Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2946 Storm

"But do you dare to touch me? I am from Louwailou. If you touch me, Louwailou will not let you go!"

"You know how lovely the building outside the building is"

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

Ye Xinghe stepped on his Dantian.

With a 'click', his cultivation was completely destroyed.

I felt the surge of power leaving my body, and my strength declined rapidly.

The young boy in green eyes widened.

Just as he was about to scream, Ye Xinghe stepped on his mouth again.

It could only make a whining sound.

At this time, Ye Xinghe still lowered his head and asked: "Now, can you speak properly?"

At this time, the young man in green clothes finally did not dare to speak harshly, his eyes were full of despair.

He could feel it from Ye Xinghe's actions just now.

The person in front of me really didn’t take Louwailou seriously at all!

If he talks harshly again, he won't care about Louwailou's background at all and will just dare to kill himself!

He nodded quickly and became extremely well-behaved.

"Master, just ask, I will definitely tell you everything I know!"

"very good."

Ye Xinghe asked a few questions in a low voice, and the young man in Tsing Yi answered them one by one.

After a cup of tea, Ye Xinghe quietly left the alley.

As for the young men in Tsing Yi, he had already taken care of them.

Ye Xinghe felt no psychological burden at all from killing these people.

They were committing crimes outside this building, and they had countless blood and lives on their hands.

Ye Xinghe changed his outfit and entered the building outside the building again.

This time, Ye Xinghe did not hesitate and went directly to the third floor.

The first and second floors are where meals are served.

It was extremely lively, with people drinking and drinking.

It was much quieter on the third floor.

The third floor has expanded in area and is surrounded by circles of private rooms.

Enough to accommodate hundreds of people.

In the middle is a stage.

It looks quite similar to an auction.

At this time, there were not many people on the third floor.

There were just some people sitting in scattered seats, talking to each other.

The stage was also empty.

Ye Xinghe found a seat and sat down quietly.

He had already learned from the young man in Qingyi that Gu Changyu had indeed come to Louwailou today.

Then, he was taken directly by Grandma Wang.

Grandma Wang is responsible for commanding hundreds of dancers on the entire third floor.

Yes, the third floor of the outer building is where you can enjoy singing and dancing.

The young man in green clothes said that Gu Changyu was somewhat famous in Louwailou.

She is naturally beautiful and dances gracefully.

There is even an aura of weakness that I feel pity for.

I was spotted by Grandma Wang early on, but I didn’t come here until today.

But now, the singing and dancing have not started yet, and Ye Xinghe feels a little at ease.

If it was just singing and dancing, Gu Changyu's current situation should be considered safe at least.

Soon, it was time for singing and dancing.

The lights in the hall dimmed instantly.

There was only a beam of light on the stage, looming.

At this time, most of the seats here were already occupied.

Many people watched with interest.

After a while, a group of dancers slowly appeared on the stage.

I don’t know how it came out.

Presumably, this stage

And when they appeared.

Ye Xinghe's eyes immediately locked onto one of them.

Although, this woman is only standing in the corner, not in the main position.

But Ye Xinghe still recognized her at a glance.

There is no way, her temperament is too cold and pure.

Not only is she beautiful, but more importantly, she has that kind of temperament.

It makes people feel that I am pitiful and extremely weak.

His face was always timid, like a frightened deer.

Ye Xinghe recognized her at a glance, she was Gu Changyu.

Ye Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Changyu's expression was cold, nothing unusual.

Apparently no accident occurred.

This puts me at ease a little bit.

The dance lasts about a quarter of an hour.

Ye Xinghe did not alert the enemy.

After a quarter of an hour of preparation, Gu Changyu and others finished dancing.

He quietly went over and took her away.

At this time, there were exclamations of exclamation one after another all around.

"Who does this woman look like? I've never seen her before."

"Yes, her temperament is really unparalleled. She is so cold and pure, I feel pity for her!"

Many people had a strong look of greed in their eyes.

Gu Changyu seemed to feel these gazes, he was slightly flustered and his eyes were timid.

Someone said: "Oh, I remembered, this should be the Gu Changyu!"

"I heard that she was born in Yiyangfang and her family was quite poor. Grandma Wang has been interested in her for a long time. It seems that she has finally come to Louwailou, haha!"

Then, he lowered his voice slightly and winked.

The person next to me said: "Master Zhang, what do you think of this girl?"

That Mr. Zhang is a young man in fine clothes and wears many spiritual treasures.

Obviously he has a good background and is very powerful.

He looked at Gu Changyu with fascination on his face.

He suddenly stood up and said in a loud voice: "This girl will be my person from now on. If you see who I am, please behave yourself!" Seeing him speak, many people suddenly showed awe and fear in their eyes.

Just now, the rising and falling voices immediately became much weaker.

Some people were quite unconvinced and whispered: "Who is this kid? He is so arrogant!"

The person next to me quickly said: "Shut up, shut up!"

"Young Master Zhang is from a second-rate wealthy family. Those who can offend him in this Lieyang Imperial City are all top wealthy and first-class wealthy families. Let's forget it!"

Ye Xinghe shook his head slightly.

Second-rate wealthy families may be very powerful in the eyes of others.

But Ye Xinghe is someone who can suppress even the first-class wealthy families!

At this time, everyone was seen shrinking back in fear.

The young man laughed very proudly.

He looked at an old woman next to the stage and said, "Mother Wang, what do you say?"

This old woman could tell that she must have been a beauty when she was young.

He is no longer young now.

She smiled very slickly and said: "Master Zhang, don't be anxious, let's watch this dance first!"

Mr. Zhang also forcibly suppressed his temper.

At this time, a drunken voice suddenly came.

"I heard that you have a stunning woman here. Let me see how stunning she is!"

With a 'bang', the door was smashed open.

A dozen people strode in.

Each one is quite tough and powerful.

Some people even carried extremely ferocious murderous intentions, and it was obvious that many people were killed.

And among them was a tall and burly middle-aged man.

At this time, he was drunk and his face was red.

Squinting his eyes, he staggered forward.

Look at the looks of fear on many people's faces after they appeared.

Those who stood in front of them were thrown out by those tough and strong men and fell to the ground.

He screamed repeatedly, but he didn't dare to say another nonsense.

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