Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2914 The Enemy of Life and Death

Chapter 2914: Enemy of Life and Death!

He took out the metal box and turned it between his fingers.

He curled his lips slightly and whispered to himself.

"I spent a huge price to quickly consume all the things I have accumulated over the years, and I didn't even need the Third Prince to make a move once to get that treasure!"

"Now, with this Dead Soul Key, I can open it!"

"With this thing, I can reach the third level of Yuanying within ten years!"

"By then, my strength will be comparable to the strongest of the first-class forces in Lieyang Imperial City!"

"By then, I'll see who will look down on me!"

His eyes flashed with indescribable madness and pleasure.

"By then, I'll see who will say that I am just a newcomer, even His Royal Highness the Third Prince will have to rely on me!"

"I can build a powerful family that will last for thousands of years and occupy a place in this Lieyang Imperial City!"

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

Later, he burst into laughter.

It seemed that he saw the scene of his infinite glory in the future.

Suddenly, a cold voice came from the void.

"Laugh as much as you want, you won't be able to laugh anymore later!"

Hearing this voice, Zhou Hongyu shuddered violently.

There was a deep fear in his eyes.

He was very familiar with this voice.

It was the voice of one of his mortal enemies!

He stood up suddenly, without any hesitation, and ran directly to the way he came.

He was going to Lieyang Imperial City.

Only by going there could he have a glimmer of hope!

He knew very well that he would not be this man's opponent here.

And seeing that he acted so decisively without any hesitation.

The man sneered.

"It's too late to escape now!"

There was a loud bang.

At the edge of the valley, Zhou Hongyu crashed into the void in front of him.

In the void that was originally empty, a large net with golden and red colors appeared.

It was only at the moment when he crashed into it.

The golden and red light flashed wildly.

The powerful force surged.

A golden-red giant net with a radius of 500 meters, like an inverted bowl.

Appeared above the valley.

All the golden-red light flashed together, turning into a golden-red spear.

It fiercely shot at Zhou Hongyu's body.

Zhou Hongyu cried out in pain and was directly beaten back to the original place, retreating again and again.

Blood already appeared on his body.

He was directly injured by this blow.

At this time, a figure walked out of the void.

It was an old man with white hair, but his eyes were very energetic.

The look in his eyes when he looked at Zhou Hongyu was full of hatred!

Zhou Hongyu's face was full of panic.

"You, how did you find me?"

"How did you know I was here?"

Fang Buyai did not answer him, but looked around and nodded with satisfaction.

"This place is beautiful, it's a good place to be buried, but it's a pity that you got it for free!" Zhou Hongyu said fiercely: "Fang Buya, you must kill me, right!" He swallowed his saliva and said in a deep voice: "Fang Buya, our hatred is not irreconcilable. I will give you whatever you want. How about we shake hands and make peace today?" Fang Buya stared at him with a miserable smile on his face. Every word was full of resentment. "When you wiped out my whole family, did you ever think about today?" Zhou Hongyu gritted his teeth and said: "If you dare to touch me, the third prince will not forgive you!" Fang Buya laughed loudly. "As long as I kill you, my long-cherished wish will be fulfilled. Why should I cherish this life!" Fang Buya is Zhou Hongyu's enemy, a big enemy! Fang Buya was originally the leader of a major force in the Lieyang Dynasty. Although this major force is not among the first-class, it is also quite powerful. Its main feature is that although there are few people. But each one is an elite seed. They were very strict in accepting disciples, and the entire force only had six people.

But with these six people, they supported a large and powerful force.

In a few years, when their strength becomes stronger.

They can enter the ranks of first-class forces and be on par with the level of the War God Palace.

But they offended Zhou Hongyu.

At first, a disciple in the sect had a conflict with Zhou Hongyu.

After Zhou Hongyu was slapped in the face by this person, he felt hatred in his heart.

So they set up a killing trap.

They lured this genius disciple of Fang Buya into the killing trap and captured him in one fell swoop.

Then, they used him as bait to lure other disciples of Fang Buya to rescue him.

One after another, they captured about half of Fang Buya's disciples.

Fang Buya saw that the other party was too powerful to provoke, so he came to plead in person.

After kneeling for three days, Zhou Hongyu was willing to see him.

He also said that if they surrendered to him and became his lackeys, he would spare their lives.

Fang Buyai had no choice but to accept the humiliation.

That evening, a big banquet was held.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Hongyu was narrow-minded and would take revenge.

The disciples who deeply hated Fang Buyai had offended him.

This was actually a trap.

At the banquet, Fang Buyai and others were given a strange poison.

All his disciples were killed directly.

Fang Buyai was extremely angry when he saw his beloved disciple being killed.

He actually broke through the realm that had been troubled for a long time, defeated many masters, and escaped death.

From then on, he became Zhou Hongyu's nightmare.

Fang Buya knew that he could not touch the third prince, and he did not want to do anything to him.

He just wanted to kill Zhou Hongyu, the culprit!

At first, Zhou Hongyu didn't take it seriously.

After all, it is not uncommon to become enemies with Zhou Hongyu.

Zhou Hongyu has many enemies.

Over the years, he has done many things for the third prince.

He even took the opportunity to kill wantonly and offended many people.

But when it comes to the people Zhou Hongyu fears the most, Fang Buya can definitely be ranked among the top three.

It's very simple, because Fang Buya's temperament changed drastically and he used any means, regardless of life or death.

And he was strong enough that he only wanted to kill Zhou Hongyu.

In the past ten years, he had almost been killed several times.

This is also the reason why Zhou Hongyu dare not leave Lieyang Imperial City easily.

This time, he left Lieyang Dynasty extremely secretly.

I thought it was absolutely impossible for Fang Buya to know.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the city and entered the mountains, he was intercepted by Fang Buya.

It's like he knew he would come here!

Fang Buya came to kill him in an instant, with only killing intent in his eyes.

Zhou Hongyu also exploded at this time, roaring angrily: "Fang Buya, you old dog has tried to kill me over and over again. Do you really think I am powerless to fight you?"

"Today I will let you see my true strength!"

The next moment, he sacrificed his Nascent Soul.

The Nascent Soul is about the size of a fist, and its entire body is filled with the power of powerful rules.

The power of these rules changes.

Actually, two black halo-like existences were formed on the surface of Nascent Soul.

Fang Buya raised his eyebrows and said, "You are already at the second level of Nascent Soul!"

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