Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2830 The Secret of Rules

Chapter 2830 The secret of the rules!

Someone was quite confused and asked in surprise: "Isn't this rule set in stone once you understand it?"

"How can it be improved?"

"Isn't it said that whatever rules you understand are the same as those rules?"

The green-robed man next to him sneered: "At first glance, you look like a novice. You just entered the Taixu Holy Realm, right?"

The person who asked the question nodded somewhat ashamedly.

Indeed, this was his first mission.

Moreover, he has just gained control of the power of rules.

The man glanced at him with a sense of superiority and explained: "The power of rules is actually an extremely complex system."

"The initial quality of rules can be divided into high and low."

"From incomplete rules to ordinary rules to god-level rules and so on."

"And within each rule, according to the strength of the rule, it is divided into grades one to nine, with grade one being the lowest and grade nine being the highest."

This person said: "These are common sense for those who have understood the power of rules, especially those who have entered the half-step Nascent Soul Realm, or even the Nascent Soul Realm."

"But for many newcomers who have just mastered the power of rules, or even are still exploring the rules, it is very advanced knowledge."

Seeing that everyone was listening attentively, the man glanced around and showed a proud smile.

He continued: "For example, I heard that there is a newcomer who has made a big splash recently. He is not weak, and he masters the rules of the Holy Thunder."

"This Holy Thunder Rule itself is of good quality. It is among the best among the intermediate rules. It is very powerful."

"However, when he first understood the rules of the Holy Thunder, the Rules of the Holy Thunder were only of the first level."

"And as he continues to refine and absorb the power of the rules and strengthen his own rules, the Holy Thunder Rules may slowly evolve and reach the third level, fourth level, and even the ultimate ninth level!"

The newcomer tried the immortal disciple thoughtfully, and asked: "Although his holy thunder rules are only intermediate rules, if they are refined to the ninth level, they will be very powerful."

"It can even rival certain advanced rules, right?"

The person explaining it nodded: "That's right!"

The newcomer tried the immortal disciple and asked again: "What about controlling multiple rules? Can it be achieved through this method?"

The green-robed man sneered.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Controlling one rule is already a blessing from God!"

"The rules are mutually exclusive. Once you have refined one, trying to refine the second one will be as difficult as reaching the sky!"

"As far as I know, anyone who can refine several rules is a kind of genius, the most top-notch Renjie!"

"I don't know how many cultivators there are, but only one!"

"Let's not even think about it."

But there was an old man beside him who said leisurely: "It's not that there is nothing. Speaking of which, I know a legend."

"Back then, when I first entered the Taixu Holy Realm, I fought alongside him. I heard that he understood several rules."

"It's just a pity that people with different fates have different fates. After seven or eight missions, I am still sinking here, but he has become a legend!" The companion next to him gave him a fierce look.

The old man knew he had made a mistake and quickly covered it up.

No matter how much the people next to him asked, he didn't dare to say anything anymore.

Ye Xinghe listened thoughtfully.

"The fact that I know a few rules is certainly a great advantage, but I also have to hide it from others."

"Otherwise, it would be a disaster rather than a blessing!"

At this time, the gloomy middle-aged man who took out the source stone of the rules before was already impatient.

He frowned and said: "Stop talking about those useless things. This thing is enough to upgrade the first-level rules to the second-level. Let's estimate the price!"

The ice and snow guard wearing snow-white armor stepped forward.

He did not take the Rule Source Stone, but looked at it carefully.

Then, he turned around and whispered a few words in Ye Xinghe's ear.

Ye Xinghe nodded and said in a deep voice: "The power of the original rules is abundant inside this Rule Source Stone, which can be estimated at 20,000 Taixu Jade Slips!" The thin middle-aged man nodded with satisfaction.

This estimate was quite in line with his expectations.

Then, Ye Xinghe asked: "This dear friend bids 20,000 Taixu Jade Slips, is there anyone higher?"

Everyone looked at each other, a little depressed.

No one bids again.

Twenty thousand Taixu Jade Slips were already extremely expensive for them.

Then prepare to fight again later.

After all, not everyone can come up with a rule source stone.

Ye Xinghe asked three times but no one answered, so he simply slapped the table and said with a smile: "Then this first Blood God Token will be bought by this dear friend!"

Then, pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other.

Ye Xinghe handed over the Blood God Order to this person who had been emaciated all year round.

And took the rule source stone.

As soon as he got this thing, he felt happy.

This thing is exactly what he needs most!

Ye Xinghe turned his palm, and the source stone disappeared.

Then, it merged into his sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, there are three rules floating there.

They are the rules of ice, the one-hit rule and the time rule.

Among them, the ice rule is a complete rule.

The one-hit-sure-hit rule is a bit incomplete.

Ye Xinghe did not hesitate to use this rule source stone on the time rule.

Undoubtedly, of all his rules, the rule of time is the most powerful.

It is also the one with the highest ceiling.

Ye Xinghe still doesn't know how high his level of time rules is.

But that didn't stop him from pouring most of his resources into it.

As his thoughts moved slightly, the source stone of rules instantly turned into a red light.

What is wrapped in the red light is the strongest and purest power of rules.

The power of these rules directly wraps up the rules of time.

As a result, the rules of time fell into silence, began to absorb the power of these rules, and slowly evolved.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the rules of time are merging with the source stone of rules.

Ye Xinghe did not delay and took out another Blood God Token to start the auction.

In the end, this Blood God Token was sold for sixteen thousand Taixu Jade Slips.

But this time, it was the Zhou Qiwei brothers who took the picture of the Blood God Token.

Then the third and fourth.

As the auction progressed, emotions grew and everyone placed bids.

Moreover, the enhancement becomes more and more intense.

Almost every transaction for a Blood God Token goes through more than twenty rounds of bidding.

Moreover, as time went on, the fight became more and more fierce.

Many people regret why they didn't take action earlier.

Two hours later, Ye Xinghe had sold seven Blood God Tokens.

At this time, he had harvested 68,000 Taixu Jade Slips and three precious treasures.

The value of each of these three treasures is not lower than the regular source stone.

Each is special in its own way.

Some are magic weapons with extremely strong defensive power, and some are taboo items that can circumvent the rules of the Taixu Holy Realm.

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