Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2984 Give me an hour

Chapter 2984 Give me an hour!

"I'm telling you, I have enough spiritual treasures and real pills here, not to mention one, three times is more than enough!"

Then, he waved his right hand.

Immediately, there were a huge amount of real pills, spiritual treasures, and other rare treasures.

In his space container, they flowed down.

In an instant, they covered the table in front of the falcon.

Two hundred spiritual treasures and real pills shone brightly on it, emitting a dazzling light.

Many people held their breath, their faces throbbing, and watched this scene obsessively.

"Young Master Wei is really wealthy!"

"Yes, one hundred real pills and one hundred spiritual treasures, just take them out as you say, is this the foundation of a first-class family?"

"Maybe there are stronger than him, but who can compete with him in terms of foundation!"

Everyone looked at Wei Shouyuan's space container, and they were all very greedy.

There should be hundreds of pills and hundreds of spiritual treasures in it.

But no one dared to covet it.

Because he is Wei Shouyuan!

The black falcon looked at Ye Xinghe, waiting for his answer.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said, "Yes, I have enough spiritual treasures, but I am still a little short of the number of true pills."

Ye Xinghe did not lie.

His true pills were originally enough.

But since entering here, after fighting repeatedly, he recovered from his injuries and swallowed a lot of pills.

Now the number of true pills is less than 30.

It is indeed not enough to make a hundred.

Wei Shouyuan laughed.

"It's good to know that you can't compare with me!"

"In this case, why are you still standing there? Get out of the way and don't waste time!"

He looked at the black falcon, his eyes burning and said, "Sir, what do you say next?"

He couldn't wait to accept this great opportunity.

At this time, Ye Xinghe interrupted him.

He smiled and said, "However, Sir, although I can't make a hundred true pills now, can I open the furnace to make pills?"

The black falcon looked at Ye Xinghe with interest.

"Of course I can."


Ye Xinghe laughed.

He immediately summoned the Bifang Demon Fire, and took out various elixirs and herbs, ready to start refining the elixir.

Wei Shouyuan mocked with disdain: "I didn't expect you to be a divine pharmacist."

"But I guess your level is not high, right?"

After all, he knew all the famous divine pharmacists in Lieyang Imperial City.

There was no Ye Xinghe among them.

Ye Xinghe didn't bother to pay attention to him at all.

The Bifang Demon Fire rose, and a huge amount of spiritual herbs and herbs were thrown in instantly.

This time he was going to refine 100 portions of divine medicine at once.

Seeing this scene, Wei Shouyuan mocked even more.

"Do you know how to refine it? Throwing in so many spiritual herbs and herbs at once, how many portions do you plan to refine in this furnace?"

"Fifty portions, or 100 portions?"

The faces of the people around him were also full of doubts.

"It's true that Ye Xinghe is a divine pharmacist, and his technique is quite skillful, but he is too fanciful!"

"Yes, he has to refine so many spiritual herbs and medicines at a time. I'm afraid even the president of the Divine Pharmacist Association of Lieyang Imperial City can't do it. He is too eager for success!"

No one thinks that Ye Xinghe can succeed in refining.

Everyone thinks that he has lost his mind because of his competition with Wei Shouyuan.

The black falcon suddenly spoke.

"Is one hour enough for you?"

Ye Xinghe nodded.


Wei Shouyuan laughed wildly: "Ye Xinghe, if you can refine it within one hour, I will admit defeat immediately. When I see you in the future, I will retreat a hundred miles away!"

Ye Xinghe pointed at him.

"Okay, I accept this bet, Wei Shouyuan, don't regret it!"

Wei Shouyuan grinned: "You are the one who regrets it!"

Ye Xinghe was refining with full concentration.

The flames of the Bifang demon fire were emitting, and the fragrance of spiritual herbs and medicines gradually diffused.

This time, Ye Xinghe refined a fourth-grade divine medicine.

Its effect is equivalent to that of a first-grade true pill.

Anyway, the eagle falcon only mentioned the true pill level, and did not say which level it had to reach.

That first-grade true pill naturally counts.

Ye Xinghe seized this loophole.

This fourth-grade divine medicine was very easy for Ye Xinghe to refine.

However, this time he had to refine 100 pills at a time.

The quantity was too large, so he needed to pay so much attention.

However, his current level was too high and his inheritance was too strong.

Everything was progressing in an orderly manner.

Those spiritual liquids gradually began to take shape and formed a large ball in the air.

And Wei Shouyuan's face changed from a disdainful sneer to a hint of solemnity.

Then, he became flustered.

Everyone was also amazed.

"It looks like it's almost done!"

"This, this is too outrageous, refining hundreds of words at a time?"

Before everyone finished speaking, Ye Xinghe roared and slowly raised his hand.

Then, his fingers were like knives, slashing through the air.

In an instant, the huge ball of liquid medicine was cut into 100 neat portions.

Then, the Bifang demon fire exploded, and the fragrance of medicine filled the air amid the flying flames.

One hundred portions of spiritual medicine were actually successfully refined by him!

For a magical medicine like this, Ye Xinghe can refine at least 100 portions at a time.

One hundred copies of this magical medicine are naturally equivalent to one hundred true pill-level pills!

Ye Xinghe placed the hundred copies of the magic medicine in front of the black falcon.

Then, he took out another hundred spiritual treasures.

He smiled and said: "Senior, please check whether you are qualified."

The black falcon glanced over, nodded and said: "It's passed, no different from him."

Wei Shouyuan was beside him at this time, his face already as gloomy as water.

Ye Xinghe looked at him sideways, smiled and said, "Do you still remember the bet just now?"

"Do you know what to do now?"

However, Wei Shouyuan's face remained calm and he gritted his teeth and said, "If you are joking, you should take it seriously!"

It was obvious that he was trying to cheat.

There was a burst of mocking laughter from the people around him.

"I didn't expect that people like Wei Shouyuan would be so dishonest, haha!"

"Before, I acted like I was the best in the world, but now, I've turned against you and refused to recognize anyone!"

Ye Xinghe chuckled and didn't bother to pay attention to him at all.

This attitude made Wei Shouyuan even more furious.

Eager to regain his face, he said to the black falcon: "Senior, what do you say?"

The black falcon ignored him, but nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately, he rushed in front of these spiritual treasures and true pills, and landed on one of the spiritual treasures.

Wei Shouyuan thought to himself, "You know what you are doing!"

This spiritual treasure was his contribution, and its level is also very high.

He originally thought that the black falcon would put these things away next.

The result was unexpected.

The black eagle opened its beak, directly picked up the square seal-shaped spiritual treasure, and threw it into the air.

Then the bird's beak closed and chewed it to pieces with a 'click'.

Then he raised his neck and swallowed it all.

Then, he took another bite, seven or eight real pills in a row.

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