Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3001: Tooth for Tooth

Chapter 3001: Tooth for tooth!

The disciples who have made it this far are not fools.

Naturally, we know what a rare opportunity this is.

Maybe it's only once in a lifetime.

As a result, they all put aside all kinds of disputes to fight, and began to absorb crazily and improve themselves.

At this time, above the void, Qiao Tianhui and Qiu Yutian saw this scene.

The two of them also smiled knowingly.

They serve as the elders of Guanghan Dao Sect.

In fact, these disciples are also valued very highly.

Don't want them to be too cannibalistic.

But there is no choice but to follow the sect's rules.

Nowadays, I feel very happy to see that everyone’s strength is improving.

Half a month later, there was a mediation process.

After the inner demon rules once again swallowed the power of an original rule into the black mist.

Ye Xinghe slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and whispered to himself.

"The inner demon rules have been upgraded four times, and the cloud rules and ice rules have also been upgraded twice each!"

This is already the ninth power of original rules that he has obtained during this period of time.

He is obviously more focused on the inner demon rules.

Counting today, he has already improved the inner demon rules five times!

Ye Xinghe continued to search, not daring to delay.

As for the nameless broken sword.

Ye Xinghe has already prepared to integrate the three rules that he cannot use into the Nameless Broken Sword.

Therefore, there is no need to waste the power of the original rules to improve it.

A few days later, Ye Xinghe sighed.

In the past few days, only three days ago, he found the power of the original rules.

The past three days have yielded nothing.

These are the few rules that Ye Xinghe currently possesses.

The inner demon rules are the first-class rules.

The time rules he cannot refine yet are unclear.

The rules of the cloud are ordinary third-grade rules.

The rules of ice are ordinary first-grade rules.

After this period of improvement, the inner demon rules have reached the upper-level sixth-level rules.

The rules of the clouds have reached the level of ordinary fifth-grade rules.

The rules of ice have reached the level of ordinary third-grade rules.

In terms of the quantity and quality of rules alone, Ye Xinghe can almost look down upon all his disciples!

Ye Xinghe sighed lightly.

However, that should be the end of it.

He has not found any original power of rules in the past few days.

Thinking about it, the power of such original rules should have been divided up.

It's normal to think about it, the power of the original rules is so precious.

Nature cannot be infinite.

With so many people dividing it up, it will naturally be exhausted very quickly.

In fact, it was not that Ye Xinghe didn’t want to rob others from the beginning.

But the problem is that the power of this original rule is not the same as that of Lingqi.

The power of these original rules is extremely difficult to capture.

Moreover, after being captured, it must be absorbed immediately on the spot.

Otherwise, it will disappear soon.

So, wait until he finds someone else.

The power of other people's original rules is already being absorbed.

That's why in the third level, everyone is desperately looking for it.

But there is no reason to rob others.

However, although Ye Xinghe is not satisfied yet.

But if others know, he has gained the power of so many original rules.

I'm afraid my eyes will turn red with envy.

Ye Xinghe received ten pieces of the power of the original rules.

Others, even at the level of Duan Huaishan and Yuankong Valley, only got two or three.

Others only got one.

Because Ye Xinghe's own strength is extremely strong and he can withstand the whirlpool rules.

And Qiang Ye’s ability.

He got more than others.

For anyone else, entering the center of the vortex would have been extremely difficult.

Master Qiang also nodded and said: "That's it for now, don't be too greedy."

At this time, in the deepest part of the clouds, mountains and sea of ​​mist.

There are extremely violent gray-black airflows everywhere.

There are twisted and terrifying forces everywhere.

Even with the strength of Ye Xinghe and others, if they enter here, they will be directly torn apart by this terrifying power.

It is estimated that even the man in black cloak and Qiao Tianhui's level would not dare to break into this place.

This is a forbidden area for human monks like them.

At this time, in the deepest part, there was a huge figure entrenched there.

It seems to be incorporeal, like various twisted lights.

Inside is a mass of chaotic, violent and twisted thinking.

In front of it, a figure was reporting something in a low voice.

It's the mist.

After listening to Wu Xiao's words, this terrifying existence contained the twisted thoughts in its body.

Suddenly he became more and more manic.

It made a bunch of confusing, unintelligible sounds.

I could barely hear the last sentence clearly.

"Let Wu Cang bring that person over!"

One day half a month later, deep in the gray-black clouds and mist, there was an extremely dangerous ruin.

Several figures are fighting.

Or to be precise, it was the figures in front of them who were running away in a hurry.

There was a figure in a black cloak behind him, chasing after him.

There were originally four or five people who escaped.

But in just a moment, he caught up with two people one after another.

If you discharge it with one palm, you will take away a life.

Soon, only two or three people were left running for their lives.

Among them is Duan Huaishan.

At this moment, he doesn't have half of the majesty he had before.

He was in a miserable state and was covered in wounds.

It turns out that Duan Huaishan has been quite complacent during this period of time.

After entering the third level, he led the other people in his team to become invincible.

Soon, the number of command flags it accumulated reached the highest level among all teams.

And he put almost all his energy into untying the jade pendant.

In the end, all methods were used.

It cannot be opened with magic circle, blood, or the power of rules.

How did he know that this jade pendant had already been broken open by Ye Xinghe and he had recognized its owner.

What's the use of holding it?

Moreover, just half a month after entering the third level, the most terrifying thing happened.

When they snatched a command flag.

The man in black cloak suddenly appeared.

In an instant, he killed all the newly recruited team members.

The few remaining core members he had were slightly stronger, so they were able to escape.

But even so, he was chased to the sky with no way out, and with no way to reach the earth, he was in extreme embarrassment.

Duan Huaishan was also seriously injured in an instant.

He looked at the man in black cloak with fear on his face.

"You were seriously injured and poisoned before, but you recovered so quickly!"

The man in black cloak was obviously very angry. He didn't say anything, but each move became more fierce than the last.

At this time, in the very distance, there was a cloud layer intertwined with gray and black cyclones.

Under the clouds, there are clouds.

But it's not quite the same as the clouds above.

If you look closely, you will find that this is formed by Ye Xinghe's cloud rules.

At this moment, Ye Xinghe was hidden in the regularly formed clouds.

Through the gaps in the clouds and mist, I watched everything happening there.

Ye Xinghe's mouth curled up.

"Duan Huaishan, I almost died in your hands that day. Do you really think I would let you go so easily?"

"Now let me have a taste of what it's like to be hunted endlessly!"

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