Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2974 Rule Combination

Chapter 2974 Rule combination!

Wouldn't that be equivalent to having your arm cut off directly?

Wei Shouyuan trapped Ye Xinghe, and after doing all this, it seemed that he had consumed a lot of money.

His face turned a little pale, and he took a rough breath before he recovered.

What he saw had trapped Ye Xinghe and defeated his most powerful method.

Wei Shouyuan was completely relieved.

He lowered his head, with a deep look down in his eyes.

"Our methods are beyond the imagination of a pariah like you!"

"Do you know that our rules all went through the same selection before they were chosen by us!"

"Did you know that our family has special rules that are consistent with our bloodline inheritance!"

"Did you know that these rules have been refined many times by the elders of the family!"

He pointed at everyone with a proud face.

"Among us, the one with the weakest rules has reached the sixth level of Zhongji. Can you, a country pariah, compare with us?"

Zhao Rushuang laughed loudly and said, "Although our rules are good, compared with you, brother Shouyuan, they are far behind!"

"Brother, you have two rules, one is the ultimate ninth grade, and the other is the advanced first grade. If you add the two rules together, you can crush this untouchable to death with one hand!"

She looked at Ye Xinghe with complicated eyes.

Both hate and disdain.

There is also a trace of deep jealousy.

"This country pariah, who luckily has some strength, still wants to compete with us, what the hell is he?"

She hated and was jealous of Ye Xinghe.

The people next to him also praised him one after another.

Wei Shouyuan is the strongest and has the highest status among them.

Wei Shouyuan had a reserved and contented smile on his face,

He came to Ye Xinghe and said lightly: "Ye Xinghe, despite his great reputation, is nothing more than this. He was trapped by one of my moves!"

He seemed to have completely forgotten that with so many of them fighting against the few with more people, they could not win without force.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were calm.

Now, he has a deep understanding of everyone's strength.

Wei Shou Yuan Yuan Ying's three turns, two grains rule.

The two rules he possesses are actually space rules and the battle ax rule.

The two attack each other and work together very well.

First use the space rules to restrain the opponent, and then the tomahawk rules fall.

With these two extremely powerful rules.

He can often defeat opponents who are at a higher level than himself!

"Okay, admit it now."

Wei Shouyuan said calmly: "Hand over your white command flag and the sword you used before, and then accept my mind control, and I will spare your life!"

He looked down at Ye Xinghe: "This is your only chance to survive!"

It turned out that he not only wanted the white flag in Ye Xinghe's hand.

I even want Ye Xinghe’s nameless broken sword!

He even wanted Ye Xinghe to surrender to him and become his dog!

Ye Xinghe's eyes flashed slightly.

In fact, Ye Xinghe was not without the ability to fight back just now.

He just used the rules of the cloud, but was instantly defeated.

If Ye Xinghe had used all his rules, he would have been able to fight just now.

But in Ye Xinghe's view, this is meaningless.

Even if they have the strength to fight, the opponent will use all their strength because they are well prepared.

He will still be suppressed and at a disadvantage, and these trump cards will be wasted.

It is better to wait and see what happens. He just wants to take this opportunity to see what the strength of these people is.

Now, he is basically confident!

Ye Xinghe discovered it at this time.

Although I have many rules, the power of these rules is too average, or in other words, ordinary.

For example, although he has the rules of clouds, rules of ice, etc.

However, the rules of ice cannot solve the problems that cannot be solved by the rules of cloud.

There is no difference between the two.

"It's time to refine the rules of time quickly!"

"The time rule has the highest level, and it must be able to surprise me!"

As for now, Ye Xinghe is not panicked.

He looked up.

"Since one rule can't solve it, then I'll do my best!"

"I don't believe it. The combination of rules I carefully created can't help them!"

Ye Xinghe sighed dejectedly, seeming to have resigned himself to his fate.

He took out the white flags and handed them to Wei Shouyuan outside the prison.

Wei Shouyuan naturally reached out to take it and leaned forward.

Therefore, he was naturally closer to this cage.

A light flashed in Ye Xinghe's eyes.

"It's now!"

The activation of the inner demon rules requires quite stringent conditions.

One of them is that to be close to it, it must be within one foot.

The closer you are, the better the effect.

But now, Ye Xinghe and Wei Shouyuan are only a short distance apart.

So, in an instant, the rules of the inner demon were activated.

A strange black symbol emerged from between Ye Xinghe's eyebrows and rushed forward.

In an instant, he escaped from the prison and was printed on the center of Wei Shouyuan's eyebrows.

The next moment, Wei Shouyuan screamed as if he had been hit hard, and took several steps back.

He covered his head and howled wildly on the spot.

In an instant, tears and runny nose came down.

Although the rules of space are powerful, Wei Shouyuan's realm is indeed very high.

However, the horror of the inner demon's rules was also revealed at this moment.

Under the impact of this inner demon rule, Wei Shouyuan felt that there were thousands of thoughts and countless distracting thoughts in his mind.

The brain was in chaos, almost turning into a ball of mush.

Countless inner demons, dancing wildly, emerged in his mind.

At this moment, his thinking was so chaotic that he almost went crazy.

With a 'wow' sound, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The Nascent Soul seemed to sense the master's danger and was trembling rapidly.

Suddenly, the cage formed by the rules of space could no longer be maintained.

After flashing several times in succession, the pillars of several cages on it began to appear both virtual and real.

Not as condensed and solid as before.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe caused a gap in this space cage!

Of course, Ye Xinghe also suffered a huge price when he used the inner demon rules.

At this moment, he also felt that crazy demons were dancing in his heart, distracting thoughts abounded, and he was overjoyed and sad.

Ye Xinghe felt horrified.

"It turns out that the price of using the inner demon rules is that you have to bear the impact of the inner demon rules!"

He himself was actually counterattacked by the rules of the inner demon!

However, Ye Xinghe's mental power is strong and his will is extremely firm.

I also have previous experience in dealing with inner demon rules.

Although there was blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, he still gritted his teeth and forcibly expelled the inner demons.

With a low roar, he rushed out of the space cage from the gap.

At this time, Wei Shouyuan was trapped by the rules of the inner demon, covering his head and screaming in agony, spinning around in circles.

Still losing combat effectiveness instantly.

The other people were frightened but did not panic, and they all came over to kill him.

It has to be said that they are not only powerful but also have high rules and levels.

Moreover, my own experience is also very rich.

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