Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2919 Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance

Chapter 2919 Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance!

Zhou Hongyu's face became solemn, he gritted his teeth and charged forward.

But after a cup of tea, he looked at the still thick and dense clouds in front of him and felt weak all over.

There was a hint of despair in his eyes!

That's right.

Ye Xinghe's method of dealing with Zhou Hongyu now is to drag!

Zhou Hongyu is still very strong now, even more powerful than Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe knew very well that he did not have a crushing advantage.

You can't kill yourself in a short time.

But what Zhou Hongyu lacks most is time.

Ye Xinghe didn't know how long Zhou Hongyu's method could last.

This method, at the cost of burning lives, will definitely not last long.

I estimate that a cup of tea will last a long time.

Therefore, as long as this cup of tea time passes, Ye Xinghe wins!

Sure enough, after a cup of tea time.

The time has come for Zhou Hongyu's trump card.

His body twitched and changed.

The golden light dissipated, and the body of the golden armored tyrannosaurus appeared next to it.

Zhou Hongyu, on the other hand, took a few steps back feebly.

Ye Xinghe stepped forward and struck out with his palm.

Then he was beaten until all his bones were broken, and he fell to the ground, unable to struggle anymore.

Ye Xinghe lowered his head and looked down at him, neither sad nor happy.

He used various means to weaken Zhou Hongyu just for this moment!

Next to him, Fang Buya was dazzled when he saw this scene.

At this time, his eyes showed relief.

Ye Xinghe picked up the nameless broken sword and was very careful not to touch it with his hands.

He opened the metal box directly, got the dead soul key, and put it away.

At this time, the dead soul stone placed in Ye Xinghe's space container began to tremble violently.

There was great excitement.

But Ye Xinghe knew that this was not the time for refining, so he suppressed it first.

Zhou Hongyu roared: "Let me tell you, this dead soul key is what the third prince wants. If you dare to touch his things, you will risk your life, right?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Okay, stop pretending, this thing is not what the third prince wants at all!"

"It's just that you are acting arrogantly outside under the banner of the third prince. In fact, it is for your own use!"

A flash of panic flashed in Zhou Hongyu's eyes, as if Ye Xinghe had poked him into a secret place.

But he immediately gritted his teeth and denied: "Fart, I bought it for the third prince. If you don't believe it, I will crush this thing now, contact the third prince, and ask him to take action for me!"

"When the time comes, you will die without a burial place!"

A spiritual treasure specially used for communication appeared in his hand, shining with a shimmering light.

Ye Xinghe crossed his arms and calmly said, "You can squeeze it, but don't say I didn't give you this chance."

Zhou Hongyu was stunned immediately.

It seems that Ye Xinghe did not expect this reaction.

He froze in place for a long time, but his hands made no movement.

The smile on Ye Xinghe's face gradually turned cold.

"Now, you are probably the one who is afraid that the Third Prince will know about it, right?"

"You don't dare to contact him now, do you?"

"You hid it from him this time and secretly came out to do things for yourself, right?"

Ye Xinghe asked three questions in succession.

Zhou Hongyu's face became increasingly pale, and then he sighed dejectedly.

He said authoritatively: "How do you know?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "It's very simple."

"First, if there is nothing in the royal treasury, how can it be weaker than the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce?"

"Are there any treasures in the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce that are not in the royal treasury?"

"If the third prince needs the key to the dead soul, why do he need to come here?"

"Secondly, if the third prince wants to take something, he must do it in secret and let as few people know as possible. How can you let you snatch this thing with such a big fanfare!"

"The more you show off, the more convinced I become that you actually want this thing under the guise of the third prince!"

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "Hand it over."

Zhou Hongyu asked instinctively: "What should I hand over?"

Ye Xinghe said: "What else could it be? Of course it is the dead soul stone in your hand!"

That's right!

Ye Xinghe saw that Zhou Hongyu had such a strong desire for the Dead Soul Key.

It was judged that he must have a dead soul stone in his hand.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have reacted like this.

Ye Xinghe tried his best and took such a big risk to ambush Zhou Hongyu.

Not just for the Dead Soul Key, but also for the Dead Soul Stone in his hand!

Zhou Hongyu gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, come here and I'll tell you where it is."

He pointed at Fang Buya.

"I don't want him to hear it!"

It seemed that the Death Soul Stone was not on his person, but was stored in a certain location.

Ye Xinghe nodded and leaned close to him.

At this moment, a flash of madness flashed in Zhou Hongyu's eyes.

"You still want the Death Soul Stone, just die for me!"

The next moment, extremely strong fluctuations occurred in his soul.

A terrifying and explosive power is suffocating.

He actually wanted to expose his soul directly and drag Ye Xinghe to die together!

But Ye Xinghe seemed to be prepared for it.

The finger suddenly pointed out and landed on his Dantian, destroying his cultivation.

Then, his hands fell on top of his head.

Ye Xinghe is a veteran in dealing with souls, how could he be fooled like this.

It has been predicted a long time ago.

He pointed his finger and imprisoned his soul.

Ye Xinghe shook his head.

"I could have let you die quickly, but if you insist on asking for trouble, then I will let you die!"

Then, Ye Xinghe searched for souls.

After searching the soul, nothing can be found.

A moment later, Ye Xinghe found the Death Soul Stone on Zhou Hongyu.

It was different from the one in Ye Xinghe's hand, as the whole body showed a deep black color.

Ye Xinghe put it away and then asked Zhou Hongyu a few questions.

After seeing Ye Xinghe's methods, Zhou Hongyu didn't dare to make any more mistakes.

He answered honestly.

Ye Xinghe nodded solemnly, with a hint of understanding in his eyes.

This information was of great value to him.

After asking his question, Ye Xinghe lifted Zhou Hongyu and threw it in front of Fang Buya.

Then, he fed Fang Buya a pill.

This elixir is a healing elixir produced in the Moonlight Holy Land.

It almost has the effect of killing the living dead, flesh and bones.

Of course, Fang Buya's level was too high, his injuries were too serious, and he could not be saved.

But when the elixir entered his body, he still felt cool and comfortable.

A surge of power allowed Fang Buya to recover some of his cultivation.

Of course, he knew that he was just reflecting on his past.

After a while, he will still die.

But that was enough, he also understood what Ye Xinghe meant.

Let him kill his enemy with his own hands to avenge blood!

After Fang Buya stood up, he raised his hands to Ye Xinghe and said, "Master, thank you very much!"

He took out a few things in his hand, but they were two secret books and several treasures.

There is also a token that represents his identity.

Looking at these things, there was a look of reminiscence on his face, but also a bit of calmness.

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