Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2821 You have no choice

Chapter 2821 You have no choice!

He was seriously injured and dying in an instant.

This was because Ye Xinghe was afraid of killing him, so he deliberately controlled the power of the Manyindra Tower.

Otherwise, he would be dead after a few hits.

Ye Xinghe came in front of him, pinched his neck, and lifted him up with one hand.

"I just treat you as a soft persimmon, what can you do?"

At this time, outside the Manyindra Tower.

Everyone was stunned and didn't know what happened.

Qian Renxiao knew it very well.

Moreover, he had already locked the location of the Manyindra Tower.

As for how to break the Manyindra Tower and go in to save people, he was also a little helpless.

And at this moment, he suddenly felt that the void not far ahead was fluctuating.

As a person who controls the rules of the void, his realm is so high.

How could Qian Renxiao not know what happened.

His eyes immediately turned cold and he slapped out with a palm.

The space line cut forward.

In his expectation, it must be Ye Xinghe who appeared.

No matter what, just fight!

But at this time, a loud and long laugh came.

"Qian Renxiao, if you want him to die, you can attack with all your might!"

The next moment, two figures appeared.

It was Ye Xinghe and Qin Zhichang.

To outsiders, it was Ye Xinghe and Qin Zhichang who disappeared in an instant.

And after a few moments, they appeared in the same place again.

It's just that the situation was a little weird when they appeared.

Qin Zhichang was still unscathed before, in peak condition.

Now, he was beaten to death, covered in blood, and had no power to fight back.

And Ye Xinghe's nameless broken sword was already on Qin Zhichang's neck.

The sharp sword light quietly surged out, constantly swallowing and spitting.

Then it cut the surface of Qin Zhichang's neck.

Blood flowed out instantly, a sea of ​​blood.

Qian Renxiao's attack was instantly frozen in place.

Stopped just before Ye Xinghe.

Because Ye Xinghe had already held Qin Zhichang in front of him.

If he attacked, he would definitely kill Qin Zhichang first!

Qian Renxiao said coldly: "Let him go, or I'll kill you!"

Ye Xinghe's face was covered in blood, and he smiled grimly: "Okay, you want my life, I'll take Qin Zhichang's life!"

"Do you dare to bet with me?"

In an instant, Ye Xinghe found that Qian Renxiao was a little hesitant.

He immediately knew that he guessed right!

He shouted loudly: "You have been carrying Qin Zhichang with you. I guess he is extremely important to you. He should be the key to this mission, right?"

"Think about it, as long as he dies here today, your mission will fail completely, and you will gain nothing this time!"

"You can enter this world, I guess you have used a lot of means and paid a great price!"

Ye Xinghe's face was covered in blood at this time, and he was seriously injured.

But his expression was still calm, and his thoughts were even clearer.

"If you want to give up all your efforts and waste such a huge price, you can do it!" Qian Renxiao was so angry that he trembled all over. He gritted his teeth and said coldly: "I haven't been threatened like this for a long time!" Ye Xinghe didn't say anything, but took out a pill from Yuehua Holy Land and swallowed it. In an instant, warm currents flowed into his body, and his condition quickly recovered and his injuries healed. Bloody mist continued to emanate from his body. That was the beginning of his recovery. His strength rose. Even the mental power that had been exhausted due to the continuous use of rules was recovering. It must be said that Ye Xinghe was indeed unprepared for Qian Renxiao's attack. So much so that he was seriously injured in the first round of attacks. He was severely injured and dying in an instant. But he was a great man after all. In an instant, he used several of his own rules in succession and escaped with his life. Then he took the pill to restore his body. Moreover, in this lightning moment, Qian Renxiao's biggest weakness was found.

Qin Zhichang!

The person he always kept by his side!

In fact, Ye Xinghe was very strange before.

There are two main reasons why he was strange.

First, why did Qian Renxiao have to enter this world?

It is obvious.

He had to suppress his own strength and spend a huge price to enter this world.

Then, he came here because there was something that attracted him very much!

Second, why did he have to bring Qin Zhichang here?

He paid another price for this.

Ye Xinghe believed that these prices were also painful even for Qian Renxiao.

But after entering this world, especially after the deep conversation with Princess Pingliang.

Ye Xinghe had a very deep understanding of this world.

He also vaguely guessed something.

Seeing that Ye Xinghe was unwilling to give in, Qian Renxiao gritted his teeth and was very reluctant in his heart.

But there was no way.

In his eyes, Ye Xinghe is a threat, but he is just an ant.

He can find him anytime and kill him if he wants, no need to care.

No matter how much time he is given to grow, he will not be a threat to him.

But Qin Zhichang is different.

Qin Zhichang is the biggest key to his plan this time and the source of all his plans.

If he is destroyed here, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

At this time, he also regained his composure and said in a deep voice: "If you let him go, I will let you go!"

Ye Xinghe nodded and said: "Okay, when I return to the vicinity of Zhenbeicheng City Lord's Mansion, I will let him go!"

Ye Xinghe is also very smart.

No matter how crazy Qian Renxiao was, he would not dare to do anything near the city lord's mansion.

That will attract the attention of the City Lord's Mansion and Princess Pingliang.

This is something he can't afford.

Qian Renxiao said coldly: "How do I know if you will keep your promise?"

Ye Xinghe laughed wildly.

"Because you have no choice!"

"My life, and your important things, in your opinion, your important things must be more important!"

"In that case, you have no choice!"

Qian Renxiao took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you!"

At this time, Ye Xinghe's heart also relaxed slightly.

At least, life can be guaranteed.

He suddenly said: "Master Qian, there is one more thing I need you to agree to."

Qian Renxiao said harshly: "Don't push yourself too far!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "This matter is also of great benefit to you Qian Renxiao. Why not listen to it?"

Qian Renxiao said: "What's the matter?"

Ye Xinghe smiled: "How about the two of us working together?"

Qian Renxiao frowned: "Cooperation?"

"You cooperate with me, are you worthy?"

But then he knew that he had broken his promise.

Because, the current situation is before us.

Ye Xinghe forced himself to retreat while still saving his own life.

No matter Ye Xinghe relies on strength or strategy.

But he did it.

This has already demonstrated his strength.

But Qian Renxiao still didn't take it seriously and said casually: "What kind of cooperation?"

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