Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2869 Who is it?

Chapter 2869 Who is it?

The two of them are clearly related.

It turned out that Wang Yao was the captain of the temple guard of Yuehua Holy Land.

He was previously sent by Yuehua Holy Land to Lieyang Imperial City to handle matters.

There he met Zhou Hongyu.

He knew that Zhou Hongyu was quite powerful, especially because there was a great figure behind him.

Therefore, despite his deliberate flattery, the relationship between the two was okay.

Now, seeing that he can serve Zhou Hongyu, he has the opportunity to get close to him.

Then why not hurry up and perform hard.

Then, Wang Yaowei turned his head and said coldly: "Why don't you take it down quickly? Why are you standing there in a daze?"

These Temple Guard disciples immediately rushed over.

Ye Xinghe shook his head slightly, with a cold look in his eyes.

He can certainly see it now.

Wang Yaowei and Zhou Hongyu probably knew each other and were colluding with each other.

Just to make things difficult for myself.

Although, Ye Xinghe has a very good relationship with Yuehua Holy Land.

But this does not mean that he can tolerate the offense of Wang Yaowei and others!

The power of rules quietly surged in Ye Xinghe's body, and he was already ready to take action.

When the battle is about to break out.

Suddenly, a sound of piercing the sky suddenly sounded from the Moonlight Holy Land.

Then, several flying boats flew out quickly, and a burst of ritual music sounded from them.

Then, a dozen figures appeared and walked towards this side.

This posture is clearly used to welcome distinguished guests.

Someone with sharp eyes recognized that the people from the Moonlight Holy Land who appeared in front were Zhao Cheng.

He is also a high-ranking elder in Yuehua Holy Land, second only to a few top beings.

"This person actually went out. The standards of Yuehua Holy Land are extremely high. From the looks of it, are you going to welcome some distinguished guests?"

Someone look around.

"Could it be that someone special is here?"

"Yeah, who is so arrogant that he can let the people from Yuehua Holy Land come out to greet him in person?"

The person next to him smiled and said: "Who else could it be? It must be Zhou Hongyu. Besides this distinguished guest from Lieyang Imperial City, who else could be worthy of such treatment?"


Everyone nodded.

Zhou Hongyu was ecstatic in his heart and said to himself: "Sure enough, Yuehua Holy Land dare not deny that existence face!"

However, although he was happy in his heart, there was still a hint of reserve on his face.

"Yuehua Holy Land is quite discerning and knows that I have a special status."

He ordered the man dressed as a butler next to him: "However, I don't like to make a big show of things. Tell them not to make such a big show of things next time."

The green-robed butler responded with a smile and complimented, "Sir, no one will be afraid of your reputation!"

"These untouchables in the wild world are trying to curry favor with you before it's too late. How dare they neglect you!"

Zhou Hongyu laughed, his face even more proud.

He glanced at Ye Xinghe and sneered: "I'll deal with you later, a pariah, so that you know what means are!"

Wang Yao also looked happy when he saw Zhao Cheng arriving.

Zhao Cheng is his master.

Thinking that Zhao Cheng is responsible for receiving Zhou Hongyu, he can get closer to Zhou Hongyu better.

He suddenly thought of something and quickly urged the Temple Guard disciples.

"Hurry up and catch this eyesore first. Don't let Master see it, so as not to annoy the old man!"

At this time, Zhao Cheng's eyes swept across the crowd and settled on one person's face.

He suddenly showed a hint of joy.

He led a group of powerful men from the Moonlight Holy Land and quickly approached.

Zhou Hongyu saw him coming in his direction.

With a reserved smile on his face, he straightened his clothes.

Just prepare to exchange a few words with him.

Then, his face was filled with astonishment.

It turned out that Zhao Cheng walked directly in front of him.

But he didn't pay any attention to him at all and just ignored him.

He crossed over to Ye Xinghe with a smile on his face.

Zhao Cheng smiled and said: "Master Ye, you are finally here. We are looking forward to your return every day!"

"Master Headmaster, they have important things to do before. They have just finished and are on their way here. I will pick you up first!"

Seeing this scene, everyone's jaw dropped.

"What, what's going on?"

"The distinguished guest welcomed by Yuehua Holy Land is actually him!"

"Who is this person? Why haven't I heard of him?"

"Seeing how polite Zhao Cheng is to him, does this person have an extraordinary background?"

The people of Yuehua Holy Land looked down upon Zhou Hongyu, an honored guest from Lieyang Imperial City.

But he was so polite to Ye Xinghe, how could it be possible?

While everyone was shocked, many people were thinking hard.

Recalling the name Ye Xinghe, where had I heard it before?

Zhou Hongyu opened his mouth, extremely embarrassed.

I thought it was to greet me.

As a result, I was completely ignored.

They actually greeted this kid.

"Who is this kid?"

Zhou Hongyu stared at Ye Xinghe fiercely, with jealousy and hatred in his eyes.

At the same time, a bit of worry arose.

"Where does this kid come from?"

Ye Xinghe glanced at Zhao Cheng and felt a little impressed, as if he had met him several times before.

He said lightly: "I'm here, but I don't think your Moonlight Holy Land welcomes me very much!"

Zhao Cheng was stunned for a moment.

"how do I say this?"

Suddenly, he frowned.

Only then did he notice that Ye Xinghe was surrounded by many Temple Guard disciples.

Looking at it like this, these Temple Guard disciples actually want to attack him!

His face suddenly darkened, and he said coldly: "What's going on?"

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "I'll ask you people from Yuehua Holy Land about this."

At this time, Wang Yaowei also keenly discovered that something seemed to be wrong.

He was speechless.

Zhao Cheng looked at Ye Xinghe and said apologetically: "Master Ye, please take me with you. Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation!"

After that, he waved his hand.

Then he directly suppressed the temple guard disciples until they all knelt on the ground, trembling.

"Tell me what's going on!"

A temple guard disciple was frightened and quickly told the story of the incident.

After listening, Zhao Cheng's face was so gloomy that he could almost shed water.

He came to Wang Yaowei and said slowly: "Is everything he said true?"

Wang Yaowei still wanted to make a few excuses.

There was a crisp sound of ‘pop’.

Zhao Cheng slapped Wang Yaowei hard on the face.

He roared in a low voice: "How dare you neglect Young Master Ye like this, you are blind, don't you want to die!"

Wang Yaowei covered his face and looked at his master blankly.

There was a look of disbelief on his face, and his voice became dull.

"Master, this."

"What is this!"

Another slap across his face.

"Why don't you hurry up and apologize to Mr. Ye!"

"If you make Young Master Ye angry and the master in charge blames you, even if you are a teacher, I won't be able to protect you!"

After saying these four words "Master Headmaster".

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