Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2953 Killing Weapon

Chapter 2953 Killer weapon!

"Old man, my skills are limited. I can only make rough and simple swords, guns and daggers. Some of them are just sharp, but nothing else can be done."

"I can't create all the weird and weird spiritual treasures that you noble gentlemen want!"

Ye Xinghe laughed.

"It doesn't matter, all I want is that it's sharp enough and strong enough, so that's it."

As he spoke, he showed a sample he had prepared before.

But it was a thin needle, about a finger long.

Ye Xinghe said: "Just make a needle like this, three inches long and as thin as an ox hair, the thinner the better."

"I only have two requests for it."

“One, it’s strong enough to be used multiple times.”

"Second, it is sharp enough to break the power of rules, and its level must reach the Lingbao level!"

"Like you said, sharp is fine."

Xiao Ruyuan nodded.

"No problem, this is very simple, I can type it out for you right now."

There was some contempt in his heart.

I thought it was some extremely difficult spiritual treasure.

Unexpectedly, it is just such a thin needle, what is it!

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Don't agree too early, I want a lot."

"How much?"

In Xiao Ruyuan's opinion, no matter how many, it would only be a few or a dozen.

One hundred sticks would reach the sky!

The next moment, what Ye Xinghe said made others numb!

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "I want 30,000!"

Xiao Ruyuan could no longer maintain his previous cold and indifferent attitude.

He widened his eyes and shouted, "Thirty thousand, can you use it?"

You know, whether it is driving swords, guns, swords and halberds, or using hidden weapons.

That all requires strong mental and physical strength.

Even the power of rules is used to control.

And a person's power is limited, and there are relatively few things he can control.

For example, it is rare to be able to control four or five swords.

Being able to control a sword array composed of dozens of swords by oneself is even rarer.

And Ye Xinghe wants to create 30,000 fine needles.

How could he control so many hidden weapons at the same time!

Ye Xinghe said: "Don't worry about it. How long will it take?"

Xiao Ruyuan glanced at Li Quanhuai.

Li Quanhuai immediately said: "Don't worry about anything else. You can put off other things later and do what Mr. Ye ordered first!" Xiao Ruyuan nodded and said, "If this is the case, ten days will be enough."

Ye Xinghe thought for a moment, and the time was not bad.

He can also catch up and participate in the main competition of the Guanghan Palace Selection Tournament.

As long as it's before then.

He nodded and said, "Okay, as fast as you can!"

After finishing this matter, Ye Xinghe went directly back to Guanghan Inn.

In the past few days, Ye Xinghe has been running around outside.

I didn’t come back to Guanghan Inn.

When he returned here, he found that Guanghan Inn had become much more depressed.

The number of people is more than 90% less than before.

So much so that compared to the hustle and bustle of the past, Ye Xinghe was a little uncomfortable here.

After thinking about it for a moment, I knew what was going on.

It must be because the qualifiers have already started, and 90% of the people have already gone to participate in the qualifiers.

But that’s fine, it’s quiet.

Ye Xinghe was preparing to return to his small courtyard.

When walking through the square in front of the inn, a person walked towards me.

The moment he saw this person, Ye Xinghe immediately thought of a word.

Show off your edge!

This person is not very handsome, looks quite ordinary, and is not very tall.

But when he stood there wearing a white robe, he felt extremely dazzling.

The whole person is like an unsheathed sword, sharp and full of murderous intent.

Strong and sharp.

It seemed that just by looking at him, he would be stabbed by the light on his body.

Of course, to Ye Xinghe, this is nothing.

Such a sharp edge just shows that this person cannot control the power in his body.

If he is strong enough.

This edge and the power of rules hidden within should be completely absorbed into his body.

It won't be exposed at all.

Ye Xinghe didn't know this person and didn't want to have anything to do with him.

Just prepare to pass from the side.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he moved a step, this person flashed and stood in front of him again.

Ye Xinghe frowned and looked at him, and said lightly: "Do we know each other?"

The man looked Ye Xinghe up and down and suddenly sneered.

"Are you Ye Xinghe?"

There was a hint of doubt in his voice.

Ye Xinghe nodded slowly.

The man smiled and said: "I heard that Ye Xinghe is very powerful and intimidates everyone. Few of the disciples who came to participate in the selection competition dare to provoke you."

"Now it seems that it is nothing more than that, ordinary!"

He chuckled lightly and said with disdain on his face: "The reason why it is so popular is simply because it has not met strong people like us!"

Ye Xinghe was too lazy to argue with him, glanced at him and walked forward without saying a word.

And his behavior, in the eyes of this man, was a sign of weakness.

Thinking that he had touched Ye Xinghe's sore spot, he did not dare to argue with himself.

As a result, he pushed even further and once again stood in front of Ye Xinghe.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Bai Hanzhou. I come from the far north. I got a Guanghan Token."

"I heard that you also have a Guanghan Token?"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

"That's right."

"You and I are different!"

Bai Hanzhou sneered and said: "I relied on my own ability to pass with a real sword. An elder killed thirty-seven opponents in a selection competition held in the far north before grabbing this Guangzhou Cold token!"

"As for you, you are just a pariah from a barbaric world. You just got the token by being lucky enough to climb onto the lap of a down-and-out elder!"

He obviously knows a lot about Elder Ye Xinghe and Han Yun.

He had a look of arrogance on his face.

"The rules I practice are the rules of the sword. I have condensed the Nascent Soul, and now I am in the second-turn state of the Nascent Soul!"

He pointed at Ye Xinghe.

"You'll be unlucky if you run into me!"

"In the main competition, I will let you know what a true genius is!"

"People like you are not worthy to be compared with me!"

Ye Xinghe shook his head, suddenly glanced at him, and said lightly: "It's not over, is it?"

Bo Hanzhou was stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, he dared to talk back.

Then came the rage.

In his opinion, this Ye Xinghe's strength is average.

It was just a fluke that I got the Guanghan Token and gained some fame.

What kind of thing is he worthy of shouting at himself?

How dare he treat himself like this!

"If you dare to speak to me like this, I will let you know what it means to respect elders and younger ones!"

After all, the extremely sharp sword energy on the surface of his body.

Suddenly it condensed and turned into a powerful and huge sword rule.

Cut straight towards Ye Xinghe.

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