Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2856 You are so strong

Chapter 2856 You are so strong!

It turned out that a huge deep wound had been cut out on the big blue sleeve of his right hand!

It even hurt his arm.

There were also shallow blood stains on his arms.

He shouted in shock: "My second-grade spiritual treasure was cut directly by you!"

The green robe on his body is also a spiritual treasure.

Very strong and soft.

An ordinary offensive attack cannot be cut open at all.

Unexpectedly, he was killed by Ye Xinghe's sword.

And Ye Xinghe also felt endless resistance.

He pushed the Black Lotus of Nirvana to its extreme.

Finally, he moved forward fiercely, leaving a wound on his arm.

Ye Xinghe gritted his teeth and smiled: "This is just the beginning!"

The power of the Black Lotus of Annihilation crazily poured into the body of the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land.

Feeling this familiar and violent force, he stared at Ye Xinghe.

"You really got his inheritance!"

"This is his famous stunt, and it turns out to be you!"

But he couldn't care less about it now.

The power of the Black Lotus of Nirvana shot straight up the arm.

In an instant, extremely terrifying and explosive flame power erupted within his body.

This power is full of loneliness and destruction, and seems to be able to burn him to ashes!

The Lord of Qingyang Holy Land also felt the danger.

However, he has many magic weapons.

In an instant, he took out two runes and placed them firmly on his arm.

Between the two blue runes, light shines.

Ice blue power was embedded in his arm.

Fighting like crazy with the black lotus' world-destroying power.

Of course, the home battleground is his arm.

Severe pain struck.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

Countless blue and black lights appeared on his arms.

Directly cutting his arm from the inside out, creating countless wounds.

His right arm drooped softly, almost half-wasted.

But in the end, Ye Xinghe's offensive was blocked.

Ye Xinghe felt a little regretful.

Unfortunately, this move only disabled one of his hands and failed to kill him.

This was also expected by Ye Xinghe.

The Lord of Qingyang Holy Land has dominated this place for hundreds of years, and even the Qinglian Sword Immortal suffered losses under his hands.

How can it be so easy to clean up?

The Lord of Qingyang Holy Land roared horrifyingly: "You, your strength is comparable to the Nascent Soul Realm!"

"When did you become so strong?"

He was at a loss and couldn't believe it.

Ye Xinghe disappeared out of thin air for a while, and when he came back, his strength had improved by leaps and bounds!

Where did he go?

This was the third time in just a few moments that the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land was shocked by Ye Xinghe!

Ye Xinghe stood on the spot and said with a leisurely smile: "My lord, you just said you wanted to destroy me, but it seems you can't do it!"

The Lord of Qingyang Holy Land was extremely angry.

But suddenly, the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land thought of something.

"I remembered that Qinglian disappeared mysteriously for a period of time, and then came back with great strength, and almost took away my position!"

"Later, he would disappear with excuses every once in a while, or hide for a period of time, and then his strength would often increase by leaps and bounds!" "Isn't this situation exactly the same as what is happening to Ye Xinghe now!"

"Could it be that this is the secret shared by the two of them, and is this the secret I want to get?"

For a moment, deep greed flashed in his eyes.

Chen = asked in a deep voice: "Have you obtained the inheritance of Qinglian?"

"What secrets do you have, and why has your strength increased so quickly?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Now I don't have to worry about you, Your Majesty!"

The Lord of Qingyang Holy Land became more and more confident.

He gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't want to say it, then you will be willing to say it after I torture your loved ones and loved ones to death one by one!" Ye Xinghe's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Teng Haoyang, you deserve to die!"

The Lord of Qingyang Holy Land calmed down at this time.

He also began to look squarely at Ye Xinghe and truly regarded Ye Xinghe as an opponent.

He said calmly: "I admit that I underestimated you before and regarded you as the ant before."

"I didn't expect you to be much stronger, but it's a pity"

He smiled solemnly and said: "In my eyes, you are still an ant, but a slightly stronger one!"

His figure flew up into the air and hung in the air.

"Now, let me show you my true strength!"

The concentration of the power of rules on his body instantly increased several times compared to before.

His whole body was filled with the light of the power of rules.

As the power of his rules surged around.

In an instant, all the clouds within a radius of three thousand miles converged towards this place.

Ye Xinghe felt awe-inspiring in his heart.

"This is the true strength of the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land. He can actually mobilize the clouds within a radius of three thousand miles!"

As the clouds condensed and contracted, they began to peel off.

So, before and behind the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land.

These clouds turned into a large array of flying knives.

Countless flying knives, densely packed and endless, numbering hundreds of thousands.

As the power of his rules invades.

These flying knives suddenly turned around and looked at Ye Xinghe.

It's like having a soul.

Ye Xinghe felt that he was already locked by them.

The next moment, the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land waved his hand.

These hundreds of thousands of flying knives as long as arms flew fiercely towards Ye Xinghe.

Like a torrent, despair will arise in people's hearts just by looking at it!

This offensive can kill even a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm!

But Ye Xinghe's face was calm and he stood there calmly.

Don’t forget, Ye Xinghe also has a trump card magic weapon.

It is his fourth-grade spiritual treasure, Manyindra Tower!

The Lord of Qingyang Holy Land looked proudly at the densely packed clouds with hundreds of thousands of flying knives coming from all directions.

This is one of his biggest trump cards.

It is also the most powerful attack he can make under his rules.

There are hundreds of thousands of cloud flying knives, each of which has extremely terrifying power.

Moreover, the most important thing is that there is no way to hide or avoid it!

In all directions, they were all wrapped up in the clouds and flying knives.

Even those who are strong in the Nascent Soul Realm will die completely under this blow!

Ye Xinghe will fight no matter what, he will definitely die!

Seeing Ye Xinghe standing there, his eyes calm and waiting.

The Lord of Qingyang Holy Land cursed in his heart: "Why are you pretending!"

"You are pretending to be calm now, but I will see how embarrassed you are later!"

The cloud flying knife is approaching and will fall on Ye Xinghe in the next moment.

But then, the smile on the face of the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land froze.

He shouted in shock: "What's going on, where are the people?"

It turned out that just when the flying knife in the clouds was about to land on Ye Xinghe's body.

Ye Xinghe disappeared out of thin air!

The Lord of Qingyang Holy Land is very sure that he is missing!

He didn't use any method to become invisible, he just disappeared into this space out of thin air!

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