Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2924: The Medicine King of the Eastern Wasteland

Chapter 2924: The Medicine King of the Eastern Wasteland!

It turned into a figure on the spot.

It is a remnant soul.

This phantom is wearing a white robe, looking old, with white beard and hair, and a kind face.

He may have stayed in this dead soul stone for too long, and his consciousness was already incomplete.

He remained indifferently for a long time, then slowly turned around and looked at Ye Xinghe.

There was a look of inquiry in his eyes.

"Are you the one he chose?"

Ye Xinghe was keenly aware of the meaning of his words and asked loudly: "Who is he?"

The white-haired old man did not answer. He just sighed leisurely: "Time flies by and thousands of years pass by. I never thought that after thirty-seven thousand six hundred years in the Dead Soul Stone, I would still see the light of day again!"

His body suddenly shook.

He seemed to realize something, looked down at Ye Xinghe and said: "I don't have much time. Since you are the person he chose, I believe he will not make a mistake!"

"Now, I will hand it over to you for inheritance!"

Then he held out his hand.

Although it is just a remnant soul and a shadow.

Moreover, after being sealed for more than 30,000 years, its power has declined to the point of being close to nothing.

But Ye Xinghe felt that there was a terrifying suction force surrounding him.

In an instant, he flew in front of the old man involuntarily.

The old man's hand was also pressed on the top of his head.

Ye Xinghe suddenly realized that if the old man attacked him, he would have no power to fight back!

I don’t know how terrifying this man’s cultivation was in his lifetime!

The next moment, Ye Xinghe felt something.

A majestic aura poured directly into his mind.

In an instant, it filled his spiritual world.

After becoming a spiritual refiner, his spiritual world has expanded many times and is infinitely stronger than that of ordinary cultivators.

At this moment, it was almost bursting open due to the huge aura.

In this majestic aura, there is infinite knowledge.

All merged into Ye Xinghe’s spiritual world.

Severe pain came, and Ye Xinghe was almost torn to pieces.

But Ye Xinghe could feel that the old man had no ill intentions.

He was actually giving himself an inheritance.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe gritted his teeth and tried his best to absorb and digest these things.

After a while, the pain subsided slightly.

All things have been passed down.

The old man's breath became more and more erratic, and his figure became lighter.

He sighed with emotion: "I am the Medicine King of the Eastern Wasteland. I have traveled across the east for one thousand six hundred years, but in the end I could not escape this life and death, until I turned into a handful of loess."

"The only thing I hope is that you can inherit my legacy, inherit my mantle, and finally live up to the name of the Medicine King of the Eastern Wasteland!"

The next moment, the white-robed old man named Donghuang Medicine King completely disappeared without a trace.

And the dead soul stone also turned into powder with a 'pop' sound and disappeared into the air.

Ye Xinghe stood there with a stern look.

The Medicine King of the East Wasteland gave all his inheritance to himself.

From then on, when a person dies, his soul disappears, leaving no trace.

At this moment, Ye Xinghe felt unspeakable sadness in his heart.

At this time, in the inherited information.

Ye Xinghe also already knew the life of the Medicine King of the East Wasteland.

He started from a humble background and was a top killer in his early years, with blood on his hands.

At the age of three hundred, he awakened his talent for spiritual refining.

Then he was shocked by the sudden change and made a vow not to kill anyone again.

Over the next hundred years, he practiced hard and became famous, becoming a powerful magical medicine master.

Hundreds of years later, he has become the strongest magical medicine master in the Eastern Wasteland, reaching the eighth level.

No one can compare with it.

Later, he even set great ambitions.

He went deep into the wilderness and identified more than 10,000 types of medicinal herbs.

Create three hundred and seventy prescriptions for yourself.

The flesh and bones of the living dead saved countless lives.

But at the last moment of his life, he suffered a great disaster.

However, his memory ends here and disappears directly afterwards.

Ye Xinghe also had no way of knowing what happened to him.

Ye Xinghe calmly analyzed the "him" mentioned by the Medicine King of Donghuang.

It should be his mother, or he is closely related to his mother.

Do not know why.

"He" used his great cultivation skills to seal the Eastern Wasteland Medicine King in this dead soul stone.

It should be just to leave a legacy for myself.


Ye Xinghe whispered to himself.

"Not one inheritance, but four inheritances!"

These four major forces, these four chess pieces, were placed here by my mother that day.

Just to let them protect these four inheritances!

Ye Xinghe thought clearly at this time.

The four major forces correspond to these four inheritances.

The Medicine King of the East Wasteland was a spiritual refiner, and he was also an extremely powerful divine medicine master.

Therefore, the lineage of Jishi Daoguan that protects his inheritance is also a divine medicine master.

Ye Xinghe is even more looking forward to what inheritance the other three major forces will leave to him.

At this time, Ye Xinghe's spiritual world was in severe pain again.

He didn't have time to think too much and started refining the huge inheritance left by the Medicine King of the East Wasteland.

For the next seven days, Ye Xinghe has been practicing in seclusion in his small courtyard.

Refining the huge inheritance from the Eastern Wilderness Medicine King.

Seven days later, early in the morning

The morning light is faint, the great sun is born, and the light shines down.

The entire Lieyang Imperial City was shrouded in a shallow red light.

It was at this moment that the door was pushed open directly.

Ye Xinghe strode out with a flash of divine light.

The breath has changed vaguely.

He looked into the distance with a bit of kindness and leisurely look.

He whispered to himself: "Seventh-grade divine pharmacist!"

"I didn't expect that the inheritance of the Eastern Wilderness Medicine King would allow me to directly become a seventh-level divine medicine master!"

Ye Xinghe knew clearly.

Looking at Lieyang Imperial City, this seventh-grade divine pharmacist is considered to be very powerful!

The level of the Divine Medicine Master was raised to the seventh level, which greatly increased Ye Xinghe's strength.

The simplest thing is that he can now refine a seventh-grade magical prescription.

Moreover, after having this level of identity, I encountered some difficult problems.

He can solve it easily.

Sometimes, this is more powerful than one's own strength and more effective!

Then, Ye Xinghe entered the dantian.

Under the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron, Bi Fang's flame has been extinguished.

In the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron, a rule slowly rotates.

It is the inner demon rule that comes from Yang Luofeng.

Ye Xinghe did not hesitate.

Immediately use the grain of rules obtained from Shen Nanchen as fuel and throw it under the Tiantian Temple.

Invite Bi Fang flames.

In an instant, Bifang's fire burned brightly and began to refine the inner demon rule.

Ye Xinghe took stock of his own strength.

Now, the rules he has are time rules that have not yet been formed.

A grain of ice rules, a grain of cloud rules.

The nameless broken sword in his hand contains a sure-kill rule when unsheathed.

What is being refined is a piece of inner demon rule.

On the physical level, it is blessed by the rules of blood, and the physical body is extremely hard.

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