Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2909 An unexpected gain

Chapter 2909 An unexpected gain!

Yang Luofeng intends to train her to be the next generation president.

Therefore, she also has a lot of things to do.

Being able to squeeze out this time is already very valuable.

On the fifth floor of Shenlong Chamber of Commerce, there is a spacious and expanded hall.

At this time, the seats have been arranged, enough to accommodate thousands of people.

At the door of the auction hall, Ye Xinghe was about to walk in, but was stopped by several black-armored guards.

The leader of the guards said with a stern face: "Show your VIP card. Without a VIP card, you are not allowed to enter!"

At this time, Wang Feiyu and others walked away from the side.

Seeing that Yang Shuyue was not here, their attitude suddenly became arrogant.

Wang Feiyu said with a joking smile: "Without Yang Shuyue, you are just a lost dog. You can't even enter the auction hall. It's really embarrassing!"

Shen Nanchen smiled with a hint of ridicule: "Ye Xinghe, how about we take you in?"

"As long as you kowtow and admit your mistake, apologize to us for what happened just now, and make big brother happy, big brother can bring you in too!"

Seeing this, the leading black-armored guard knew that Ye Xinghe had a normal relationship with Wang Feiyu and others.

He didn't recognize Ye Xinghe, but he did recognize Wang Feiyu.

This is the son of a wealthy family in the city.

He will naturally be biased towards Wang Feiyu.

He frowned and shouted at Ye Xinghe: "If you don't have a VIP card, you can't enter!"

"Master, please show me quickly and don't block the people behind you!"

At this time, suddenly a steward in black walked over quickly.

He came to the guards and cursed a few times in a low voice.

Suddenly, the expressions of the black-armored guards changed with shock, and there was a hint of fear in their eyes.

He immediately nodded and bowed, apologizing profusely to Ye Xinghe.

The leading guard said respectfully: "Mr. Ye, I have neglected you because of my ignorance. Please don't treat me like someone with ordinary knowledge!"

With that said, he shouted loudly: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you invite Young Master Ye in!"

Several black-armored guards quickly walked in surrounded by Ye Xinghe.

The steward in black led the way.

The grand auction hall is very spacious, and there are even private rooms at the rear.

Only distinguished guests can use it.

The steward in black personally asked someone to open the Tianzi No. 1 box.

He smiled respectfully and said: "Master Ye, this box belongs to you tonight!"

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Isn't it a bit too grand?"

"No, no!"

The steward in black shook his head repeatedly.

"This is a little thought from us, as an apology for neglecting you just now!"

"Today, you are the most distinguished guest in the world!"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly.

During the whole process, he didn't even look at Wang Feiyu.

Wang Feiyu and others saw this scene outside and were filled with hatred.

He cursed secretly: "What's so great, damn, isn't it just that he climbed onto Yang Shuyue!"

They were not qualified to sit in the box, so they could only sit down below, feeling even more resentful in their hearts.

Soon, the door of the auction hall closed and the lights dimmed.

The auctioneer stepped onto the high platform, spoke concisely and to the point, and announced the start of the auction.

Then, various things were taken out.

However, the bidding was not fierce.

Because public notices have been issued before.

All the auction items are clearly listed above.

It's also to save everyone's time.

Moreover, everyone has a strong purpose when they come.

When it comes to what you want to buy, it’s easier to ask for a higher price.

It's also a good thing for auction houses.

Old God Ye Xinghe was there, not in a hurry, just admiring it.

The stuff here is really pretty good.

Among the spiritual treasures, the lowest level is the first-grade spiritual treasure.

The highest one is a third-grade spiritual treasure.

But compared with Ye Xinghe's Manyintra Pagoda, it is far behind.

Manyintra Pagoda is now a fourth-grade spiritual treasure.

Moreover, it can still grow in the future.

As for the elixir, it has also reached the second-grade true elixir.

If something like this were taken out casually in the wild world, it would cause a bloody storm.

It is quite common here.

Soon, the auction will enter the terminal.

This is already the eleventh lot.

This is a metallic-colored meteorite about half the height of a man.

The surface is pitted and uneven.

The auctioneer introduced: "This is an extraterrestrial meteorite, the highest level of forging material!"

"According to our estimation, the level of the forged spiritual treasure can at least reach the third-grade spiritual treasure!"

"The starting price for this item is Ten Fierce Yang Ling Jade!"

As soon as this thing was taken out, Ye Xinghe didn't take it seriously.

Ye Xinghe had also seen the list of this auction before and didn't care about such a thing.

It's just an unknown rare treasure, the essence of an extraterrestrial meteorite. He doesn't need this thing.

But at this moment, Ye Xinghe suddenly straightened his body and revealed a touch of extreme enthusiasm in his eyes.

It turned out that it was at this time.

Ye Xinghe suddenly felt a burning sensation in his chest.

The weapon spirit of Namanyindra Tower suddenly became very active.

His voice sounded one after another in Ye Xinghe's mind.

"Buy me this quickly, buy me this quickly!"

"I can feel that this thing will be of great help to Manindra Tower!"

"If it is refined and absorbed, at least 30% of the energy can be restored!"

The Manyindra Tower is extremely important to Ye Xinghe.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe did not put it in the space container, but carried it with him.

At this time, he did not activate the Manyindra Tower.

Unexpectedly, the spirit of the Manyindra Tower appeared automatically.

Obviously, it was this treasure that stimulated it.

Ye Xinghe was delighted.

Restoring 30% of the energy is more than the total recovery of all the treasures found in the Lingtian World before!

Ye Xinghe was excited.

"I didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains here!"

You know, Ye Xinghe has known it since he returned to the Xuanhuang World.

The Manyindra Tower is a powerful trump card of his.

But unfortunately, the energy was almost exhausted before.

He has been looking for a way to replenish the energy of the Manyindra Tower.

But whether in Qingyang Holy Land or Yuehua Holy Land, nothing was found.

Ye Xinghe also knew how difficult it was to replenish the energy of the Manindra Tower!

Not only does it require strength, but also luck.

At this time, he encountered it here, how could he miss it!

Ye Xinghe did not move, just waiting quietly.

This thing is considered medium, neither hot nor cold.

After all, it is not a spiritual treasure or elixir that can be used directly.

It still needs to be forged by someone.

Therefore, only three or four people are competing for it.

The price has risen all the way to fifty scorching sun spirit jade.

This price is not low.

At this time, Ye Xinghe saw that no one bid, so he slowly spoke.

"Eighty scorching sun spirit jade."

Ye Xinghe raised the price to eighty scorching sun spirit jade.

Suddenly, several eyes were cast on the No. 1 box of Tianzi.

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