Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2897 Let me see

Chapter 2897 Let me see!

At this time, the robe was stained with blood, and his face was pale as a sheet.

His breathing was vague and he seemed extremely weak.

And walking at the front was a majestic old man.

He strode in with an angry look on his face.

Several people placed the stretcher on the ground, and the majestic old man slammed the table.

He shouted coldly: "Du Yuanzhi, you tell me what I will do to you!"

At this time, Du Yuan's family were all shocked and walked out quickly.

Their attitude towards this majestic old man was quite flattering.

Especially Du Yao and Ning Qingru.

He was so frightened that the people nearby did not dare to breathe.

The arrogant and aggressive temper he had in front of Ye Xinghe just now was gone.

Obviously, they were all very afraid of this majestic old man.

Du Yuanzhi felt bitter in his heart, feeling that he had been greatly humiliated by the young master.

How could my ancestors be so beautiful back then and end up like me now?

But a smile appeared on his face, he nodded and bowed: "Master Lu, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong? You still have the nerve to ask me what's wrong?"

Mr. Lu frowned, anger rising in his eyes.

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and he said: "Let me tell you, I am the third generation of the Lu family. He is my only descendant and the only descendant of Qingfeng Hall. If there is anything wrong with him, I will make your whole family pay for it!"

As he spoke, a white jade bottle appeared in his hand and he slapped it hard on the table.

He sneered: "Did you refine this ninth-grade elixir?"

Du Yuanzhi took it over, opened it, took a look, and smelled it.

He nodded and said, "Yes, this ninth-grade pulse-opening pill was indeed refined by me. What's wrong?"

"I remember that Mr. Lu just got this from here yesterday."

"That's right!"

Master Lu sneered.

"After I went back and took your ninth-grade pulse-opening pill yesterday, my son's cultivation became unstable."

"One night passed, and today, my pulse condition suddenly became disordered, my meridians collapsed, my blood flowed backwards, I was vomiting blood, and I looked like I was going to die!"

He stared at Du Yuanzhi and roared ferociously: "If you don't give me an explanation today, I will wipe out all nine of your clans and bury them with my son!"

Du Yuanzhi was shocked and quickly stepped forward to check.

He said in his mouth: "It shouldn't be, Mr. Lu. I checked Mr. Lu when he came yesterday. He has venous congestion. Taking the Tongmai Pill is the most suitable. How could there be a problem?"

Master Lu sneered: "Is it possible that you are saying that I, Master Lu, want to blackmail you?"

"Three years ago, your family was in trouble, so you sold this house and the shop in front to me."

"I see that you have nowhere to live, and I let you live here and open a shop. Have I treated you badly in the past three years?"

Du Yuanzhi smiled apologetically and said, "Master Lu, I am always grateful for your kindness!"

It turns out that this person's name is Lu Yunfeng, and he is the master of Qingfeng Hall.

This Qingfeng Hall is considered a quite powerful force in the city.

And their main foundation is in this area.

In this piece, Qingfengtang is more feared than the royal family of Lieyang Dynasty.

They are the overlords here.

The common people, merchants, major families, and even some court officials who live here have to be wary of them.

Quite literally.

Here, whoever Qingfengtang allows will be born.

Whoever you let die will die!

How could Jishi Daoguan afford to offend such a force?

Lu Yunfeng stared at Du Yuanzhi and said in a deep voice, "Can we cure him?"

The previous behavior was actually more to scare Du Yuanzhi.

I don't really want to kill them.

After all, his son's life is the most important to him.

Being able to save his son is the first priority.

What's the point of wanting the lives of Du Yuanzhi and others?

Although, the business of Du Yuanzhi's Jishi Gym was deteriorating.

But in fact, Lu Yunfeng knew.

Du Yuanzhi's family has a long history, and his ancestors once produced extremely powerful magicians.

Therefore, he still has a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Du Yuanzhi's face was solemn and he knelt on the ground.

Observe Lu Shiyuan's pulse carefully.

Then, he rolled up his sleeves and took a look at the bulging meridians.

Then, he checked his pupils, tongue, etc. very carefully.

But after a long while, he sighed, his face full of defeat.

He seemed to have aged a lot in an instant.

He said in a trembling voice: "Master Lu, I'm sorry, I can't save him!"

"Can't be saved?"

"You said you can't be saved"

Lu Yunfeng muttered a few words softly, feeling lost.

The next moment, murderous intent was revealed.

"Then I'll kill you!"

Du Yuanzhi's face was filled with sadness.

"Master Lu, it's my fault. You killed me to avenge Mr. Lu. I didn't even blink an eye. But please spare my wife and daughter. This matter has nothing to do with them!"

"Spare them, who spares me?"

Lu Yunfeng was completely going crazy. He laughed wildly and said, "Your whole family will die. No one can escape!"

Du Yao's face was full of fear and she backed away repeatedly.

Ning Qingru sat down on the ground and cried heartbreakingly.

While crying, he slapped Du Yuanzhi hard and insulted him repeatedly.

"You are a murderer of thousands of swords. It's all because of your poor academic skills that you put Master Lu's son to death, causing our whole family to lose their lives!"

"Why don't you die, you old dog who can kill a thousand swords!"

She was completely panicked.

Lu Yunfeng gritted his teeth and stopped talking.

With a wave of his hand, those people in black costumes rushed towards Du Yuanzhi and others.

But at this time, a voice came.

"Speak politely and don't come up and shout to be beaten or killed!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the sound and couldn't help but stop their movements.

Then he saw Ye Xinghe walking from the side.

He slowly came closer, smiled and said, "Let me see."

Ning Qingru shouted impatiently: "Don't cause trouble here, don't you think we are unlucky enough?"

Lu Yunfeng glanced at him suspiciously, but did not stop him.

Anyway, Lu Shiyuan can't be cured anymore, so let's just treat him like a dead horse.

Ye Xinghe walked up to Lu Shiyuan and lowered his head to take a closer look.

Regardless of the level of the divine pharmacist or his talent, Ye Xinghe is much stronger than Du Yuanzhi.

In an instant, something strange about Lu Shiyuan was noticed.

Lu Yunfeng frowned and said, "Who are you? Do you understand?"

When he saw Ye Xinghe staying here, he thought Ye Xinghe was Du Yuanzhi's disciple or something.

He probably learned some of Du Yuanzhi's skills.

Du Yuanzhi's face was full of worry, but he just hated himself for not having the ability.

This time not only could he not be of any help to the young master, but he was also a drag on the young master.

There was a trace of hatred in Ning Qingru's eyes.

"What are you pretending to be? You are a pariah from a wild world. What do you know?"

"Don't look at it. Mr. Lu will be even more angry. When the time comes, he will vent his anger on us. We will be the unlucky ones!"

Lu Yunfeng frowned after hearing what Ning Qingru said.

"You didn't tell me earlier, you wasted my time!"

He waved his hand.

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