Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2900 Punishment

Chapter 2900 Punishment!

"Our family has many unique recipes passed down from our ancestors!"

Yang Shuyue's eyes suddenly lit up, she had no doubt that he was there, and she really thought that Du Yuanzhi was quite capable.

She immediately said eagerly: "Then please!"

"If you can cure this stubborn disease for my grandfather, we, the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce, will be grateful forever!"

Ning Qingru was even more excited.

This is the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce. If you can catch up with him, your future will be limitless!

Du Yuanzhi stepped forward with some anxiety.

Yang Luofeng was also open-minded. He immediately closed his breath and let him see the doctor.

After a long time, Du Yuanzhi was already sweating on his forehead.

He pondered and said: "President, your old illness should have been thirty years ago. At that time, you should have gone crazy once, and you have never recovered."

Yang Luofeng nodded.

Yang Shuyue was a little disappointed.

This problem can be seen by any magician with a little bit of skill.

She asked: "What is the specific reason and what should be done?"

Du Yuanzhi observed around Yang Luofeng again.

After looking at it for about a cup of tea, my forehead was already dripping with sweat.

After a while, he sighed.

"Sorry, I, I can't do anything."

Ning Qingru was anxious at the side and said quickly: "Old man, look at this Sir, what a great opportunity!"

Du Yuanzhi shook his head.

Yang Shuyue's face darkened slightly, and she said coldly: "It turns out that it can't be cured. Could it be that it was just to entertain us before?"

Yang Luofeng was also quite unhappy.

He glanced at Ning Qingru coldly.

"If you don't have the ability, don't brag and bring hope to people, but now you say it can't be cured!"

Ning Qingru knew that she had gotten into trouble, so she shrank her head and hid behind her, not daring to look at him.

Yang Luofeng is quite restrained and doesn't want to cause trouble.

He just stood up and said calmly: "Okay, I have given up hope long ago, let's go, don't embarrass them."

Yang Shuyue was young and energetic and glared at Du Yuanzhi and others.

Helping grandpa prepare to leave.

Before, Ye Xinghe had been standing by with his arms folded, watching without leaving.

There was a hint of thoughtfulness in his eyes as he looked at Yang Luofeng carefully.

But before Yang Luofeng and the other two reached the door, a man came back covered in dust.

He is a rather thin young man who looks somewhat similar to Du Yuanzhi.

As soon as he walked in, he laughed loudly and said, "Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

Ning Qingru almost shed tears when she saw him.

Her face was full of joy and she quickly stepped forward.

"My son is back, great!"

"You'll be gone for five years. Your father and I will be worried to death!"

It turned out that this person was Du Yuanzhi's son, Du Chengyang.

He is not bad in talent and has a rich family background.

Therefore, he has reached the second-grade divine pharmacist realm very early.

In my heart, I also looked down on my father.

I feel like I have come to the end of what I can learn at home.

He left home early to pursue his career, hoping to improve his level as a magical medicine master.

The whole family is full of joy.

Du Chengyang was a little surprised when he saw the situation in the store.

"Dad, Mom, what happened?"

Ning Qingru spoke quickly and spoke quickly.

When Du Chengyang heard that this person was actually the president of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce, his eyes immediately flashed with enthusiasm.

What a benefit it would be if the president of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce was treated well!

He immediately smiled and said: "President, I am already a fourth-grade divine pharmacist. In terms of level strength, I am stronger than my father. I have also learned a lot about the inheritance in my family. Why don't you let me take a look at it for you?"

"What, he has already reached the fourth level of divine medicine master!"

Ning Qingru's face was full of joy, and she pulled his sleeves with a happy face.

"My son is really amazing!"

Du Chengyang smiled and said: "I have been practicing outside for five years. I just came back some time ago. I have already gone to the Divine Pharmacist Association to improve my level. Now I am a real fourth-grade Divine Pharmacist!"

Yang Luofeng's ancestors and grandson looked at each other and nodded slightly.

This person is not very old and has already reached the fourth level of divine medicine master.

Moreover, it has its ancestral origins and inheritance.

Maybe it can really bring some hope!

But Yang Shuyue didn't give them a good look, and said coldly: "If it doesn't go well this time, I want you to look good!"

"You should think carefully about the consequences of offending our Shenlong Chamber of Commerce!"

Du Chengyang was very ambitious and patted his chest confidently.

"rest assured!"

At this moment, a touch of enthusiasm and admiration flashed in his eyes.

He even fantasized about what would happen if he could save Yang Luofeng.

Maybe there would be a chance to get close to Yang Shuyue.

By the time.

Ning Qing walked next to him at this time and whispered what had just happened.

"Just now, this Ye Xinghe stole a lot of the limelight from your father. He also took a fancy to the son of the boss of Qingfeng Hall and got some opportunities. You can't let him compete!"

"When the time comes, our family's foundation must not fall into his hands!"

Du Chengyang laughed and patted his chest, feeling confident.

"Mom, don't worry!"

"A pariah from a barbaric world is not worthy of being compared with me. I am a powerful fourth-grade divine pharmacist!"

His voice was deliberately loud, obviously for Ye Xinghe to listen to.

The words were full of disdain.

Then, he immediately went to see the doctor confidently.

As a result, after a moment, his expression changed.

After a while, his face also turned pale.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"This symptom seems to have something to do with the power of rules."

Seeing this scene, Yang Shuyue suddenly became impatient.

She said coldly: "I still don't know, this has something to do with the power of rules!"

"Just tell me if you can watch it!"

Du Chengyang didn't dare to speak, he was no longer as arrogant as before.

Yang Luofeng sighed and no longer had any hope in this Jishi Gym.

There was a great feeling of disgust in my heart.

I feel that this Jishi Daoguan is a group of people who only know how to brag.

Du Yuanzhi suddenly thought of something.

"How about asking Mr. Ye to take a look?"

"After all, Young Master Ye was optimistic about Lu Shiyuan just now!"

"invite him?"

"What do you want him to do?"

Ning Qingru sneered: "My son is extremely talented and is a fourth-grade divine pharmacist. Can he cure a disease that he can't even cure?"

"Who is he?"

After meeting my son, I felt that I had someone to rely on.

The fear she had towards Ye Xinghe disappeared without a trace.

Moreover, now that his son comes back, he will inherit the family business.

She was even more afraid that Ye Xinghe would seduce Du Yuanzhi and cause the family property to be robbed by outsiders.

Therefore, he directly attacked him verbally.

Du Chengyang's face was filled with contempt.

"What can you tell?"

Yang Shuyue also glanced at Ye Xinghe indifferently.

She shook her head and helped Yang Luofeng stand up.

Then he left a cold sentence.

"Please stop opening the Jishi Gym. This is a small punishment for you!"

Ning Qingru and others' expressions changed drastically when they heard this, as if they were mourning for their heirs.

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