Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2841 This is your trump card

Chapter 2841 Is this your trump card?

"I will definitely win the next two games!"

Everyone instantly understood Tantai Changye's plan.

It turned out that Princess Pingliang sent the Lord of Zhenbei City in the first game.

It was to gain the upper hand, to win a game first, and to intimidate the momentum.

Unexpectedly, Tantai Changye faced him directly.

Didn't you send your second master?

I'll just send someone out randomly and lose to you directly.

In this way, your second master will be useless.

Next, you have no experts available, so you can do nothing.

In the remaining two games, Princess Pingliang's side is in danger.

Everyone was amazed that Tantai Changye could adapt to changes and find a way in such a short period of time.

It can be said that he is an outstanding person.

On the Princess Pingliang's side, facing Tantai Changye's strength, she still looked calm.

However, there was a vague haze between her eyebrows.

Obviously, she was feeling quite uneasy at the moment.

Director Tan also said leisurely: "The city lord was sent in the first game. Who will you send in the second game?"

Princess Pingliang suddenly stood up.

"The second game, I'll do it!"

Everyone was even more shocked.

No one expected that Princess Pingliang would take action personally so soon.

Princess Pingliang sneered, stared at Tantai Changye and said: "As long as I beat you in the second round, I will win a big victory!"

Tantai Changye gritted his teeth and said, "Beat me first before you talk!"

Now that Princess Pingliang has appeared, he naturally can't wait any longer.

The second game is king versus king.

No one expected that the final battle would come so quickly.

But at this time, there were many trial immortals looking at each other.

There was a bit of unpredictability in his eyes.

Quietly operating your cultivation, power spreads throughout your body.

Be prepared to take action at any time.

These trial immortals are waiting for this moment!

They worked hard and spent a lot of money to sneak into the Blood God Conference.

Isn't the purpose of getting the secret of the Blood God's inheritance from these two people at this moment?

As long as they both lose.

These trial immortals will take action immediately, and the fisherman will benefit!

But the Seventh Hall Master's usually calm gaze still remained on Ye Xinghe.

Not any stops though.

But when he lowered his head, his face showed strong murderous intent.

Yes, his target prey today, although there are also Princess Pingliang and Tantai Changye, as well as the blood god inheritance in them.

However, there is only one more important goal.

That is Ye Yunshen!

In his opinion, capturing the golden bones from Ye Yunshen's body is more important than anything else!

Later, only Princess Pingliang is seriously injured.

The forces on their side were unable to suppress the entire crowd.

The God of Thunder will immediately take action to kill Ye Yunshen!

At this time, there are three parties in the field.

The eldest princess of Pingliang is on the side, Tantai Changye is on the side, and the trial immortals are on the side.

Among the three parties, Princess Pingliang is the strongest.

The Trial Immortal side and Tantai Changye side seem to be similar at present.

As long as this balance is broken, it will immediately fall into a melee.

Underneath the seemingly calm water, there are actually rough waters.

Princess Pingliang and Princess Tantai were fighting in the middle of the night, looking at each other calmly, neither of them moving.

However, the black thread around Princess Pingliang quietly spread and enveloped the entire place.

It has been slowly eroding away towards Tantai Changye.

Princess Pingliang didn't move.

In her opinion, it is beneficial to herself.

The power of the curse slowly erodes, and when it accumulates to a certain level, you will win without a fight.

By then, Director Tan will be unable to fight back.

But at the moment when the power of the curse was about to touch Tantai Changye's body.

Tantai Changye laughed wildly.

On the body, the black and white Yin Yang Divine Armor shone brightly in an instant.

He punched out.

When he punched out, everyone's eyelids jumped.

Feel his shots so close.

In an instant, everyone could feel the surging and extremely overbearing destructive power!

He just threw a mediocre punch without any fancy skills.

But those black threads suddenly froze in the air.

Then, countless crack cards appeared on it.


It just shattered and disappeared without a trace.

Several vicious and shrill screams seemed to resound in the void.

This cursed rule was shattered by Tantai Changye with a single punch!

This destructive power in him is truly terrifying and overbearing!

While Tantai Changye was laughing wildly, he strode forward and punched out again.

The tyrannical power of destruction is wanton.

Princess Pingliang moved her hands one after another, and the curse rules continued to spread forward.

Seven lines of defense were instantly deployed.

But Tantai Changye was really overbearing.

With one punch, all seven lines of defense were shattered!

The fist immediately hit Princess Pingliang's head.

Princess Pingliang groaned and sacrificed her Nascent Soul.

The jet-black light suddenly flourished.

Only then did Tantai Changye retreat.

But she was clearly at a disadvantage!

The two instantly fought together.

Everyone was horrified to see it.

They had always known that Princess Pingliang was terrifyingly powerful.

But I didn't expect that Tantai Changye was even more powerful.

Mainly because of his rules.

The rule of Tantai Changye is to destroy everything!

No matter whether the opponent is attacking or defending.

No matter the other party is the rules or the body.

Under his rules of destruction, there is no difference.

If you touch it, it will be destroyed!

The curse rules of Princess Pingliang are already strong enough.

However, compared with his rules of destruction, it is still far behind.

Therefore, he was beaten and suppressed all the time.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had passed dozens of moves.

The situation for Princess Pingliang is getting more and more dangerous.

It seems that if the fight continues, she will soon be seriously injured by Tantai Changye, or even killed!

Tantai Changye became more and more excited as he fought, roaring and attacking continuously.

Actually want to do it all at once.

Princess Pingliang suddenly let out a sharp roar.

Countless lines stand out on the stone ground.

In an instant, a huge magic circle was formed.

Moreover, this line is still spreading towards the entire square and even the entire city lord's palace.

In an instant, a large formation appeared throughout the City Lord's Mansion.

The power of this magic circle was constantly being extracted and mixed into her body.

As a result, Princess Pingliang's aura suddenly became strong.

Even her Nascent Soul was at least twice as powerful as before.

The cursed black light was extremely rich.

It was overwhelming, pouring forward, and could no longer be resisted.

In an instant, the power of the curse was imprinted on Tantai Changye's body.

On the exposed skin of Tantai Changye, black mist formed by the power of the curse appeared.

The black mist is about to condense into fonts.

Once the font is solidified, it means that the curse will take shape directly.

And he will also be in danger!

Tantai Changye laughed loudly: "Presumably, this is your trump card, use the power of the magic circle to fight against me!"

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