Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2916 Everything is calculated

Chapter 2916 Everything is calculated!

He leaned on a stone and looked at Ye Xinghe expectantly.

Zhou Hongyu's face changed drastically, and he hissed: "Ye Xinghe, I'm asking you a question, how did you know I'm here!"

"Could it be that dead soul key?"


Zhou Hongyu shouted in shock: "The dead soul key is sealed in a metal box specially made by the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce. This object is also a spiritual treasure, which is enough to cover up the breath of the dead soul key!"

"Even if you have a tracking magic weapon, even if you can recognize the breath of the dead soul key, you still can't track me!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "You only paid attention to the dead soul key, but you didn't pay attention to the box containing the dead soul key!"

Zhou Hongyu suddenly thought of something and said in shock: "You, you did something to that box!"

As he said that, he took out the box with the key to the dead soul, turned it over and looked at it carefully.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank and he saw something in one of the places.

Then, he suddenly raised his head, stared at Ye Xinghe and said: "When you were in the auction house, you left a backup plan!"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

"Did you just know?"

Zhou Hongyu thought of the scene at that time.

Ye Xinghe seemed very unhappy at the time, and it was a pity that Zhou Hongyu got the key to the dead soul.

But there is nothing you can do.

Therefore, before Zhou Hongyu took away the dead soul key, he was extremely angry.

He patted the metal box containing the dead soul key regretfully.

Then he left angrily.

Actually, it was at that time.

He quietly placed the tracking spirit treasure on top of the metal box.

This metal box is covered with patterns, extremely complicated and gorgeous.

It is also embroidered with dozens of dragon patterns.

This tracking spirit treasure, which was no bigger than a grain of rice, was pressed onto one of the dragon pattern decorations by Ye Xinghe.

It won't be discovered at all!

Zhou Hongyu gritted his teeth and said: "So this is how you follow me!"

He pointed at Fang Buya: "Did you lure Fang Buya here too?"

"How do you know about my grudge against him?"

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "This kind of news can be bought with a little money."

Zhou Hongyu asked again: "That's not right. I see that you have been sitting and drinking outside the auction. When did you do this?"

"Even when I left, you were still there. You couldn't have had time to track me!"

"How did you send the message to Fang Buya? How did you arrange all this?"

His eyes were full of disbelief.

He really couldn't imagine how Ye Xinghe did it.

It turned out that Ye Xinghe did something immediately after leaving the auction house.

He found a place in the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce that specialized in buying and selling information.

Shenlong Chamber of Commerce is all-encompassing, so naturally there is such a place.

Moreover, the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce is only responsible for providing one venue.

Everyone inside buys and sells news on their own.

Shenlong Chamber of Commerce is not responsible for the authenticity of the information, and you need to judge it yourself.

Looking at the entire Lieyang Dynasty, it is an important intelligence center.

Ye Xinghe spent an hour inside and bought what he wanted.

Of course, the cost is also high.

Another hundred Fierce Yang Lingyu were thrown out.

The news that Ye Xinghe bought it was naturally about Zhou Hongyu.

However, what he bought was not just Zhou Hongyu's origin, identity, daily habits, etc.

I even bought one of the most important ones.

That is, who are the enemies of Zhou Hongyu and others.

For Ye Xinghe now, this news is the most important!

Because Ye Xinghe knew it very well.

No matter how good Zhou Hongyu is, he is still the Third Prince's man.

Moreover, he is definitely his confidant.

If he died, the third prince would be furious.

By then, if Ye Xinghe is found.

Ye Xinghe will be in big trouble.

He was not afraid of the third prince.

But the most important thing next is to rescue Chu Qingqiu, find out the clues left by his mother back then, and enter the Guanghan Dao Sect.

Ye Xinghe didn't want to cause trouble.

Therefore, he needs others to never cast doubt on him.

Then, he needs a scapegoat.

And Zhou Hongyu's enemy is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Ye Xinghe wanted Zhou Hongyu to die cleanly.

Let Zhou Hongyu's enemies take the blame.

At the same time, he also wants everyone to think so.

He has been staying at Shenlong Chamber of Commerce and has not left!

Ye Xinghe himself is also at a loss.

Therefore, there is a most crucial character in it.

It's Wang Feng.

After Ye Xinghe got Zhou Hongyu's relevant information, he immediately sent him a message.

Let him spread the news as quickly as possible.

It would be best to contact Zhou Hongyu's enemies.

Reveal this information to Zhou Hongyu's enemies.

After Wang Feng finished all this, he immediately rushed to the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce.

Then, let Wang Feng change into clothes similar to his own.

Wang Feng's body shape is quite similar to Ye Xinghe's.

There he sat with his back to everyone.

Ye Xinghe modified his appearance again.

He looks just like himself.

Let him sit there, deliberately for everyone to see.

In this way, suspicion can naturally be avoided.

Because these customers coming out of the auction house are his best witnesses!

Ye Xinghe quietly followed Zhou Hongyu all the way to this place.

He had already arrived at Sakon, but he did not appear rashly.

Instead, he waited for Fang Buya to appear.

Fang Buya is the mantis hunting the cicada, and Ye Xinghe is the oriole.

I saw Fang Buya and Zhou Hongyu fighting.

Zhou Hongyu had already used up his trump card and was seriously injured.

Ye Xinghe just appeared.

He knew that Zhou Hongyu was very powerful and could not be compared to him.

So be extremely careful!

However, Ye Xinghe would naturally not tell him these things.

He was just a calm Zhou Hongyu: "I'll send you on your way!"

Zhou Hongyu moved out the third prince again.

"Have you considered the consequences if the Third Prince finds out!"

Ye Xinghe looked at him and said calmly: "The third prince is indeed very strong, and his power is incomparable to mine."

"But this is the Lieyang Dynasty, a place with laws, and everything must be done according to the rules."

This is his advantage, but it is also his disadvantage.

"With my identity and background, if he wants to touch me, he has to get evidence that I will kill you."

“But it’s a pity”

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "You will have no bones left, and you will never appear in this world again!"

"Even if someone discovers the traces of the battle here and traces Fang Buya's past, it can only be roughly inferred that after you bought the dead soul key, your enemy Fang Buya discovered you, and the two of them had a lot of trouble The battle, both lives and deaths, no more traces!”

Hearing this, Zhou Hongyu felt an unspeakable chill in his heart.

He swallowed, stared at Ye Xinghe, gritted his teeth and said: "You, you have already calculated all this!"

"Fang Buya's arrival is part of your plan, and my whereabouts are also part of your tracking. You have already made the calculation!"

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