Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2873 Evolution Completed

Chapter 2873 Evolution completed!

Not long after Ye Xinghe entered the mission world, Wang Feng also entered his own mission world.

He has obviously gained a lot from the mission world.

When he first came out, there was a glimmer of ambition in his eyes.

There was even a bit of ferocity in the look he looked at Ye Xinghe.

When his eyes fell on Ye Xinghe, his face was filled with astonishment.

He said in surprise: "You, your cultivation level has actually reached..."

He felt that Ye Xinghe was completely different from what he had seen before!

Unfathomable, like a bottomless abyss.

But it gave him a feeling of extreme danger.

Ye Xinghe nodded, shaking his fingers, and the power of several rules changed.

Wang Feng was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lowered slightly and hid them again.

It turned into a touch of dejection and depression.

The world of his mission this time was magnificent.

He stayed there for a long time, and his cultivation level also improved a lot.

He also received two great opportunities.

I originally thought that after my cultivation level increased greatly, I would come out and return to the Xuanhuang World.

It is impossible to say that there is a chance to get rid of Ye Xinghe's control.

Even counter-kill them.

But what he never expected was that Ye Xinghe's cultivation improved even more!

He felt that Ye Xinghe's cultivation at this time was as deep as the abyss.

It’s no worse than the Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses I’ve seen!

A voice inside him howled loudly.

"How is this possible, how is this possible!"

Whether he admits it or not, the fact is before him.

Ye Xinghe's strength is that he grows very fast.

Moreover, it is enough to defeat him now.

This immediately stopped Wang Feng from having any strange thoughts.

Sit there honestly.

Ye Xinghe naturally didn't know.

In just one or two moments, Wang Feng had so many thoughts running through his mind.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

He had always known that Wang Feng was ambitious and heroic, and would not be easily surrendered.

As long as he gains power, if he doesn't pay attention, he will definitely bite back.

But Ye Xinghe has this confidence and can suppress him!

Then, Wang Feng talked about the situation in his mission world.

Not long after Ye Xinghe entered the mission world, Wang Feng also entered a mission world.

However, for him, entering the world of missions was easy.

His task is extremely difficult.

But he was good at hiding and saved many dangers along the way.

So it passed smoothly.

"However, I encountered a strange thing this time."

Wang Feng frowned and said.

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows.

"What's weird?"

Wang Feng recalled it.

"This time, I encountered an opponent whose swordsmanship was very similar to yours."

"It's similar to me, are you sure?"

Wang Feng nodded.

"I remember it very clearly. His swordsmanship and your Black Lotus of Nirvana gave me exactly the same feeling."

"Moreover, he has entered the Nascent Soul Realm, and the Black Lotus of Annihilation has also been fused with the power of rules. Its power is terrifying!"

Ye Xinghe frowned.

He thought to himself: "Could it be the inheritance left by Qinglian Sword Immortal elsewhere?"

After asking carefully about the situation in this world.

Ye Xinghe understood clearly.

Then he ordered: "Since you have come out of the mission world, you should set off for Lieyang Imperial City now. I have a few things for you to do."

After that, he gave some instructions.

Wang Feng nodded and left without any nonsense.

He behaved extremely obediently and seemed to be nothing unusual.

Wang Feng had just left, and Ye Xinghe was preparing to practice for a while.

But I heard a voice coming from outside the door: "Is Senior Brother Ye here?"

The voice was quite familiar.

Ye Xinghe laughed.

"come in!"

The voice seemed much more intimate.

The person who came in was none other than Zhang Chenzheng.

After seeing Ye Xinghe, Zhang Chenzheng burst into tears and almost cried.

"Brother, I'm so glad you came back alive and safe!"

On that day, Ye Xinghe did not allow Zhang Chenzheng to participate in the Blood God Conference.

His almost semi-forcing gesture made Zhang Chenzheng return early.

Because he knew very well how huge the dangers were in the Blood God Conference.

With Zhang Chenzheng's strength, there was no way he could survive this bloody battle.

After Zhang Chenzheng returned, he was anxiously waiting for news about Ye Xinghe.

At this time, he was naturally extremely happy to finally see Ye Xinghe.

The two chatted for a while, and he heard Ye Xinghe talk about the tragic final scene of the Blood God Conference.

Less than one out of ten survived.

I couldn't help but secretly dumbfounded.

I couldn't help but feel lucky that I had listened to Ye Xinghe a long time ago and came back early.

Otherwise, in that case, he would definitely die.

Zhang Chenzheng asked: "Brother, is this trial mission so dangerous every time? It's too scary!"

Ye Xinghe laughed and shook his head: "How is that possible!"

He pointed in the direction of the sky and said: "The purpose of that person's existence is to train the most powerful monk, and he is not going to let us suddenly consume our lives."

"This time it became so dangerous because of some special reasons."

Ye Xinghe later reviewed and concluded.

There are roughly three reasons why the difficulty was so increased this time and the casualties were heavy.

First, it is because of the series of tasks that he has done, which increases the difficulty of the overall task.

But this is only a relatively small reason.

Because Ye Xinghe had already solved this problem later and would not make it more difficult for others.

But the other two major reasons made the difficulty of this mission skyrocket.

The strange thing lies in Qian Renxiao and Princess Pingliang.

Qian Renxiao obviously shouldn't enter a mission world of this difficulty.

But in order to seize the blood god's inheritance, he forced his way in, which made the difficulty increase crazily.

And the subsequent awakening of Princess Pingliang.

So much so that it can almost influence the master of Taixu and make it modify its mission.

It even created a disaster.

Seven days later, Ye Xinghe was practicing when he suddenly felt something in his heart.

He strode out of the room and came to the courtyard.

He stretched out his right hand, and in an instant, a ray of light flashed through.

The nameless broken sword appeared in his hand.

Ye Xinghe just realized that the Nameless Broken Sword had completely swallowed up the Cangshan Sword.

At this point, can't wait to see what it looks like.

On the first day of the new year, Ye Xinghe immediately felt the difference.

Before, the nameless broken sword was bare, looked tattered, and had no scabbard.

Ye Xinghe casually matched him with a scabbard.

It's useless anyway.

But now, a scabbard naturally appeared on this nameless broken sword.

The entire scabbard is as bright as jade and as pale as stone.

It has the texture of stone and a warm texture like jade.

No matter how I look at it, I feel that this scabbard is very similar to the original Cangshan Sword.

Ye Xinghe's mind moved slightly and he wanted to pull out the sword.

But it felt like it was a little difficult.

When the thought of pulling out the sword came to his mind.

On the scabbard and the sword body, there was actually the power of rules surging at the same time.

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