Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2854 Return

Chapter 2854 Return!

Ye Xinghe's heart was throbbing, he bit his lips tightly, and his eyes were a little moist.

At the same time, the voice of Lord Taixu exploded in his mind.

"The mission time has come, you can return."

Ye Xinghe immediately chose to return.

So, in an instant, the remaining trial disciples on the battlefield returned one after another and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Princess Pingliang let out a desperate and crazy roar.

He yelled like crazy: "Kill Nangong Yuntian, kill him for me!"

Nangong Yuntian sneered.

His strength is not weaker than Princess Pingliang.

Among these people, he is almost the strongest.

Before, it was to protect Ye Yunshen, so he had to fight to the death.

He wants to leave now, who can stop him!

He let out a low roar and launched several attacks in succession, injuring several Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses.

Then he quickly fled away.

After he made a promise to Ye Xinghe before, he almost expected the scene before him.

Other things have already been settled.

At this moment, he left quietly and disappeared invisible.

Only everyone in the Ice and Snow Dynasty was left looking at each other!

When he returned, it seemed as if the void of the universe was passing by in front of him.

Ye Xinghe's mood took a long time to calm down.

It feels like I am flowing in the long river of time.

He couldn't feel the passage of time and space.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xinghe felt thoughtful in his heart.

Several questions immediately came to mind.

In fact, he had already thought of it just now, but he had no time to think about it.

First, why does the Master of Taixu have to let them hold on for three hundred breaths to complete the task?

Did Lord Taixu want them to do it?

Or does Lord Taixu have to do this?

Secondly, if it is the latter, then why does Taixu Master have to do it?

Could it be that he has something to hide?

Or does he need to use these three hundred breaths to reopen their return channel?

Does this mean that even the master of Taixu cannot do whatever he wants in every mission world?

He also has to abide by certain rules of a certain mission world.

For example, in the great world of Lingtian, the powerful warlock of Princess Pingliang’s Star Picking Pavilion.

It affects the celestial phenomena and the rules of time and space in this world.

Then, the original return rules will be invalidated, and they will be unable to return.

The master of Taixu was forced to issue a task and ask them to hold on for three hundred breaths.

Only then can this channel be reopened!

For a moment, there were a lot of thoughts in my mind.

And when Ye Xinghe came back to his senses, he had already returned to the familiar empty universe.

Here, it seems like I am the only one.

In front of him is his square inch mountain.

Just before Ye Xinghe arrived at Fangcun Mountain, he heard a strange rattling noise coming from inside.

The weird scarecrow swayed out from inside, as if greeting Ye Xinghe.

Obviously he looks ugly and weird.

But when Ye Xinghe saw it, he felt a little affectionate in his heart.

He smiled and waved: "Long time no see!"

As soon as he came here, Ye Xinghe felt that his whole body was relaxed and soothed.

He sat directly on the steps, leaning gently against the door frame.

He looked up at the starry sky and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

The fighting in Lingtian's world exhausted all his energy.

It was much more difficult than the first mission world.

It's short yet extremely cruel, and full of many variables.

The enemies this time are much stronger than before.

The Scarecrow sat beside him, leaning on the doorframe like him.

Ye Xinghe glanced at it with a smile, but fell asleep directly.

I don’t know how long I slept, it seemed like an instant, it seemed like a long time.

He was awakened by the voice of Lord Taixu.

"175910 The Second Mission World of the Master of Fangcun Mountain: Lingtian World"

"Main mission, Blood God inheritance."

"Task evaluation level: perfect!"

"To perfection."

Ye Xinghe slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, which was not beyond his expectation.

This time, he not only completed all the tasks.

Moreover, many additional quest clues have been dug into.

Moreover, additional tasks were triggered, and the degree of completion was very high.

He can achieve perfection because the highest is perfection!

"The ultimate reward: 20,000 Taixu Jade Slips."

The voice of Lord Taixu continues.

Ye Xinghe nodded.

This reward was within his expectations.

But then, there was no more.

The smile on Ye Xinghe's face slowly solidified.

He lost his voice and said: "What's going on? As a reward for my perfection, you just give me 20,000 Taixu Jade Slips. This is too little!" But a moment later, the voice of the Taixu Master sounded.

Ye Xinghe was surprised and happy!

"The fourteenth link of the chain mission has officially begun!"

"Mission tokens are being distributed"

The series of tasks is still continuing!

Ye Xinghe was ecstatic in his heart.

The more rounds you complete this chain of tasks, the more generous the rewards will be.

He originally thought that if he inherited the progress of the previous Qinglian Sword Immortal and reached the thirteenth ring, it would be his limit.

Unexpectedly, there is more later!

By then, how generous will the reward be?

As the voice of Lord Taixu fell, the place fell into silence for an instant.

In front of Ye Xinghe, a ball of golden light was entangled and slowly rotating.

After a moment, the golden light shattered, revealing something inside, which fell into Ye Xinghe's hands.

Ye Xinghe looked slightly startled.

The token of the fourteenth link of this series of tasks is a palm-sized remnant of cloth.

The material of this remaining fabric is very special.

It looks like animal skin or silk.

There is something embroidered with gold thread on it, and the whole body is yellow.

There is also a gold-red embroidery on the corner.

I can't tell what it is exactly.

What's more important is that there are stains of blood on it!

I don't know what it was torn from.

Ye Xinghe looked at it for a moment and found nothing, so he carefully put it away.

Ye Xinghe looked at the Taixu Jade Slips accumulated in his identity token, as well as this harvest.

The number of Taixu Jade Slips in Ye Xinghe’s hand is close to one hundred thousand!

This is already a huge amount of money.

Ye Xinghe learned before that even those veterans who have experienced the world of ten missions.

Their savings on hand may not be enough to have 100,000 Taixu Jade Slips.

"How to exchange these 100,000 Taixu Jade Slips for combat effectiveness?"

Ye Xinghe thought secretly in his heart, as if he knew what he was thinking.

The voice of Lord Taixu sounded.

"After the Trial Immortal has experienced three trial worlds, those who successfully survive will become the official Taixu Immortal."

Ye Xinghe suddenly understood.

The difference between the trial immortals and the Taixu immortals should be similar.

The difference between trainee disciples and formal disciples.

Master Taixu continued: "Becoming a Taixu Immortal will unlock the secret treasure of ancient treasures."

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