Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2926: Hand over the token

Chapter 2926: Hand over the token?

Unexpectedly, the power of this nameless broken sword was doubled by the increase of the regular source stone!

It turned out that the previously unknown broken sword was on top.

This rule of killing with one blow is a combination of the two rules of killing with one blow and blood with one blow.

One of them is the incomplete rule.

The other one is a first-grade ordinary rule.

For others, it is meaningless to measure the rules.

Because there are very few rules that they can control.

But for Ye Xinghe, this is not the case.

He is bound to have many rules.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe set a criterion for this rule.

Among them, the basic unit is the ordinary rule of one grain and one product.

Ye Xinghe calls it a standard rule.

The rules of the previous Nameless Broken Sword were equivalent to the standard rules of one and a half grains.

But now, the first-level ordinary rules have been promoted to the second-level ordinary rules.

That incomplete rule was upgraded to a first-grade ordinary rule.

This is equivalent to the rule of the Nameless Broken Sword becoming the standard rule of three grains!

If it were Ye Xinghe himself, he might not think it meant much.

This kind of growth is not a qualitative improvement.

But for the Wuming Broken Sword, it was of great significance.

Because the way the Wuming Broken Sword attacks is to determine whether the other party's rules are stronger than your own.

It's already there now, equivalent to the three-grain standard rule.

Then, as long as the opponent's rules are less than three grains.

They will all be killed instantly by it!

Ye Xinghe can't wait to see how powerful this nameless broken sword will be after being promoted.

Then, Ye Xinghe prepared to go out and meet Wang Feng.

See how things turned out for him.

At this time, suddenly the door of the small courtyard banged.

Being slapped roughly.

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly.

The next moment, the door was kicked open.

Ye Xinghe saw that there were already many people surrounding the small courtyard.

Among them, standing in the middle was a middle-aged man with a pale face and a sickly look.

He looked Ye Xinghe up and down, and then suddenly spoke, saying only four words.

"Hand over the token!"

The voice was full of undeniable flavor.

Ye Xinghe looked him up and down and smiled lightly.

"Are you coming to steal my Guanghan Token?"

The middle-aged man is Jiang Yuelin.

His voice was cold and hard.

"That's right, with your level of cultivation, you are not worthy of possessing the Guanghan Token!"

"This kind of treasure has been insulted by you!"

At this time, the movement here also attracted many people to watch.

The small courtyard was completely surrounded.

Ye Xinghe glanced away.

Behind Jiang Yuelin, he could clearly see a figure hiding in the crowd.

It was Ma Yanghe who had tried to woo him before but was rejected by him.

He shook his head slightly, a flash of understanding flashing in his eyes.

I have roughly guessed what is going on.

At this time, everyone was watching this scene with great excitement.

"Who do you think has the upper hand, Jiang Yuelin or Ye Xinghe?"

A tall and powerful man crossed his arms and sneered: "Do you even need to ask? It must be Jiang Yuelin!"

"That's right!"

The person next to him echoed: "I heard that he was born in an extremely noble family, and his family is very powerful. He has accumulated countless resources since he was a child, and he has already understood more than one rule!"

"Although it is only the first level of Nascent Soul, it has the strength comparable to the second level of Nascent Soul!"

"How can this level of strength be matched by Ye Xinghe!"

"Yeah, I think Ye Xinghe hasn't even stepped half a step into the Nascent Soul Realm."

"He doesn't even have Nascent Soul seeds, how can he be compared with Jiang Yuelin who controls more than one rule!"

Many people saw Ye Xinghe quite clearly.

But some people retorted: "Although Ye Xinghe does not seem to be at a high level, the fact that he was able to obtain the Guanghan Token shows a lot of things. Maybe he is hiding something deeply!"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone immediately retorted.

The tall and powerful man from before sneered: "Being able to get the Guanghan Token may be due to luck."

"Strength is clearly shown here. Are you blind?"

There are people who support Ye Xinghe, but their voices are very weak.

Most people are more optimistic about Jiang Yuelin.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and when he saw so many people present, his heart suddenly moved.

"Before I came to participate in the Guanghan Dao Sect selection competition, I was too low-key."

While keeping a low profile has its benefits, it can also lead to trouble.

For example, the coveting of these blind people!

"In that case."

Ye Xinghe glanced at everyone.

"Then let's kill the chicken to scare the monkeys!"

"Let you see my strength, and you won't dare to cause trouble in the future!"

Ye Xinghe moved his fingers slightly, and the Guanghan Token jumped on his fingertips.

Seeing this thing, many people have greedy eyes.

This token can allow them to reach the sky in one step and enter the main competition smoothly.

The chances of entering Guanghan Dao Sect will be greatly increased!

Jiang Yuelin's breathing became heavier.

He sneered and said: "If you are wise, just give me this token obediently!"

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "The token is here. If you want it, come and get it yourself!"

Jiang Yuelin's eyes turned cold.

"If you don't have to drink wine as a penalty for toasting, that's fine, I'll make it happen for you!"

He suddenly looked at an inn steward standing in mid-air not far away.

"There's no restriction on private fighting here, right?"

The steward waved his hands and said with a smile: "Everyone, please do it!"

"This inn was originally opened by the Guanghan Dao Sect. What the Guanghan Dao Sect wants is a genius with a strong heart."

"Killing in the inn is random. Death means lack of strength. You can't blame others."

"very good!"

Jiang Yuelin moved forward step by step. Every time he took a step, the earth trembled.

And the power of rules also appeared around him.

In the beginning, it was just a blue rule.

After taking the third step, there is another aqua blue rule.

He actually controlled two rules.

At the same time, his Nascent Soul also emerged.

There are also two different rules surrounding Nascent Soul.

Everyone was in an uproar.

"This Jiang Yuelin has mastered two rules. No wonder he is so arrogant and domineering. He does have this strength!"

"Yes, there are many people participating in the qualifiers, but those who can control the two-piece rule are probably quite rare."

"It's over. Now Ye Xinghe is definitely no match. Jiang Yuelin has two rules and can easily kill Ye Xinghe!"

This time, everyone nodded.

No one supports Ye Xinghe anymore.

In their view, the outcome was already decided.

Two rules, one change of Nascent Soul.

Facing Ye Xinghe, who didn't even have Nascent Soul seeds, it was easy to crush him!

The battle is about to break out.

At this time, in front of the inn, there was a sudden and gentle sound of bells.

Everyone's expressions changed.

Then, a loud voice came.

"All disciples participating in the preliminaries must gather in front of the inn. There is something important to announce!"

The voice said three times in succession.

Everyone in the inn could hear it clearly.

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