Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2816 God-Level Rules

Chapter 2816 God-level rules!

That's right.

Ye Xinghe's goal is to complete his mission.

First, he had to uncover the real secret behind the Blood God Order.

Now, this task has been completed.

However, for Ye Xinghe, this is just the first stage, the simplest task.

Ye Xinghe still has a lot to do next!

Ye Xinghe didn't hesitate and asked: "What about the rules of blood?"

"Is it the same as the rules we understand?"

Princess Pingliang said: "The same, but different."

She looked at Ye Xinghe.

"I can see that you have several rules."

"Then you should have a deep understanding of the rules. You should know that there are thousands of rules in this world, like the gravel of the Ganges, it is difficult to count them all."

"There are rules, but there are differences."

She smiled half-heartedly and said, "Weak rules, such as your ice rules."

She said this about Ye Xinghe's rules of ice.

Although, Ye Xinghe was a little unconvinced.

But I have to admit that compared with the rules of the curse of Princess Pingliang.

My ice rules are indeed much weaker.

Princess Pingliang's voice became solemn.

"And the rules of blood are considered top-notch among almost all the rules. They are truly god-level rules!"

"It can even be ranked among the top ten among the god-level rules!"

"If we don't count the legendary holy rules that we don't know yet exist, this blood rule is already top-notch!"

Ye Xinghe was shocked.

"This blood rule is so powerful!"

"No wonder the Blood God's cultivation back then was able to improve so quickly!"

At the same time, he was also a little confused.

He raised his eyebrows and asked: "God-level rules, is this a classification of rules?"

Princess Pingliang glanced at him and sneered.

She said disdainfully: "Seeing as you are also from a rural background, it is normal not to know these things."

"The power of rules can be regarded as the top and high-end power in Lingtian world. Naturally, it is divided into levels."

After she explained, Ye Xinghe found out.

It turns out that this rule is divided into several levels from low to high.

They are incomplete rules, inferior rules, ordinary rules, medium rules, superior rules, and god-level rules!

The higher the level, the greater the power of the rules.

On top of the god-level rules, there are still illusory holy rules that only exist in legends!

Ye Xinghe thought to himself: "I don't know, what level do these rules I have in hand belong to?"

Princess Pingliang said: "This rule of blood is one of the highest-level god-level rules. It is also an extremely rare god-level rule discovered in the Lingtian world!"

"You know, although in legends, there are many god-level rules that have appeared in Lingtian World."

"But basically, it was lost in the long river of time and space with the disappearance of its owner. It never appeared again and only existed in ancient legends."

"There are very few god-level rules that can be proven, whose power is truly known, and which truly exist."

"The rules of blood are one of them!"

These secrets seem to have been hidden in the heart of Princess Pingliang for a long time.

At this time, someone finally talked to her, and she became gushing.

"The power of the Blood Rules lies in two words: Devour!"

Ye Xinghe waited silently for her to continue.

Princess Pingliang continued: "When you are born in this world, in addition to absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth and practicing cultivation, your own potential is also very important."

"And the source of potential is blood!"

"People with strong bloodlines can grow wildly in strength without much training. Their bodies are as strong as spiritual treasures, and their movements are extremely powerful."

"A person with top bloodline, after growing to the peak, can even destroy the world with a single move!"

Ye Xinghe nodded, deeply agreeing with this.

He said solemnly: "Back then, the Blood God was able to rise so quickly, and he became stronger with each battle. As long as he couldn't be killed, his strength would break through again after not seeing him for a while. Is this the reason for his strength?"

Princess Pingliang nodded.

"That's right!"

"Besides, swallowing is only the most basic ability here."

"This blood rule has been refined to the extreme, and its power is unimaginable!"

"Even if you are beaten to pieces and your heart is cut off, you only need a drop of blood in the world to be reborn, just like the legendary ancient gods and demons!"

Ye Xinghe took a breath of cold air.

"A drop of blood can lead to rebirth. What kind of power is this? Isn't it the same as life and death?"

"Even those at the level of the Eternal Emperor may not be able to do this!"

Princess Pingliang smiled and said: "I think you are a smart person. You should have guessed the purpose of holding this event by now, right?"

There was a hint of contemplation in Ye Xinghe's eyes.

He said slowly: "Your Highness, Princess, you came to Zhenbei City with great fanfare and spread the Blood God's order, lest the world would not know about it. You even deliberately leaked some secrets about the Blood God."

At this time, Ye Xinghe figured it out.

Previously, he got the secret about the Blood God from the president of the Baicheng Chamber of Commerce.

There is a high probability that Princess Pingliang deliberately spread it!

Princess Pingliang nodded: "Go on."

Ye Xinghe suddenly asked: "If my guess is correct, if you want to control the rules of blood itself, you should have a strong bloodline requirement, right?"

The eldest princess Pingliang nodded and said proudly: "Yes, I am the eldest princess Pingliang of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, the most precious direct lineage, and I have the top ancient bloodline inheritance in my body, so I can bear the rules of blood!"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

That being the case, it makes sense!

Those who know the secrets of the Blood God and even want to get a piece of it.

I'm afraid that those of them who know the secret of the Blood God will covet it.

It can be confirmed that the blood in his body is definitely not weak!

Ye Xinghe said in a deep voice: "When they gather here, you can absorb the rules of refining blood, and then devour all their blood, right?"

Princess Pingliang Changsheng laughed: "Yes, I have prepared everything. On the day of the Blood God Conference, those young people will definitely want to snatch the rules of blood."

"When the time comes, I will let them come and go and become the nourishment of my bloodline!"

She suddenly raised her eyebrows and looked at Ye Xinghe: "You are very smart, why not come and help me? I can give you everything you want!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "I want the Blood God inheritance, will you give it to me?"

Princess Pingliang's face instantly dropped.

Ye Xinghe laughed and joked: "Her Royal Highness Princess Pingliang, today the transaction between you and me has been completed, the curse has been lifted, and I have learned the secret. I am going to leave Zhenbei City right now."

"We'll see you later!"

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