Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2940 Whose credit is it?

Chapter 2940 Whose credit?

In recent days, Qingfeng Hall and Tianhu Club have had several conflicts.

Both sides have suffered casualties.

But the people of Tianhu Club are not afraid of Qingfeng Hall at all.

Each of them is powerful and fearless.

Moreover, their weapons are extremely sharp, and they will either die or be injured if they encounter them.

It also gave Lu Yunfeng a headache.

However, he naturally couldn't sit idly by and watch the affairs of Jishi Dojo.

He immediately frowned and said, "Let's go and take a look!"

Soon, Lu Yunfeng brought people to the front of Jishi Dojo.

He saw the people of Tianhu Club standing there.

After seeing one of them clearly, he frowned immediately.

This thin man is a hall master of Tianhu Club, powerful and very fierce.

He fights hard at every turn.

Even Lu Yunfeng is very troubled.

When he saw him, he knew what happened today, and I'm afraid An Yishan will be fine.

Soon, he brought people to the vicinity of Jishi Dojo.

Before reaching the Jishi Dojo, just as I arrived at a small alley.

I saw a strange scene in front of me.

A tall young man in ordinary clothes stood there.

And a strong man with obviously strong strength and fierce face knelt in front of him and kowtowed repeatedly.

And Lu Yunfeng recognized him at a glance.

The man kneeling on the ground was a strong man from the Tianhu Club.

He had dealt with Qingfeng Hall before and really hurt Qingfeng escaped a lot of people.

But at this moment, he was very humble.

Lu Yunfeng and others were a little surprised and walked forward.

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows and said, "Why are you here?"

Lu Yunfeng explained his purpose and said with a smile, "I heard that something happened in the Jishi Dojo, so I came to take care of it."

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows and was slightly surprised.

But then he understood.

Presumably because of his relationship, the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce should have ordered Qingfeng Hall to take care of the Jishi Dojo.

A little warmth surged in his heart, and he smiled and said, "It's a few people from the Tianhu Club who are making trouble here, but it doesn't matter, I have already dealt with it."

"Oh, the people from the Tianhu Club are so respectful?"

Lu Yunfeng was stunned for a moment and blurted out.

The Tianhu Club strongman said with a smile: "Boss Lu, you are joking, let alone us, even our boss would be respectful when he saw Mr. Ye, and would not dare to be negligent in the slightest!"

Only then did Lu Yunfeng realize that Ye Xinghe's strength was much more terrifying than he had imagined!

These people from the Tianhu Club were just weird when they saw him.

They wouldn't give any face.

At this time, in front of Ye Xinghe, he was as obedient as a quail.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said, "Okay, since Boss Lu is here, let you handle this."

He looked at the Tianhu Club and said, "You know what to do."

The Tianhu Club nodded repeatedly.

Then Ye Xinghe left quietly.

At this time, in front of the Jishi Dojo.

Ning Qingru said to Liu Hongchang in a low voice with a bit of flattery: "Mr. Liu, everyone knows that you are the young prodigy of the Divine Pharmacist Association, and your future is limitless. I believe you are very prestigious. Please help us and persuade them!"

"The people of the Tianhu Association should give you face!"

Du Chengyang also looked at him eagerly.

"Brother, say something!"

Liu Hongchang was nervous at the moment.

Looking at these people from the Tianhu Association, there was some fear in his eyes.

Because he knew very well that the Tianhu Association was also a powerful force in the underground world of the city.

Moreover, they acted bravely and were not afraid of death.

They didn't give face to anyone.

It is said that they only obeyed the dispatch of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce.

He, a disciple of the Divine Pharmacist Association, sounded quite bluffing, and could deal with the powerful.

But, he really couldn't say anything to these people from the Tianhu Association.

They really might not give him face.

Maybe, seeing that he was upset, they would just take action.

At that time, if I get myself involved, it will not be worth it! Liu Hongchang hesitated and sat there without moving. Until the eyes of Du Yuanzhi and others had become a little suspicious. Even Du Chengyang said in surprise: "Brother, you take action, face is useful, right?" "The Divine Pharmacist Association, they must be afraid, right?" Liu Hongchang knew at this time that he would definitely not be able to show up. He gritted his teeth in his heart, stood up, and walked towards the Tianhu Society. "Everyone, I am Liu Hongchang from the Divine Pharmacist Association. My master is the elder of the Divine Pharmacist Association. This Jishi Daoguan has a lot of relationship with my master. For my sake, how will this matter end?" "There must be some misunderstanding!" His tone was also quite humble. Even a little humble. He didn't dare to show off in front of the Tianhu Society. The people of the Tianhu Society were waiting bitterly. They saw one of their companions being taken into the alley by Lord Ye.

They still didn't know what was going on.

Thinking of offending Lord Ye Xinghe, they were worried and scared.

They were extremely irritated.

When they heard Liu Hongchang's noise, they immediately rolled their eyes and wanted him to get out.

One of them looked at Liu Hongchang with a fierce look in his eyes.

Liu Hongchang was so scared that he trembled and took a step back.

At this moment, he found that the people from the Tianhu Society were looking at one place.

Then they saw it.

The person from the Tianhu Club who had quietly left just now came back with a somewhat relaxed look on his face.

He seemed relieved.

Several people from the Tianhu Association quickly gathered around and talked in low voices.

After listening, their expressions became relaxed.

Liu Hongchang froze on the spot, not knowing what happened.

And what happened next made it difficult not only Du Yuanzhi and others.

All the onlookers inside and outside the Jishi Gym were dumbfounded.

These few people from the Tianhu Association suddenly fell to their knees.

While shouting with a cry, he slapped himself hard.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Du, it's me, lard, who was deceived, bribed by Wang Shaoren, blinded, and came to you to cause trouble!"

"Yes, Wang Shaoren gave us five pieces of Fierce Yang Jade and asked us to pretend to be seriously injured after taking the elixir from your Jishi Gym and come to you to blackmail us!"

"The benefits of knocking are all ours!"

"Yes, Wang Shaoren was jealous of Jishi Gym's good business, so he used this vicious strategy!"

"Master Du, we won't dare to do it anymore, please let me wait this time!"

"I was not seriously injured just now, nor did I take any pills from Jishi Daoguan. It was all an illusion created by using a medicine. In fact, I am fine at all and I am alive and well!"

Especially the strong man who was the leader of the Tiger Club that day showed off his aura.

It doesn't hurt to show everyone that you are.

At this time, I saw this scene at the corner of the street from a distance.

Wang Shaoren was struck like five thunders, and everyone was numb.

At this time, everyone suddenly realized.

It turns out that this is what happened.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wang Shaoren immediately turned around and wanted to escape.

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