Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2877 Not selling

Chapter 2877 Not selling!

Because, in her opinion, Ye Xinghe has the lowest cultivation level and is still at the Martial God realm.

Moreover, the clothes he wore were very simple, so he was probably not wealthy.

Relatively speaking, he is the soft persimmon that is easiest to pinch.

That's why she walked up to Ye Xinghe and offered to buy his seat.

There was a somewhat reserved and proud smile on her face.

Before Ye Xinghe could speak, he said again: "Master, how about ten pieces of Fierce Yang Jade, so I can take your seat instead?"

In her opinion, this untouchable with average cultivation would definitely accept the price she quoted happily.

After all, the price is quite expensive.

She had even thought about what would happen next.

The person in front of me would stand up and give up his seat.

Even, I will thank myself again and again.

A scene that shocked him happened.

Ye Xinghe didn't even look at her, he just said two words in a calm voice.

"Not for sale."

"What, not selling?"

"Listen clearly, these are ten pieces of Fierce Yang Jade, enough for you to earn for a lifetime!"

The tall woman's expression suddenly changed, and her voice became sharper.

The young man in rich clothes gently tugged on her sleeves, gesturing for her to lower her voice.

The tall woman also realized something was wrong.

Many people in this cabin are of high status, and I can't afford to disturb them.

There was a sneer in her heart.

"This pariah has quite a big appetite!"

"Don't you just want money? OK, I'll give it to you!"

The smile on her face became reserved and arrogant again.

"It seems that the young master thinks the price is too low, so how about doubling it and twenty pieces of Fierce Yang Jade?"

Many people around looked over.

Twenty pieces of Fierce Yang Jade are equivalent to twenty million Xuanhuang coins.

It's already a pretty high price.

Many people also felt slightly moved in their hearts.

The tall woman sneered and thought to herself: "Twenty pieces of Fierce Yang Jade, let me see how you can refuse!"

She didn't believe that Ye Xinghe would refuse this price.

But Ye Xinghe still didn't raise his head, seeming to be completely uninterested in her.

I'm not interested in her price either.

Still two words.

"Not for sale."

The tall slender woman became anxious and said sharply: "What do you mean, you are shameless, right?"

Her face turned red.

In front of so many people, I was rejected twice and lost face.

The power of rules in his body was brewing, and he wanted to take action against Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe raised his head at this time and looked at her calmly.

I don't know why, when I came into contact with this look.

The tall woman's heart was severely shaken, and she felt an unspeakable fear.

The young man in front of him had eyes as calm as water.

But there seemed to be burning flames inside, and endless waves were surging.

She was so frightened that she took a step back and screamed.

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly.

If this person keeps pestering her like this again, he doesn't mind teaching her a lesson.

At this time, the young man in rich clothes next to the tall woman grabbed her.

He whispered: "I don't know who he is, so don't act rashly!"

He glared at Ye Xinghe fiercely and pulled the tall woman away.

The tall slender woman came back to her senses at this time, feeling unwilling to do so.

She gritted her teeth and said: "Cousin, didn't you see that I was humiliated by him just now? Let's just forget it?"

The young man in rich clothes laughed softly and said: "Don't worry, after I know his details, I will definitely vent my anger on you, so please bear with me for a while!"

The two left, and Zhou Xiaolin beside him laughed and said: "Zhao Qinglan is famous for being unruly in Lieyang Imperial City. Haha, when I met my eldest brother today, it was like kicking a brick wall!"

"It's so refreshing to see her so embarrassed!"

Ye Xinghe is not interested in who Zhao Qinglan is.

He didn't take them seriously at all.

This time, Ye Xinghe went to Lieyang Imperial City, and the journey was difficult.

He knew who he was dealing with.

Compared with that terrifying behemoth, these dudes are nothing more than ants, not worth mentioning at all.

Zhou Xiaolin was talking to himself beside him.

It turns out that the many forces in Lieyang Imperial City are divided into three levels.

The first level is the super power.

The second level is the first-rate forces.

The third level is the second-rate forces.

Other than that, they are all unpopular and not worth mentioning at all.

There are only a few superpowers, very few of them, occupying the top of the entire Lieyang Dynasty.

Among them, including the royal family of Lieyang Dynasty.

As for the first-class forces, there are about ten.

This Zhao Qinglan was born into the Zhao family among the first-class forces!

And the young man in gorgeous clothes next to him, Ouyang Yi, was also born into another first-rate family, the Ouyang family!

After leaving the cabin, Ouyang Yi came to the deck and quietly called a steward in blue.

"Guanshi Wang, who is that person?"

Steward Wang took a look inside, and then called several stewards in white to ask a few questions.

He understood in his heart, and came back and said to Ouyang Yi: "This person's name is Ye Xinghe, and he boarded the ship at Yuehua Holy Land."

"Moonlight Holy Land?"

Ouyang Yi raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise: "Is he an important figure in Yuehua Holy Land?"

Manager Wang shook his head and said, "He's not an important person. He's just an ordinary guest. He seems to have a good relationship with Yuehua Holy Land."

"It turns out that it was just relying on the relationship with Yuehua Holy Land."

Ouyang Yi sneered: "Then I know!"

He and Zhao Qinglan looked at each other and immediately felt relieved.

"It turns out that Ye Xinghe just got in through the Moonlight Holy Land. His own strength is poor and he has no background, so there is no need to worry at all!"

Zhao Qinglan complained a little: "Cousin, you were holding me back just now, I think you should have dealt with him just now!"

Ouyang Yi smiled and said: "After all, this is a ship in Tianji Pavilion. You must give the master some face."

He looked at Manager Wang and smiled: "Manager Wang, you will have to take action later!"

"If what we do is said to be not giving Tianji Pavilion face, that would be bad!"

Manager Wang is the person in charge of Tianji Pavilion on this big ship, and his status is not low.

But compared with the children of these first-class powerful families, they are still far behind.

He also wanted to get acquainted with Ouyang Yi and others.

He immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Ouyang, I know what to do!"

"Don't worry, asking him to give up his seat is just a matter of my words!"

Then, a group of people entered the cabin and came to Ye Xinghe.

Ouyang Yi winked, and Manager Wang immediately stepped forward.

With a faint smile on his face, he said to Ye Xinghe: "Master, please give up your seat to Miss Zhao. Miss Zhao will definitely give you a satisfactory price!"

Although the tone was a discussion, the content of the words was very decisive.

There was no room for Ye Xinghe to refuse.

Ye Xinghe slowly frowned, a hint of impatience revealed in his eyes.

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