Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2880 The terrifying existence deep in the clouds, mountains and foggy sea

Chapter 2880 The terrifying existence deep in the cloud mountains and foggy sea!

Ye Xinghe exclaimed in shock: "Is this fog beast so powerful?"

Wei Tianzhao nodded: "Not only is it powerful, but it is also very weird and difficult to deal with!"

After a while, seven or eight fog beasts appeared around again.

The shapes are different.

Some are as weird as long snakes, while others are just like a big net.

Some are floating like balls.

The attack method is also extremely weird.

But they were all shattered and resolved one by one by this black-armored metal giant.

Wait until you fly out of this area and there is no more fog beast in front of you.

The black-armored metal giant suddenly changed and transformed into the form of a flying boat again.

Ye Xinghe couldn't help but sigh: "This Tianji Pavilion's weapon-making technique is really amazing!"

The entire ship is like a humanoid armor.

Transform into so many forms.

Easily defeat the attacks from the clouds, mountains and fog.

And the most important thing is that the humanoid armor transformed by this big ship is extremely powerful!

Ye Xinghe felt that the fighting power it had exploded in an instant was not inferior to Qian Renxiao in the slightest!

Wei Tianzhao showed a look of reserve and pride on his face.

He smiled and said: "This Vajra Spaceship is one of the five largest spaceships in our Tianji Pavilion!"

"It's just that the clouds, mountains and fog are extremely dangerous. Our Tianji Pavilion's flying boat, even though it is a divine weapon, only dares to travel around the periphery and does not dare to penetrate into its true core."

"Is this just a peripheral attack?"

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly and suddenly asked: "What level does the powerful fog beast just now count in the cloud mountain and fog sea?"

Wei Tianzhao laughed.

"Powerful is only relative to us. In fact, the fog beast just now in the clouds, mountains and fog seas can only be regarded as ordinary, not even worth mentioning!"

These words hit Ye Xinghe's heart hard.

The fog beast just now gave him a feeling of extreme danger.

He felt that if he fought alone, he would not be an opponent at all.

And a fog beast of this level would not even be able to stand out in the foggy sea of ​​clouds and mountains.

The clouds, mountains, and fog are so dangerous!

Wei Tianzhao was also a little surprised and said: "We have sailed in the Yunshan Fog Sea many times, and we only encountered one or two fog beasts each time. How come we encountered so many this time?"

"They all seem to be coming one after another. It's a bit weird. We need to get out of here quickly!"

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly.

He felt that this matter might have something to do with him!

The flying boat speeds away from this place.

But at this moment, deep in the clouds, mountains and foggy sea, a pair of eyes suddenly opened.

Or to be precise, this is not a pair of eyes, but a whole row of eyes!

Like the compound eyes of a giant centipede, dozens of rays of light lit up.

Each eye is a faint blue.

There was a yellow, upright pupil in it, which was full of coldness and emotionless.

When he opened his eyes, there was a look of surprise inside.

There was a sound in the air, a strange murmur that seemed inhuman and inhuman.

"I'm very familiar with that breath just now, that's..."

In an instant, a ray of light shot out from among his dozens of eyes.

Some of the rays of light are blue in color and go straight towards the sky.

Some rays of light are blue all over and radiate around.

Some of the light is white and yellow, radiating directly toward the bottom of the vast sky.

In the blink of an eye, these dozens of rays of light illuminated the clouds, mountains and sea of ​​mist.

The light is not a real thing, and it cannot be seen by ordinary people, including ordinary practitioners.

But in the foggy sea of ​​Yunshan, in the eyes of those powerful fog beasts.

This light is extremely conspicuous.

Then, as his eyes widened, a silent roar came out.

The sound rolled and spread throughout the clouds, mountains and foggy seas.

People like Ye Xinghe and others who were traveling among the sea of ​​clouds couldn't hear it at all.

Oblivious to the sound.

But countless powerful fog beasts heard it.

So the next moment, the clouds, mountains and sea of ​​mist surged.

At this moment, Ye Xinghe and Wei Tianzhao were standing on the deck.

Seeing the thick gray-black fog in front of me, it suddenly swept madly.

It was like a giant tornado blowing up.

There seemed to be countless figures moving through it.

Ye Xinghe said in surprise: "What happened?"

Wei Tianzhao frowned and was also at a loss.

Just keenly aware of the danger.

The two returned to the cabin.

In just a moment, countless powerful fog beasts appeared in the deepest part of the Yunshan Mist Sea.

These extremely powerful and ferocious fog beasts gather here.

In an instant, chaotic and violent emotions filled the place, enough to drive people crazy.

But they are all quiet, waiting for the call of the most terrifying existence.

Follow the orders given by the terrifying existence.

These fog beasts reported forward in turn.

After a while, this fearful being understood everything that happened in the clouds, mountains and foggy sea.

The report from one of the fog beasts caught its attention.

This powerful fog beast said that a human flying boat came into its territory.

There is a person's aura on it, which is very attractive to it.

Make it feel so sweet and inviting that you want to devour it.

After dispersing many fog beasts, the low murmur of the terrifying existence sounded again.

"That's it, it's him!"

"Could it be that he is actually related to that existence?"

Whenever I mention that existence, its voice can't help but shudder!

It is unimaginable that this terrifying existence in the deepest part of the Yunshan Mist Sea can command countless mist beasts.

He actually showed an emotion called fear!

The rest of the trip went smoothly.

A few days later, when the flying boat left the clouds and mountains and foggy sea, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, a large number of cities and villages appeared on the land.

The crowds began to become denser.

The number of flying boats is also much greater than before.

The further you go, the more obvious this prosperity becomes.

Even the flying boats in the sky are almost crowded.

This place is indeed much more prosperous than the wild world.

Two days later, Ye Xinghe was practicing with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from the deck outside.

He stood up slowly.

"The Lieyang Imperial City has arrived!"

Everyone stood up excitedly and looked at the splendid and huge city in front of them.

The entire Lieyang Imperial City is a floating city.

But it is built on a huge disk with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

This huge disk seems to be made of metal.

The whole body is filled with a stunning color, emitting thousands of rays of light, as bright as the blazing sun.

The city is lined with row upon row and has countless pavilions, built on top of this huge golden-red sun.

Perhaps, this is the origin of the name Lieyang Imperial City.

The flying boat sped upwards.

In front of everyone, this huge city emitting golden red light was like a second sun.

Soon, Feizhou entered the area of ​​Lieyang Imperial City.

Ye Xinghe could only see it when he got closer.

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