Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2936: Care

Chapter 2936: Take Care!

That would be too belittling a master like him.

Ye Xinghe immediately thought that he must have a last resort reason to stay here.

Ye Xinghe instantly had a bold guess in his mind.

Is it the force that seized the treasure left by my mother back then?

Their strength should be greatly improved.

Having gained so much inheritance from his mother, his strength is very strong.

It should have surpassed the level of Lieyang Dynasty.

It is very possible that they are no longer here, but this person was sent to guard here.

The more Ye Xinghe thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was extremely high.

This person was sent to guard here, so he had to stay here.

Even after more than three hundred and sixty years, he did not dare to leave.

He was sent by that force, so he knew the information.

Only then did I know what my mother had left behind, and only then did I know my own life experience!

In this way, everything makes sense!

At this time, at the same moment.

The highest point of Shenlong Chamber of Commerce is in a spacious room.

This room faces south and has a large window.

The scenery of the imperial city is at your feet, with an unobstructed view.

At this time, there was only a man and a woman sitting opposite each other in this quiet room, enjoying tea.

The woman was dressed in a black outfit, tall and handsome.

It was Yang Shuyue.

And the man sitting opposite her.

He is usually quite dignified, and he speaks with great weight.

But now, he was respectful in front of her, and even had a thick smile on his face.

It was none other than the leader of Qingfeng Hall, Lu Yunfeng.

This terrifying being was known as Mr. Lu outside.

At this time, everyone was respectful in front of Yang Shuyue.

This is also normal.

After all, the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce is truly a first-rate force.

Moreover, among the first-class forces, he is considered to be the best.

Although Qingfeng Hall is not weak, it has a status in the underground world of Lieyang Imperial City.

He can also be regarded as a big boss in the underground world and a strong man in the Nascent Soul Realm.

But compared with the strength of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce, it is not worth mentioning.

The Shenlong Chamber of Commerce can crush Qingfengtang with just one finger.

At the same time, Lu Yunfeng was still quite uneasy.

Earlier today, he was suddenly visited by experts from the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce and invited here.

As a result, I met Yang Shuyue, the eldest lady of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce.

And he also knows it.

Yang Luofeng is old and intends to hand over the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce to Yang Shuyue in the future.

Yang Shuyue was able to see herself, which had already given herself a great deal of face.

Lu Yunfeng is not qualified to meet Yang Luofeng yet.

Yang Shuyue was very polite and even made and poured tea for him personally, which made Lu Yunfeng feel flattered.

Yang Shuyue smiled and said, "I heard that there is a Jishi Taoist Hall on the site of your Qingfeng Hall?"

Lu Yunfeng nodded instinctively.

Suddenly, I was shocked and thought to myself: "Is it possible that this Jishi Gym has offended the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce?"

"Mom, you will cause trouble for me, and I will kill them all when I get back!"

"Oh, forget it. For the sake of our friendship with Du Yuanzhi over the years, let's just get rid of them and spare their lives!" He was thinking all over the place in his mind.

Yang Shuyue smiled and said: "Take care of this Jishi Gym from now on, don't let them be bullied."

Lu Yunfeng was suddenly stunned.

Unexpectedly, Yang Shuyue called him here to ask him to take care of the Jishi Gym.

Could it be that this is all?

In his opinion, Jishi Daoguan is just a small medicine shop worth mentioning.

He actually bothered Yang Shuyue to tell him this in person.

He immediately realized that he was afraid that Jishi Daoguan would be lucky and meet someone noble!

Lu Yunfeng nodded quickly and said: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, Jishi Daoguan will be absolutely safe and sound!"

Yang Shuyue smiled and said, "That's good."

She thought about it and decided that she would like to order Lu Yunfeng.

She said calmly: "Do you know why?"

Lu Yunfeng shook his head quickly.

Yang Shuyue slowly spit out a name.

"Ye Xinghe."


Lu Yunfeng's doubts were immediately cleared.

It turned out to be Ye Xinghe!

He was surprised.

"It seems that Ye Xinghe not only has medical skills but also has a strong background. He is actually related to the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce!"

"I think what she meant was that it was because of Ye Xinghe that she asked me to take special care of the Jishi Gym."

"Doesn't it mean that the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce attaches great importance to Ye Xinghe?"

Before, he thought that Ye Xinghe was just a foreigner with some medical skills.

Be kind to him because he saved his son's life.

But that's just it.

Now, Ye Xinghe's status in his heart has suddenly risen a lot!

This is a noble person who cannot be offended!

"Okay, just know it, don't spread it outside."

Yang Shuyue picked up the tea cup.

Lu Yunfeng said goodbye very knowingly.

After he walked out of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce, he immediately sent a message to his subordinates.

Let them be extra considerate and polite to Jishi Daoguan.

Moreover, when you meet Ye Xinghe in the future, you must be respectful and must not offend him.

In the afternoon, in Jishi Taoist Hall.

At this time, only Du Yuanzhi and Ning Qingru were there.

At this time, there was an endless stream of people coming and going in Jishi Taoist Hall.

There are many people who come to see the doctor and get medicine.

Ning Qingru was so happy that she couldn't open her mouth from ear to ear.

Du Yuanzhi was also quite busy behind the medicine cabinet.

Since that day, the business of Jishi Daoguan has been getting better and better.

There are many guests every day.

It's a huge difference from before.

The reason is that whether it is Shenlong Chamber of Commerce or Qingfeng Hall.

After that day, orders were given.

Let me take care of the business of Jishi Daoguan.

And all this is because of Ye Xinghe.

Although Ye Xinghe did not have this request.

But they all saw Ye Xinghe's concern for Jishi Gym and the relationship between the two.

Naturally, Ye Xinghe didn't need to ask for such a thing, he did it quietly for him.

It can be regarded as a favor.

However, Du Yuanzhi and Ning Qingru did not know this.

The two just felt that the business in the store had improved inexplicably.

Both of them were in a very good mood.

Du Yuanzhi hit the back of the head with his foot.

After finally seeing off a group of guests, I sat on a chair and took a breath.

He frowned and said, "Why can't you see those two children all day long now?"

It turned out that Du Yao and Du Chengyang had not seen anyone at all these days.

They have been running towards the Divine Medicine Master Association.

It is said that he met some important figure in the Divine Medicine Master Association.

Du Yuanzhi frowned and said with some dissatisfaction: "It's true that Yao'er and Chengyang are so busy at home and they don't know how to come back to help!"

"Especially Chengyang, he has learned a lot now. I don't know what he is doing when he comes to see doctors at home and always runs out!"

"You know shit!"

Ning Qingru snorted coldly and said disdainfully: "My son is not like you. He can't be beaten with three sticks. He has to guard this Jishi Gym all his life!"

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