Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2982 You are worthy of competing with me

This means that each of them has to choose an entrance.

Everyone was hesitant and afraid to move forward.

Ye Xinghe did not make the first move either.

Ye Xinghe knew very well about passing through Wuxiao.

The most terrifying force in the Yunshan Mist Sea is the fog beasts.

He probably wouldn't do anything to himself,

It seems that due to certain relationships, he is very kind to himself.

But he would never expose this in front of everyone.

Finally, someone couldn't help it anymore and cursed carelessly: "Damn it, it's a blessing not a curse. I don't believe it. What dangers could there be in it?"

He chose an entrance at random and walked in first.

With him taking the lead, everyone else did not want to waste time here and walked in one after another.

Wei Shouyuan walked proudly towards the middle entrance.

He looked back at Ye Xinghe and made a gesture of cutting his throat.

Naturally, it means that I will deal with you after passing this level.

After everyone was about halfway gone, Ye Xinghe found an entrance nearest to him and walked in.

His whole body was tense, pushing to the extreme.

Although there are previous speculations, there is no guarantee.

After entering the entrance, there is a feeling similar to entering the gate of gods and ghosts.

There was black mist rising all around.

Ye Xinghe traveled for who knows how long.

Suddenly, I felt a sense of danger coming.

An extremely powerful aura approached him very quickly.

In the black mist, a fog beast rushed towards him and was about to attack him.

But the moment it approached Ye Xinghe's body, it suddenly let out a cry of terror.

"Why do you have the aura of your ancestors on you?"

"It's terrible, it's terrible!"

Then, it didn't dare to stay for a moment, and returned directly to the black cloud.

I didn't even dare to fart.

Ye Xinghe was stunned at first, and then smiled with understanding.

Knowing what I had guessed before, it was indeed no problem.

He stopped staying and walked towards the exit with his head held high.

However, as he approached the exit, Ye Xinghe stopped.

After waiting patiently for about an hour, I walked out.

Outside is another square.

At this time, many people were already waiting above.

Ye Xinghe took a quick look and estimated that 90% of the people had already come out.

Seeing that Ye Xinghe came out at this time, many people's faces suddenly showed a hint of disapproval.

Everyone entered at about the same time, so naturally the earlier the person came out, the stronger they would be.

This Ye Xinghe was almost the last one to come out.

It can be seen that his strength is very ordinary.

"Ye Xinghe is quite famous. He was in the limelight before, but now his strength seems to be average!"

"That's right, despite its great reputation, it's actually nothing more than this."

However, they naturally didn't know that Ye Xinghe was deliberately keeping a low profile.

I waited inside for a long time before coming out.

Wei Shouyuan glanced sideways at Ye Xinghe and sneered: "You are worthy of competing with me!"

He was the first to come out.

The eyes of everyone looking at him were also full of fear and apprehension.

Almost everyone was injured, resting there to recuperate, talking in low voices.

Ye Xinghe found out after they talked about it.

It turns out that there is a fog beast inside every entrance.

And this fog beast will not go out of its way to make things difficult for these disciples.

There is only one thing you can do with them, and that is fight.

The battle rules are also very simple, as long as you can defeat this fog beast in five moves.

Then forget about it.

They will be able to pass smoothly!

However, there are several people who stay inside and will never come out again.

Almost all of the people who came out were bleeding and injured.

It can be seen that the strength of those fog beasts guarding inside cannot be underestimated.

Of course, there are a few exceptions.

For example, Wei Shouyuan was full of murderous intent, his face was cold and hard, and there was no change in his expression at all.

Apparently, it was very easy for him to pass this level.

After everyone came out, the passage at the end of the square was closed again.

The entrance appeared in front of me again.

Still consistent with their numbers.

After the last experience, everyone also knows that it is a blessing rather than a curse, and that there is no way to avoid it.

They each chose an entrance and walked in.

The situation Ye Xinghe encountered this time was still the same as before.

In the black mist, a fog beast appeared.

But after feeling Ye Xinghe's aura, he left immediately, not daring to say any nonsense.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe didn't know what dangers there were in this level.

But when he walked out, he made a discovery.

The number of people this time was 30% less than before.

Obviously, the damage at this second level is very large.

There was also a rather strange look on everyone's faces.

But no new injuries were added.

It can be seen that it is most likely not a battle inside.

Ye Xinghe knew next.

It turns out that in this second level, there is still a fog beast in each passage.

However, this time, the fog beast did not fight with them.

Instead, he asked them a question.

This problem is generally extremely rare and bizarre.

But it has a profound relationship with cultivation.

Unless you are a highly accomplished cultivator, you won’t be able to answer it at all.

If everyone answers, they will be able to leave safely immediately.

Those who cannot answer will naturally be killed by the fog beast.

It turned out that their strength was not tested this time.

But a test of wisdom!

Everyone was talking to each other about the questions they were asked.

Ye Xinghe listened quietly beside him, feeling more and more that this matter was not simple.

Some of these questions were so profound that even he couldn't answer them.

The person who was making fun of him walked up to Wei Shouyuan with a flattering look on his face.

He smiled and asked: "Mr. Wei, I wonder what problem you encountered and how you solved it?"

Wei Shouyuan sneered.

"I didn't even give it a chance to speak, I just sent it to death with one move!"

"What questions does it ask, and what does it have to do with me?"

Everyone was flattering and praised Wei Shouyuan's unparalleled strength.

People came out one after another, and some answered the questions.

Some are like Wei Shouyuan. Although they can't answer the questions, they are strong enough to repel the fog beast.

As for those who can neither answer nor fight.

Naturally, we can only stay inside.

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly at this time, with some thoughts in his eyes.

"Why is there such a consideration after entering the second level?"

"Do all the disciples have it, or just us?"

"The first level tests combat effectiveness, and the second level tests wisdom. What is its purpose?"

Then, after everyone came out, the third level officially opened.

After Ye Xinghe entered the third level, he found that this time was different from before.

He didn't encounter fog beasts inside, but some terrifying and tyrannical mechanisms.

For Ye Xinghe, this is not worth mentioning.

Now, his body is extremely hard.

How could these institutions hurt him?

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