the founder of Yuehua Holy Land, Jin Lingzi, swallowed the Supreme Nectar, so that he could become a top giant with a mere goldfish body and extremely powerful!"

He laughed and said, "What do you think would happen if we swallowed the Supreme Nectar?"

The enchanting woman was stunned for a moment and whispered, "Brother, do you mean to rob him?"

"That's right!"

Zuoshan Jun said viciously, "This human kid is weak, how can he have the Supreme Nectar!"

"What's more, he just broke our face. If we don't cut him into pieces, how can we relieve our hatred!" "I'm going to find a way to kill him and take his Supreme Nectar!"

The burly man was excited and was about to agree.

The charming woman frowned and thought: "Brother, you saw what he looked like just now. Yuehua Holy Land values ​​him very much, and even Qiu Jingshan is so polite to him."

"If we touch him, I'm afraid Yuehua Holy Land will never forgive us!"

Hearing this, the burly man's eyes also flashed with fear.

He whispered, "Yes, big brother, we have taken the Supreme Nectar, but we have to live to enjoy it!"

Zuoshan Jun sneered, "What are you afraid of!"

"I have a way. After killing him, Yuehua Holy Land will not find him within a few days."

"When the time comes, we will escape first. When Yuehua Holy Land finds us, it will be too late."

"Let's escape directly from the territory of the Savage World and go to another place to practice in peace!"

He gritted his teeth and said, "When the time comes, we will eat the Supreme Nectar. In time, we will have the cultivation of the ancestor Jin Lingzi and become a giant of the demon way. How can these people from Yuehua Holy Land do anything to us?"

He clenched his fists and showed a proud smile.

"When the time comes, we will turn around and crush these people from Yuehua Holy Land!"

Hearing this, the other two were a little tempted.

As for Ye Xinghe's strength, they did not consider it at all.

They did not take Ye Xinghe seriously at all.

They had just seen Ye Xinghe's strength.

Very sure, his realm is not high.

In their opinion, Ye Xinghe's strength is very ordinary, there is nothing to worry about.

He was lucky to win the first place in the Lotus Conference.

Otherwise, there is no explanation for how he could beat the Holy Son.

In this case, what else can be said, of course, grab it!

For these demon gods.

The Supreme Nectar is in front of them, if you don't grab it, you deserve to die!

The burly man and the charming woman looked at each other, gritted their teeth and said: "Okay, do it, just listen to the eldest brother!"

"But eldest brother, if Ye Xinghe sends a message to the Yuehua Holy Land to warn us, we will be in trouble!"

Zuoshan Jun smiled.

"Don't worry, I have a way!"

After performing a move of the Black Lotus of Destruction, Qiu Jingshan clearly saw that another flower stamen revived.

He was relieved.

He thanked Ye Xinghe again.

Ye Xinghe didn't stay for long and said goodbye.

He took a pill of the All-Knowing Life Pill, and his injuries recovered a lot, but he was still very weak.

The Xuanhuang divine power was quickly consumed.

However, he didn't care.

In Yuehua Holy Land, there was no doubt that he was safe.

Just after leaving the forbidden area, he saw an acquaintance coming towards him.

It was Chu Zhengyang.

He explained his purpose.

It turned out that the Green Cloud Patriarch wanted to invite Ye Xinghe to come over.

There was no other idea, just to reminisce and chat and increase their feelings.

Ye Xinghe didn't have anything else to do, thinking that he had accepted the Green Cloud Pearl that day and owed the other party a big favor.

So he didn't refuse.

He followed Chu Zhenyang and soon arrived at their residence in Yuehua Holy Land.

This place is a high mountain and dense forest.

This area, thousands of miles in radius, is full of primitive wilderness and rarely visited by people.

At this time, Ye Xinghe also understood the status of Yuehua Holy Land in this wild world.

He knew that Yuehua Holy Land was not only suppressing the entire wild world.

It also had the intention of winning over other forces.

Its intention was very obvious, that is, to be the overlord of the wild world and guard this territory.

Whether it was Ye Xinghe, as an outstanding disciple of Qingyang Holy Land, who was able to come here for further study.

Or a demon master like Chu Zhenyang, a demon giant like the green-robed old man.

They were able to enter and exit this place freely because of this reason.

Therefore, the green-robed old man and others could act like they were at home here, without much scruples.

And the place where they settled was this high mountain and dense forest.

It was best to stay here.

After entering the dense forest, they came to a huge river beach.

This place is quite open, and many huge bonfires have been set up, burning brightly.

The aroma of barbecue is wafting.

The disciples of Green Cloud Patriarch are busy there.

Seeing Ye Xinghe coming, Green Cloud Patriarch came to greet him.

Before he spoke, Ye Xinghe suddenly frowned.

It turned out that at this moment, he felt a fierce murderous intent suddenly attacking him.

No, not one, but more than ten! Green Cloud Patriarch naturally sensed it at this time.

He roared: "Zuoshan Jun, what do you want to do?"

Almost as soon as the voice fell, more than a dozen figures surrounded him.

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