Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2835 Beginning

Chapter 2835 Begin!

If we say that there were more than 200 strong men fighting for forty-five Blood God Tokens before.

Moreover, some people even own several of them.

That was a narrow escape, an almost impossible task.

Now, more than 200 people are competing for these 135 opportunities.

The probability of everyone surviving has increased a lot!

Many people would not have to die.

And these people had known the news before.

But he chose to cover up the news tightly and not tell anyone about it, with sinister intentions!

This is also the kind thought that Ye Xinghe has in his heart.

He felt that each of these people was an extremely outstanding person and a leader.

They can die fighting.

But you shouldn’t die because of this lack of information!

Moreover, since this is a loophole in the rules allowed by the Lord of Taixu.

In other words, a rule-based technique.

Then, it is the acquiescence of Lord Taixu.

Doing this yourself is not considered a violation of the rules.

At this time, someone urged: "Ye Yunshen, hurry up and auction the remaining five Blood God Tokens!"

Ye Xinghe shook his head and said helplessly: "Everyone, the auction is over!"

Everyone was stunned at first, and then became anxious.

Especially those who have not yet obtained the Blood God Order.

They all said angrily: "Why is it over? There are still five Blood God Tokens left?"

Ye Xinghe sighed: "All five Blood God Tokens have been forcibly bought by the Thunder God Temple."

"They are powerful and there is nothing I can do about it."

"Everyone, please understand my pain!"

Instantly, there was a cry from the crowd.

Some people were not in a hurry before, thinking that there were still five Blood God Tokens to grab at the end.

Unexpectedly, nothing happened!

Then, it was like an explosion, and the crowd was furious.

They all angrily cursed the God of Thunder.

Some people's eyes flickered, thinking secretly in their hearts.

Even if the Thunder Temple is difficult to provoke, they will still attack and kill a few of them.

See if you can get the Blood God Token!

In this way, Ye Xinghe succeeded in directing the spearhead towards the Thunder Temple.

So that he can escape quietly.

This is also Ye Xinghe's plan.

He had already expected that he would get so many benefits from everyone by making such a big move.

It can be said that everyone was left impoverished.

After the auction is over, they will never give up.

Princess Pingliang's people can protect themselves for a while, but they cannot protect themselves all the time.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe has already thought of a retreat strategy.

This countermeasure is the Thunder Temple!

He auctioned ten Blood God Tokens, gave one to the Thunder Temple, and sold four more to the Thunder Temple.

Then, he went back and told everyone in a grand manner that the remaining Blood God Tokens had been bought by the Thunder God Temple.

In this way, everyone will focus all their attention and hatred on the Thunder God Temple.

Ye Xinghe can naturally escape easily.

The auction ended and Ye Xinghe left quietly.

In the next two days, Zhenbei City became a mess.

Many trial immortals fought with each other, fighting for the last chance of survival.

Two days have passed since the auction.

Today is the last day of the time limit.

And when that moment comes at midnight.

There are quite a few places in the northern city of this town.

There, the immortals were being tested in secret, and suddenly, they were all trembling.

Then, there was no expression on his face.

Even, there is a bit of calmness.

But his body suddenly fell to the ground, and his breath was already cut off.

These people have neither obtained the Blood God Order.

There was no trial immortal who obtained the Blood God Order from others and completed the mission.

When they failed in their mission, they were directly killed by the Lord of Taixu!

But in fact, more people should have died.

The vast majority of the trial immortal disciples accounted for about 80% of the total number.

Because of Ye Xinghe, they all completed their tasks and escaped disaster.

Most of the people here were able to survive because of Ye Xinghe.

When midnight passed, they were pleasantly surprised.

As expected, he was not killed by the Lord of Taixu, and he was immediately ecstatic.

Some people choose to return directly, but there are also many people who do not choose to leave.

Everyone has arrived in Zhenbei City, and the Blood God Conference is close at hand.

Moreover, many people are now qualified to enter the Blood God Conference with the Blood God Order.

Everyone is also very interested in what will happen at the Blood God Conference.

Of course I have to witness it for myself!

There are also many people who are deliberately trying to fish in troubled waters.

He wants to reap the benefits severely before he is willing to give up.

None of these trial immortals are good!

The day of the Blood God Conference has finally arrived.

On this day, the place in front of the City Lord's Mansion was extremely lively and crowded.

Countless powerful people from Zhenbei City and even the northern part of the Ice and Snow Dynasty.

Even some powerful men from neighboring countries came here because of its reputation.

Although they did not obtain the Blood God Order, they were unable to enter the Blood God Conference.

But it didn't stop them from waiting for news outside the city lord's mansion.

At this time, there were tens of thousands of powerful people from all walks of life gathered outside the city lord's palace.

The aura emitted by these people gathered together was terrifying.

Ye Xinghe couldn't help but tremble slightly in his heart.

At this time, Ye Xinghe and Zhang Chenzheng had already arrived at the door and were waiting.

Beside him, there were also a large number of trial immortals.

Everyone looked at each other with some caution.

They have all obtained the Blood God Order.

Ye Xinghe saw many familiar figures inside.

There are many powerful people from the Thunder God Temple and a few strangers.

But the ones with the lowest strength are those who have reached the half-step Nascent Soul realm.

Of course, there is also the skinny old man and others.

Suddenly, a pleasant bell rang in the city lord's mansion.

The gate of the city lord's mansion opened, and the sound of ritual and music echoed through the square.

Countless powerful men from the City Lord's Mansion came one after another and stood in two rows.

Then, dozens of ice and snow guards came out, surrounded by Princess Pingliang, the Lord of Zhenbei City and others.

In an instant, the square became extremely quiet.

Everyone's eyes fell on Princess Pingliang.

Princess Pingliang glanced at everyone. She didn't know what she thought of, but suddenly the corner of her mouth curled up slightly.

Then, her voice spread throughout the square.

"Everyone who has obtained the Blood God Order, show it and follow me to the Blood God Conference!"

Everyone took out the Blood God Token in their hands.

Many trial immortals could only stand there, watching this scene with envy.

Although, each Blood God Order allows three trial immortals to complete the task.

But only one person could be allowed to enter the venue of the Blood God Conference.

Therefore, these trial immortals also have a division of labor within themselves.

If the team gets a Blood God Token.

Well, after letting others do their job.

This Blood God Order will naturally be held by the strongest person, who will enter the Blood God Conference.

As for a force like the Thunder Temple, only eight people entered the Blood God Conference.

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