Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2986 Xiaoqiang

Chapter 2986 Xiaoqiang!

Before Wei Shouyuan could come over, Ye Xinghe burst into laughter and rushed forward again.

"Come again!"

Another punch came out.

Ye Xinghe still tried to challenge his giant ax rules this time.

Ye Xinghe was still injured this time.

The giant ax rules were shaken back again.

Ye Xinghe laughed again.

"Come again!"

Still attacked.

In an instant, both sides had already fought dozens of moves.

The more Wei Shouyuan fought, the more frightened he became.

Originally, after entering the fourth level of Nascent Soul, Ye Xinghe was completely ignored.

But now, he found that he was wrong, very wrong!

Ye Xinghe's body was so hard that it was unimaginable!

Even if I am at the fourth level of my Nascent Soul, I still find it difficult to cope with it.

Even, gradually falling behind!

Wei Shouyuan no longer held back, his eyes were solemn, and he directly stated his own space rules.

Black and white lines flashed.

The space cage pressed hard towards Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe knew very well that Wei Shouyuan was going to fight for his life.

Space rules are his trump card, and the number of times he can use them is extremely limited.

He's going to fight for his life.

And Ye Xinghe also walked straight towards the space rules.

It seems that he is extremely confident and wants to challenge the rules of this space.

Wei Shouyuan was delighted.

He knows the power of space rules best.

At the moment when Ye Xinghe's body and the rules of this space were about to come into contact.

Wei Shouyuan suddenly felt like his eyes were blurred.

A large thick cloud suddenly appeared.

The gray-black clouds instantly enveloped him and the rules of space.

Wei Shouyuan suddenly thought something was wrong and quickly retreated.

But I found that it was too late to retreat now!

Because, at this moment, a faint blue light came from the surface of his body.

A thin layer of ice appeared directly on his body surface.

He was sealed here instantly.

He was actually frozen in place, unable to move!

What followed was the countless fine needles of cow hair.

He had seen the lethality of this thing before.

However, Wei Shouyuan still has some background.

As the light flashed across the surface of the body, those fine needles were blocked.

His pupils constricted.

Because, he saw a figure that scared him the most.

After the fine needle, Ye Xinghe came walking on the clouds.

This is what Ye Xinghe wants.

What is important is that Wei Shouyuan thinks that he will fight against the rules of space.

In this case, all his attention will be on the rules of space.

This will relax you in other aspects.

As soon as he relaxes, Ye Xinghe's opportunity will come!

Among the thick clouds, Ye Xinghe stared at Wei Shouyuan and grinned.

"Do you think I will fight against your space rules?"

"My body is tough enough, but I'm not stupid!"

The next moment, a punch hit Wei Shouyuan's body.

This punch almost shattered Wei Shouyuan's body and seriously injured him.

Then, another punch fell.

Wei Shouyuan knew that this was a matter of life and death.

One punch and you will die!

At this last moment, Wei Shouyuan roared, and the rules of space were restored.

In an instant, the space cage turned into black and white lines and exploded in his hands.

These black and white lines immediately enveloped Ye Xinghe.

Wei Shouyuan's face was covered with blood, and he roared: "Even if I die, I will drag you with me!"

"You can't stop my space rules, let's die together!"

In his vicious roar, Ye Xinghe's fist fell hard.

Wei Shouyuan was directly bombed.

At the same time, his Nascent Soul was shattered.

Pushing the rules of this space to the extreme.

The rules of space instantly enveloped Ye Xinghe's body.

Those terrifying powers began to attack Ye Xinghe's body crazily.

I do not know how long it has been.

Finally, the black and white light suddenly shattered.

In this chaos, Ye Xinghe strode out.

At this moment, he was no longer human and fell to the ground.

He gasped for air and looked up at the gray-black sky, with a smile blooming at the corner of his mouth.

"I won after all!"

Next to him, Master Qiang glanced at Ye Xinghe, and his heart was also a little shaken.

"I didn't expect that not only is he physically strong, but he also controls a lot of power of rules!"

Qiang Ye quacked twice, and praised with a smile: "Ye Xinghe, I didn't realize that you are quite strong, you just solved Wei Shouyuan!"

Ye Xinghe took a deep breath.

At this time, his situation can only be described as embarrassing.

He was hurt more than any time before.

With every breath, there was blood foam coming out.

There were more than a hundred wounds all over his body.

Almost all limbs are close to being broken.

If he didn't have the rules of blood, it would be other Nascent Soul realm monks.

At this point, I'm afraid he's completely dead!

Ye Xinghe glared at him angrily and sighed.

"Xiaoqiang, you just sit on the sidelines and make sarcastic remarks!"

Qiang Ye's eyes suddenly widened and he yelled angrily: "What did you call me? You didn't even call me Qiang Ye!"

Ye Xinghe chuckled and said: "If you help me, you are a strong master. If you don't help me, you are a burden. It's good to call you Xiaoqiang."

Xiaoqiang was shaking his wings angrily beside him.

Ye Xinghe was too lazy to pay attention to it.

He took away Wei Shouyuan's belongings, absorbed his two rules, and left quickly.

About half an hour later, Ye Xinghe found an extremely secret place.

It is a suspended mountain range.

But it is floating here in an inverted manner, which looks very strange.

The surrounding airflow is chaotic.

For him, it was a good place to heal.

Ye Xinghe found a cave inside to hide in and catch his breath.

Then, he began to refine the magic medicine to heal himself.

Seeing that the magic medicine he refined was of such high quality.

Xiaoqiang couldn't help but say: "You are a seventh-grade divine pharmacist!"

Ye Xinghe was not surprised when he could tell his identity as a seventh-grade divine pharmacist at a glance.

This guy is very mysterious.

Too lazy to talk to Xiaoqiang, Ye Xinghe made the magic medicine and swallowed it in one gulp.

Then he meditated quietly and began to practice and recover.

It took two days for Ye Xinghe to recover.

Only then did he have the time to sort out Wei Shouyuan's things.

Or to be precise, it is the harvest of this period.

First, there are the rules.

At this time, Ye Xinghe already had quite a lot of rules accumulated in his dantian.

Wei Shouyuan's space rules and crazy ax rules are relatively high-level.

In addition, Zhao Rushuang's Indestructible and the Rules of the Sword are also there.

These four rules have gone beyond ordinary and reached medium rules.

The rules of this space have reached the highest level.

In his dantian, Ye Xinghe looked at this space rule with a thick smile on his face.

Space rules are also extremely high-level rules.

Although it is not as good as his time rules, it is still extremely magical.

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