Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2905 You deserve it too

Chapter 2905 Are you worthy of coming?

There was also a strong aroma of medicine.

Ning Qingru was immediately surprised and said in a lost voice: "How come there are so many high-level pills!"

It turned out that there was a space device in the white jade box.

It was divided into thirty or forty parts.

And in each part, there was a pill.

The lowest level was also a ninth-grade spiritual pill.

Most of them were even first-grade true pills.

There were also a few second-grade true pills.

In addition, there was a pile of magic prescriptions.

Ning Qingru took a look and found that there were at least ten of them.

She immediately showed a look of surprise on her face and said in a lost voice: "There are so many pills and magic prescriptions, these things are enough to support a Taoist temple!"

"These pills alone are almost all the output of our Taoist temple in three years, not to mention these magic prescriptions!"

"With these things, the business of Jishi Taoist Temple can go to the next level!"

Ye Xinghe gave them an extremely huge fortune.

He knew that Du Yuanzhi wanted to do business selling pills.

Therefore, giving him these pills is to enhance the reputation of their Jishi Daoguan.

Giving him those magical prescriptions is that Ye Xinghe himself can no longer use them.

But for Jishi Daoguan, they should be very effective.

With these magical prescriptions, his business can be very big.

Even his magical pharmacist cultivation can be improved.

Ye Xinghe can be said to have good intentions.

These things are enough for the entire Jishi Daoguan to eat for a lifetime.

Du Chengyang was surprised: "What, so many pills and prescriptions!"

He walked up and took a closer look, then nodded and said: "These pills are all genuine good things, the price is not cheap, and each one is extremely superior, even I can't refine it!"

He looked at the magical prescriptions again.

"We won't verify the authenticity of these prescriptions for now, but they should be good."

Du Chengyang's face changed, and he said coldly: "These pills and divine prescriptions must have come from shady places. This kid is a lowly person from the wild world, and he is penniless. How could he have so many treasures!"

"He must have stolen them from somewhere. Maybe he stole the inventory of a powerful divine pharmacist to get so many things!"

Ning Qingru nodded.

"That's right, he is a poor boy, how could he get so many high-quality pills!"

Du Yao's face also changed slightly after hearing this.

"Yes, these things are probably not from shady places. If we take them, we will be found by the imperial guards in the future. Wouldn't it be a big trouble!"

Du Chengyang's eyes suddenly turned and said, "I have a good idea!"

"I will take these things to the Divine Pharmacist Association to see which divine pharmacist lost them."

"In this way, wouldn't we be able to find evidence of his theft!"

"What a good idea!"

Ning Qingru's eyes lit up.

"When the time comes, someone will naturally cause trouble for him, and he will not be able to come to my Jishi Daoguan to cause trouble again."

"We don't have to worry about our foundation being taken away by him!"

Du Chengyang smiled.

He turned around and left with the box, heading straight to the Divine Pharmacist Association.

After Ye Xinghe left Jishi Daoguan, he returned to Guanghan Inn to meet Wang Feng.

He assigned him a new task.

All previous matters were put on hold.

Ye Xinghe ordered him to find several forces that were extremely powerful and famous in the homeland of the Lieyang Dynasty 30,000 years ago.

Moreover, they had a good relationship with each other.

After hearing this, Wang Feng also frowned.

Although Ye Xinghe gave some clues.

But this is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But he agreed immediately.

"Understood, I'll do it right away."

He would not make any concessions to Ye Xinghe's orders.

After resting for three days, Ye Xinghe left the inn and left quietly.

It was already night, and the lights were on.

The main street in the core area of ​​Lieyang Imperial City was still brightly lit, as bright as day.

This place was extremely luxurious and magnificent, with hundreds of floors everywhere.

Like the legendary jade buildings.

Ye Xinghe came to an exceptionally tall and magnificent building.

He looked up, and the four characters "Shenlong Chamber of Commerce" came into view.

There was an endless stream of people.

Ye Xinghe walked up the steps.

At the gate of Shenlong Chamber of Commerce, there stood a row of managers wearing black brocade robes, and their aura was also extraordinary.

When a distinguished guest came forward, someone went up to greet him.

Through the gate, you can see that the hall inside was full of wine and food, extremely luxurious.

At this time, a luxurious carriage also stopped in front of Shenlong Chamber of Commerce.

Then, several people came down from it.

They were dressed in luxurious clothes and had extraordinary status.

When one of them saw Ye Xinghe from a distance, a strange look suddenly appeared on his face.

Mixed with hatred, fear, resentment, etc.

It turned out that this person was Shen Nanchen.

He saw Ye Xinghe and hated him.

He wanted to take revenge.

But thinking of that day, he was awakened so miserably by Ye Xinghe.

Knowing that he was definitely not his opponent in terms of strength, he couldn't help but hesitate.

The man next to him saw his expression and frowned and asked: "What's wrong with Brother Nanchen?"

Shen Nanchen pointed at Ye Xinghe and said: "It's him, the one who humiliated me in public!"

"It's him?"

The man frowned and looked at Ye Xinghe.

What happened that day has already spread throughout some small circles in Lieyang Imperial City.

Many people knew that the God of War Mansion would marry a concubine's daughter to Shen Nanchen in three months.

And the origin of everything is because of Ye Xinghe.

The name Ye Xinghe is also known to many people.

The man frowned and looked at Ye Xinghe, but felt that his aura was ordinary.

There's nothing outstanding about it either.

I couldn't help but feel at ease.

At the same time, he glanced at Shen Nanchen with a slight disdain and cursed in his heart.

"What a waste. The young master of the Xuanming Sect was punished by such a pariah who doesn't know where he came from. It's really an embarrassment to us!"

But he said with a smile: "Brother Nanchen, I will deal with him and see how I can vent your anger!"

Shen Nanchen quickly said: "Wang Feiyu, you have to be careful, this person is very powerful!"

"Besides, this is the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce, so we can't do anything lightly!"

"You also know the rules of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce."

When he mentioned the rules of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce, a look of fear appeared on his face.

And Wang Feiyu also had a stern look on his face.

Obviously, even they are the wealthy children of first-class forces.

They are also very wary of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce and the forces behind it, and dare not offend them.

Wang Feiyu smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have plenty of ways to deal with him, you don't have to do it yourself!"

As soon as Ye Xinghe arrived at the door, he suddenly heard a voice coming from behind him.

"You, a pariah from a barbaric world, deserve to join the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce!"

"Do you know where this place is?"

Then, several people came over.

From it, Ye Xinghe saw a familiar figure.

Shen Nanchen.

Shen Nanchen was facing Ye Xinghe now, full of confidence, and glared at him with hatred on his face.

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