Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2998 You are the one who plots the scheme

Chapter 2998 You are the one scheming!

If it were at his peak.

He can break Ye Xinghe's cloud rules with a single palm.

But the problem is that he has been seriously injured by Qiao Tianhui and Qiu Yutian. The injuries are very serious and he is at the end of his strength.

Therefore, facing the thick clouds, he actually fell into it.

It didn't break open for a moment.

Although, with a wave of his hand, he was able to break the rules of the cloud.

But this moment of time was enough for Ye Xinghe to do a lot of things.

The next moment, 30,000 fine needles of ox hair rose simultaneously in the rules of the cloud.

Countless fine needles of cow hair instantly covered the top, bottom, left and right sides of the man in black cloak, and everything around him.

Blocking him in every direction.

This is the first time that the cow's fine needle moves with all its strength.

If the man in black cloak is at his peak.

If these fine needles cannot get close to him, he will find them directly and smash them into pieces.

He is now seriously injured, and his five senses and six consciousnesses are extremely reduced.

So much so that the cow hair needle was already close before he noticed it.

At this point, it was too late for him to dodge or attack.

There are at least 30% of the 30,000 cow hair needles, which is tens of thousands.

He ejaculated hard onto his body!

The black mist on the surface of the man in the black cloak originally had extremely strong defensive capabilities.

Can isolate many offensive attacks.

But at this moment, after he suffered a heavy blow.

This black mist has almost dissipated.

The fine needle shot into his body without any hindrance.

Instantly tearing his skin and flesh.

Of course, the body of the man in black cloak is also extremely strong.

After feeling the pain, his body shook and all the fine needles flew away.

Then he casually shattered the rules of the cloud.

He sneered and looked at Ye Xinghe.

"With this little method, I still want to deal with it."

The next words have not been spoken yet.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

The wound suddenly no longer felt any pain, but instead there was a numb and itchy feeling.

This numb and itchy feeling spread all over the body in an instant.

At this moment, he almost lost all awareness of his body.

He looked down horribly.

I saw that the wounds on the surface of the body had healed.

This is due to his powerful body.

But he clearly looked inside and saw that the inside of the healed wound had turned a miserable green color!

Moreover, this pale green color is still following his blood and the texture of his muscles and bones.

It spreads rapidly towards the body!

At this moment, the green poison was all over his body.

It has even reached the internal organs!

The man in black cloak shouted sternly: "Boy, you actually used poison!"

"But do you think this will work for me?"

The power of rules in his body was operating, trying to expel these toxins.

He didn't take the poison seriously.

Because, under the power of rules, the cultivator's body is almost invincible.

The power of rules can remove almost all toxins.

The power of his rules comes where the poison is.

But a scene that shocked him appeared.

After feeling the power of the rules, those poisons became even crazier.

It boiled instantly and swallowed up all the power of those rules.

The power of this rule actually became their nourishment, making the poison even stronger!

The man in black cloak screamed and vomited blood.

The blood turned out to be a miserable green color.

He was extremely shocked and angry.

Unexpectedly, I was already poisoned!

It had been many years since he had tasted poisoning.

At this moment, Ye Xinghe saw the rules of the cloud.

The toxin-like luster on those fine needles has faded.

Become your original self again.

Moreover, there are about 10,000 fine needles of cow hair inside.

It was already distorted and deformed by the shock of the man in the black cloak, and could not be used again.

Ye Xinghe spent a lot of money this time, but he smiled happily!

You know, the poison is smeared on the fine knitting of cow hair.

That is specifically aimed at Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses!

Even though the man in black cloak is extremely powerful, he has not transcended the realm of Nascent Soul Realm.

Then the toxin is effective on him, it just depends on the strength of the effect.

This is the moment he has been waiting for!

They have always regarded the enemy as weak and have been waiting for them to fight with each other.

Quietly, he asked Mr. Qiang to help him unlock the chains, accumulate all his strength, and launch a fatal blow.

Just for this moment!

Ye Xinghe shouted loudly: "Two elders, why don't you hurry up and take action!"

Qiao Tianhui and Qiu Yutian looked at each other and saw excitement in each other's eyes.

They didn't pursue him just now because they knew it very well.

There are no more means on my side.

If he continues to fight, he is afraid that he will be killed by the opponent instead, which is meaningless.

That's why I chose to sit back and watch him leave.

But it's different now. The man in black cloak is already poisoned.

Maybe we can keep him here!

The two of them didn't care about Ye Xinghe's attitude and moved forward quickly.

The man in black cloak knew very well that if he didn't leave, he really wouldn't be able to leave!

He glanced at Ye Xinghe, and suddenly, he lifted up his black cloak and fluttered it.

In an instant, the black cloak suddenly grew in size in the air.

In the blink of an eye, it was overwhelming.

It was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

When several people regained their sight, they found out.

The man in black cloak has disappeared from where he was.

Obviously, he also had a trump card that he didn't use.

Duan Huaishan suddenly figured it out at this time and shouted sternly: "Ye Xinghe, how dare you plot against me!"

"This is all your plan, right?"

"You took the initiative to bump into my hands and let me capture you, and then lured this mysterious strong man over. You planned all of this, right?"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly.

"I just figured it out. It's a little slower than I thought."

Duan Huaishan was extremely angry and struck Ye Xinghe with one palm.

"How dare you plot against me!"

Ye Xinghe sneered and said: "If you weren't greedy for my bloodline and treasures, how could I possibly plot against you."

Duan Huaishan was choked by what he said.

It was indeed his fault.

He roared ferociously: "Don't worry about it, I will kill you first!"

The offensive is about to fall.

But a hand stretched out out of thin air from the side and resolved it directly.

The person who took action was Qiao Tianhui.

He was also seriously injured and his face was a little pale.

But his eyes were stern and he said calmly: "Duan Huaishan, it doesn't matter how you argue in private, but in front of me, there must be no dispute."

"You can resolve your personal grievances on your own later."

Duan Huaishan said sternly: "Elder, he has admitted it himself, he is the one who plotted against me!"

Qiao Tianhui said calmly: "He plotted against you, and you almost killed him. You two are even."

"I repeat, I don't like people questioning what I say!"

Duan Huaishan had no choice but to grit his teeth and pointed at Ye Xinghe.

"Very good, see how I deal with you when I meet you again!"

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