Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2959 Heading to Yunshan and Wuhai

Many people were seriously injured at this time, with huge and hideous wounds on their bodies.

Even his hands and feet were broken off.

Some people even fell heavily to the ground as soon as they appeared here, unable to even stand up.

At this time, many people dressed as disciples of Guanghan Dao Sect appeared in Guanghan Inn.

These people were immediately carried down and treated with various magical herbs and elixirs.

Almost everyone who survived was injured.

But after they appeared here, each of them looked extremely excited.

These people are the survivors who survived after participating in the selection competition!

Thousands of people participated in the selection competition.

At this time, only six or seven hundred people survived!

It can be said that no one out of ten can be saved!

But they are all truly elite talents!

Among them, some people had clean clothes and no injuries at all.

Clearly, they are the best of the best.

With a crushing attitude, he easily passed this cruel qualifying round!

One of them, a man with a majestic figure, was particularly powerful.

Everyone else looked at him with a bit of fear and caution.

Obviously, this guy did extremely well in the qualifiers.

He hovered above the inn, his eyes slowly sweeping over.

There was an unconcealable look of arrogance in his eyes.

"My name is Qi Yu, I won all the rounds and won the promotion, without losing a single match!"

The next moment, Qi Yu's extremely arrogant laughter sounded in Guanghan Inn.

"You are a bunch of trash who have taken the Guanghan Token. Every one of you is counted as one. When you get to Yunshan Wuhai, watch me kill you all!"

When this voice echoed through Guanghan Inn.

This voice naturally sounded in Ye Xinghe's small courtyard.

His eyes were calm and unruffled.

But at this time, in Guanghan Inn, dozens of auras suddenly appeared in an instant.

Each one is powerful and fierce.

But it disappeared instantly.

Obviously, no one wants to cause more trouble in this matter.

Everyone is recharging their energy for the upcoming race.

Seeing no one react, Qi Yu laughed crazily.

A moment later, Elder Qiao Tianhui appeared here.

He glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "Congratulations to all of you for passing the brutal qualifiers and entering the main competition!"

"Most of you have injuries on your body. We, the Guanghan Dao Sect, have regarded you as a pre-selected force. Therefore, we will provide you with the best magical medicine masters and the most advanced wound medicine to heal your injuries."

"Next, everyone can rest here for three days."

"In three days, we will rush to the location of the main game."

Then, he stopped caring about everyone and left quickly.

The Guanghan Inn became lively again.

Then, these seriously injured people were carried to a courtyard in the inn.

Treat them together there.

And it was in the evening of this day that Ye Xinghe received a summons from Wang Feng.

He was found in an inconspicuous courtyard in another slum.

This is already the fourth residence Wang Feng has changed since arriving here.

He obviously understands the principle of three burrows of a cunning rabbit and will not stay in one place for a long time.

In the room, Wang Feng spoke very logically.

Ye Xinghe was sitting there, listening motionless.

All the information entered his mind and was quickly remembered.

Wang Feng talked for three hours.

Ye Xinghe looked at him and nodded with satisfaction.

I have to say that Wang Feng's ability to do things is really strong.

During this period of time, it can almost be said that he has collected all the information on the market about Yunshan Wuhai.

All collected.

Moreover, there are many more secret things inside.

I'm afraid it can only be obtained by special means.

With this information, Ye Xinghe's chance of survival in the sea of ​​clouds, mountains and fog can be increased by at least 30%!

It has many advantages over others.

After Wang Feng finished speaking, he took out something else.

"Just yesterday, I accidentally found this thing related to Yunshan and Wuhai on the black market in the underground world. I think it should be useful, so I would like to ask you to take a look."

This is a scroll, but there is not a single word on it.

Wang Feng lit a flame and ignited the scroll.

In an instant, the book burned and a wisp of smoke came out.

After it burned out, there were no ashes.

Ye Xinghe understood, took a deep breath, and inhaled the green smoke into his mind.

He knew that this was a special way of passing on information.

The next moment, a large piece of information and a map appeared in Ye Xinghe's mind.

The map seemed to be looking down from a very high place.

Below is the rolling sea of ​​clouds, mountains and mist, seemingly endless.

And suddenly, in the sea of ​​clouds, mountains, and mist, there was a place with golden light that lit up instantly.

It seems like a strange treasure has been born.

Then, the light disappeared again.

But Ye Xinghe has already firmly remembered that position.

He said solemnly: "This should point to a treasure buried in the clouds, mountains and fog."

Wang Feng nodded.

"I think so too."

"This object should be extremely precious, otherwise, it would not be passed down in this way."

You know, this kind of paper that turns into smoke to convey information is very expensive.

Ye Xinghe kept this in mind and left.

Three days flew by.

After all, Ye Xinghe was not before the main competition of the selection competition.

Smoothly transform the time rule seeds into time rules.

It also failed to condense the Nascent Soul.

However, he didn't really take it to heart.

Nine times out of ten, things in this world are unsatisfactory.

At this time, Qiao Tianhui arrived again.

Along with it came a flying boat.

The flying boat is huge and shaped like a crescent moon.

The whole body is pure white, as if carved from jade, extremely beautiful.

There are two big characters written on the hull, Guanghan.

Qiao Tianhui smiled and said: "This is one of the best flying boats in Lieyang Imperial City!"

"Ordinary flying boats take several days and nights to travel from the Yunshan Mountains to the Lieyang Imperial City, but this flying boat can reach it in one day and night."

"Everyone, get on board!"

Everyone flew up one after another and landed on this giant flying boat.

The flying boat is huge enough to accommodate thousands of people.

At this time, the number of people on the deck was about eight hundred.

Soon, it was naturally divided into two camps.

The largest number of people, about five to six hundred, were the disciples who participated in the preliminary competition.

There are only a few hundred people.

It is someone like Ye Xinghe who holds the Guanghan Token.

Ye Xinghe also knew this for the first time.

There are actually so many people with Guanghan tokens.

After everyone came to the deck, Qiao Tianhui announced.

The disciples who fought in the previous preliminary round are called pre-selected disciples.

And those like Ye Xinghe who hold the Guanghan Token and enter the main competition directly are called talent seeds.

Pre-select disciples and talent seeds, when the two are distinguished.

There was something unkind in the eyes that looked at each other for a moment.

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