Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2934 A terrible opponent

Chapter 2934 A terrible opponent!

Later, Ye Xinghe became stronger and stronger.

The gold-seeking rat gradually couldn't keep up with him and was no longer of much use.

But Ye Xinghe is a person who misses his old love and always carries it with him.

I also feed it some treasures that I don’t need from time to time.

Therefore, this little guy is now smooth, fat and strong.

In addition to eating and sleeping every day.

Ye Xinghe whispered a few words in its ear.

The gold-seeking rat nodded excitedly and immediately ran around.

Soon, it locked on a place and dug down quickly.

It flew with all four claws at great speed.

In the blink of an eye, a tunnel slowly took shape and went downwards.

About a quarter of an hour later.

A creaking sound came from below.

Ye Xinghe was excited and walked into the passage, heading underground.

Finally, we came to the end of the passage.

The gold-seeking rat was already waiting there, shaking his head at Ye Xinghe as if asking for credit.

Ye Xinghe saw that a stone gate had appeared in front of him.

He took a deep breath.

The treasure is right in front of you!

This stone gate doesn't look very tall.

But Ye Xinghe felt it and found it to be extremely solid.

There is a vague power of rules shining on it.

It is simply unrealistic to force it open.

Ye Xinghe understood it, cut his finger, and dripped his own blood on it.

Blood immediately seeped into the stone door.

After a moment, a bloody light flashed on it.

There was a soft "click" sound, and the stone door backed up and opened on its own.

Ye Xinghe stepped into it and discovered.

This is a small stone chamber, with a radius of only ten meters.

Like an ancestral temple.

The moment Ye Xinghe entered, his eyelids twitched.

He saw that the surrounding walls of this seemingly inconspicuous ancestral hall were actually covered with magic circles.

Those magic circles were filled with the meaning of destruction and explosion.

There is extremely violent and unstable power flowing in it.

Although it has been tens of thousands of years.

This magic circle is still shining brightly.

It is conceivable that if someone forcibly opens it outside.

I'm afraid that the magic circle will explode directly and the entire ancestral hall will disappear!

There is an offering table at the end of the ancestral hall, with several tributes placed on it, which has long been in decay.

And above that table, the portrait should have been hung.

At this time it was empty.

Ye Xinghe clearly saw that there were traces of portraits hanging here.

But I don’t know who took it away.

Suddenly, Ye Xinghe heard the gold-seeking rat come under the altar table, making a squeaking sound, and began to dig at the ground.

Just know that there is a treasure there.

After a while, the gold-seeking rat dug up the green bricks there.

I dug down about another foot.

Then an iron box the size of a fist leaked out.

Ye Xinghe waved his hand and took the iron box.

Open it and see.

There was actually a small jade pendant inside.

This jade pendant is in the shape of a water drop, full of greenery.

About the size of a fingertip.

There is also a small leather rope attached to it.

It seems quite simple, nothing special.

Just like what ordinary mortal men and women wear.

Ye Xinghe knew that since it was left to him by his mother, it must be extraordinary.

He held it in his hand, and power surged in, but he felt nothing.

Ye Xinghe dropped his blood essence on it again, but there was no reaction.

He frowned slightly, wondering what the purpose of this thing was.

A sense of telepathy made him wear the jade pendant around his neck.

The moment the buckle of the leather cord is fastened.

Ye Xinghe saw in a daze a green light rising above the jade pendant.

Like smoke, rising and falling shallowly.

There seemed to be a shadow sitting in it.

The shadow was a back figure, very blurry and difficult to see clearly.

He sat there quietly, but seemed to feel Ye Xinghe's attention.

He wanted to turn around, but he couldn't.

After a long time, he just sighed and said four words softly.

Those four words passed into Ye Xinghe's ears clearly, making him tremble.

"Clouds, mountains and seas of mist!"

The four words he said were exactly clouds, mountains and fog!

After saying that, the figure dispersed.

Ye Xinghe thought of the strange sea of ​​clouds, mountains and fog that he passed on the way to Lieyang Imperial City.

The powerful fog beast inside.

His heart moved secretly.

"What's there in the clouds, mountains and foggy sea?"

Ye Xinghe made up his mind to go for a trip to Yunshan and Wuhai.

At this point, this treasure easily fell into Ye Xinghe's hands.

It seems that there are no twists and turns, but in fact the conditions are very difficult.

Without Ye Xinghe's bloodline, he would not be able to see the treasure map.

Even if you come here by chance, you won't be able to open this treasure house without blood.

After cleaning up the place, Ye Xinghe saw that nothing was missing, so he turned around and prepared to leave.

But the moment he turned around.

However, Ye Xinghe only felt that a cool air was flowing from Dantian to Tianling Gai.

His whole body was as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

An extreme chill and fear arose in my heart!

It turned out that at this moment, there was a person standing at the stone gate.

His whole body was wrapped in a black cloak, leaving no trace of his body exposed.

He just stood there quietly.

The gaze under the hood was very calm and indifferent.

Staring at Ye Xinghe without any emotion.

Ye Xinghe felt cold all over.

Because he didn't even notice when this person came here!

You know, with Ye Xinghe's current cultivation level, the power of rules is spread all over his body.

The five senses and six consciousnesses are extremely sharp.

Not to mention that this person appeared here, within a radius of several thousand meters.

He can clearly sense whoever comes into this house.

And this person just stood here, staring at Ye Xinghe.

He may even have been here for a while!

Ye Xinghe couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

"If he wants to attack me, I will definitely die!"

Ye Xinghe estimates that even Elder Han Yun and the others would have a hard time accomplishing this!

Doesn't this mean that this person's strength is even far better than Elder Han Yun and others!

And Ye Xinghe had no chance of winning.

Ye Xinghe is also an extremely decisive person, and he immediately made a decision.

At this time, the man in black robe slowly spoke.

The sound was like the collision of gold and stone, full of hollow meaning.

"You are her heir."

Ye Xinghe's heart jumped suddenly.

"Who on earth does this person actually know about my mother?"

But I thought he could find this place and be able to cultivate like this.

It’s normal to know about my mother’s affairs.

The man in black cloak said calmly: "I know this is a back-up she left behind. She has been waiting here for three hundred and sixty years." "I didn't expect that you would finally fall into the trap!"

There is a huge amount of information in his words.

Countless thoughts suddenly surged into Ye Xinghe's mind.

It is more important to escape the desperate situation in front of you first!

The next moment, Ye Xinghe suddenly fled towards the corner of the cave.

It seemed like there was an escape route there.

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