Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2863: The Nameless Broken Sword Evolves Again

Chapter 2863 The Nameless Broken Sword evolves again!

Among these three bloodlines, they are divided into grades one to nine.

The blood of all things in the world comes from the time when chaos was first born, and the banquet is passed down.

When Chaos was first born, there were countless ancient legends, standing proudly in the world.

Almost all bloodlines are derived from them.

According to the rules of blood, ordinary blood below the fifth level is barely acceptable.

It is equivalent to saying that when people live in this world, they need to eat whole grains.

But how delicious you want it to be, that’s hard to say.

It can only be regarded as satisfying one's hunger.

For those with ordinary bloodlines of level five and above, it is a treasured delicacy.

Then you can eat as much as you want and have a feast.

And if it is a rare bloodline, it is a rare tonic for it.

That is an extremely precious thing.

Either save it and enjoy it slowly, or only eat it when there is an important event.

As for the bloodline of gods and demons, it only exists in legends.

I have never seen it, let alone devoured it.

The previous life inherited by this Blood God was its previous owner, the powerful Blood God.

After traveling across the Lingtian world for many years, I have only seen one bloodline of gods and demons.

When he wanted to devour it, he was beaten so badly that he almost lost his life.

I will never dare to think about this idea again.

As for the bloodline of the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land, it has already reached the ordinary sixth level.

Logically speaking, it's pretty good.

But the problem is that he wanted to defeat the Qinglian Sword Immortal back then.

However, some special techniques were used to stimulate the blood vessels.

Although he didn't go crazy and his strength was greatly improved, his bloodline was damaged.

The quality of bloodline is mixed.

I simply don’t care about this Blood God inheritance.

Half an hour later, Ye Xinghe walked out.

At this time, he already had one more rule.

In the dantian, inside the heaven-swallowing divine cauldron.

The rules of the cloud are slowly rising and falling.

The rules of this cloud are quite powerful.

Ye Xinghe had also seen its various magical uses in the hands of the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land before.

Therefore, he does not want the rules of the cloud to be used as fuel.

Instead, he is preparing to refine it and make it one of his own rules.

Ye Xinghe did so carefully.

He discovered that he had the rules of time, the rules of ice, and the rule that one hit must hit.

Combined with the nameless broken sword.

Of course it can produce a very powerful killing move.

But he lacks some conventional offensive methods.

For example, if the opponent's strength is slightly inferior to yourself, or close to it.

So, there is actually no need to use this set of killing moves.

This set of killing moves is extremely powerful.

However, the consumption is also extremely huge and the side effects are very obvious.

After a set of combos was played, almost all of Ye Xinghe's rules could not be used within one day and night.

Almost half of his trump cards will be consumed.

Therefore, he plans to refine the rules of the cloud and use them as his regular offensive method.

Moreover, Ye Xinghe believed it.

The rules of the cloud can be played out in the hands of the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land.

If you cooperate with your own ice rules and time rules.

It will definitely be able to exert greater power!

Of course, now he has no rules to use as fuel.

The previous rule of thunder has been burned away.

However, Ye Xinghe did not panic. He turned his gaze to his right hand and flicked his fingers slightly.

Suddenly, a sword box appeared in the air.

It is the Cangshan Sword.

The Cangshan Sword was originally the property of the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land.

Now, nature belongs to Ye Xinghe.

Above the Cangshan Sword, there was suddenly a strong hostility and murderous intention.

A stream of blood quietly fainted out from the sword box and headed straight towards Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe looked at Cangshan Sword and said calmly: "I know you already have a sword spirit. Teng Haoyang has no talent or virtue and is not worthy of being your master."

"From now on, if you are under my control and you surrender to me, I will not only be able to spare you, but the benefits in the future will be limitless and I can give you a great improvement!"

But the Cangshan Sword was still buzzing at this moment, and its blood was even thicker.

But it didn't break out of the box.

Ye Xinghe was no longer patient. He curled his lips and sneered: "I surrender but I don't want to, I want to fight but I don't dare. What's the use of keeping you?"

The next moment, the nameless broken sword was driven forward by him and slashed forward.

There was a 'boom'.

It was chopped on the sword box in Cangshan Mountain.

With just one strike of the sword, the sword box shattered, revealing the body of the Cangshan Sword inside.

Cangshan Sword was obviously angered at this moment, and he also moved forward to kill.

Colliding with the nameless broken sword.

There is only one rule for the Wuming Broken Sword, and that is the rule that one hit must hit.

But this hit-hit rule is not integrated with it.

The Cangshan Sword's sure-kill rule when unsheathed is completely integrated with its sword body.

What's more, the Wuming Broken Sword had just recovered not long ago.

Cangshan Sword has been cultivated by the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land for hundreds of years.

I don’t know how many benefits and treasures I have absorbed.

Therefore, after the two fought hard together.

The nameless broken sword was actually knocked back.

But Wuming Broken Sword's temperament was just like Ye Xinghe's, but he didn't give in at all.

Still moving forward again, fighting hard.

Ye Xinghe sneered.

Previously, Cangshan Sword, even with the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land, could not defeat him.

What's more, now there is no owner.

What he has to face is not just the Nameless Broken Sword, but also himself!

The next moment, Ye Xinghe also took action directly, moving forward and shooting with his right hand.

The rules of ice cover it.

In an instant, it was briefly trapped and covered with a thin layer of blue ice.

The nameless broken sword fell down again.

This time, due to being temporarily covered by the rules of ice, it was suppressed a lot.

The sword body was also penetrated by the power of ice and became much brittle and hard.

Therefore, after the nameless broken sword fell with one blow this time.

Directly penetrate the power of rules on its surface.

There was even a gap left on the body of the Cangshan Sword.

On the Cangshan Sword, a furious aura surged out, and he started to kill fiercely again.

And Ye Xinghe once again poured out the rules of ice, leaving a wound on his body again.

Seeing this situation, Cangshan Jian knew that he was no match.

It turned around and ran away, trying to leave.

Ye Xinghe sneered: "Did I let you leave? You just want to leave!"

The nameless broken sword followed and struck down hard with one strike.

The speed of Wuming Broken Sword is faster than Cangshan Sword.

Therefore, Cangshan Sword couldn't escape even if he wanted to, and was quickly entangled.

After dozens more blows, the Cangshan Sword was already scarred and its aura had become much weaker.

Stopped there, not daring to move again for a while.

What the Wuming Broken Sword showed at this moment was also quite vulgar.

It didn't feel at all that there was anything wrong with relying on Ye Xinghe's strength to defeat Cangshan Sword.

On the contrary, it also spun around in the air very proudly, as if to show off.

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