Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3005: Entrusted by an Old Friend

.x., Danwu Supreme!

Chapter 3005: Entrusted by an old friend!

Sure enough, Wu Cang's eyes came over.

Duan Huaishan glanced at Ye Xinghe proudly, waiting for Wu Cang to announce the result.

Unexpectedly, Wu Cang's body moved slightly, and a circle of aura enveloped Ye Xinghe.

In an instant, it flew towards the gate of gods and ghosts.

Duan Huaishan froze on the spot, dumbfounded, and said loudly: "My lord, what do you mean?"

"Obviously this token is in my hand, you should take me in!"

Wu Cang glanced back at him.

Suddenly, Duan Huaishan screamed, vomited blood, and his body trembled.

He was horrified and did not dare to say a word.

He knew that he had been warned.

If I dare to talk nonsense again, I'm afraid the next step will be a killer move!

Ye Xinghe followed Wu Cang, and the two entered the Gate of Gods and Ghosts.

And soon, that familiar feeling came.

Ye Xinghe felt that his body was sinking rapidly.

I don’t know how long it took before I came to a space.

I don't know how deep it is here, and the surroundings are filled with black mist.

And, despite not being able to see anything.

But Ye Xinghe can clearly feel it.

It's full of incomparable weirdness and indescribable horrors.

When the black fog dissipates.

Even with Ye Xinghe's mind, he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

It turned out that he was in a deep space at this moment, like a void.

All around was darkness.

And above it, there were dozens of terrifying fog beasts, staring at him.

Every fog beast has a weird and terrifying shape.

And the strength is also very terrifying.

Carrying it out casually is enough to instantly kill Qiao Tianhui's level.

Ye Xinghe actually couldn't see their eyes.

But he could feel that these fog beasts were watching him.

Just like appreciating something rare.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Don't scare him."

The voice was quite familiar. Ye Xinghe looked at it and saw that he was an old acquaintance.

Nature is the mist.

Ye Xinghe was slightly stunned.

But then, I figured it all out.

It must be because Wu Xiao saw herself and felt some aura on her body.

That's why I brought myself here, to the deepest part of the clouds, mountains and sea of ​​mist.

Wuxiao pointed somewhere and said: "Ye Xinghe, this is the master of Yunshan Wuhai, our supreme fog beast."

It was clear that Ye Xinghe had seen the place it was pointing at before, but it was empty.

But as it pointed towards it, Ye Xinghe looked again.

Only to find that a terrifying existence appeared there.

This existence is actually the size of a bug and is completely black.

Its shape is nine consecutive reversing cyclones, connected together.

It looks more and more like a bug, suspended in mid-air.

Its body shape can only be described as small.

Just looking at the body shape, it doesn't give people a scary feeling at all.

However, the aura revealed by it made Ye Xinghe feel as if his heart was being suppressed by a huge stone.

Just standing in front of it, it seems that there is only surrender and awe in my heart.

Ye Xinghe thought: "With this kind of aura, if it is malicious to me, I don't even have the intention to resist, I can only close my eyes and wait for death!"

Ye Xinghe suddenly realized that this was not just a huge suppression of strength.

And it's a spiritual influence.

But it is clear that this existence has no deliberate malice or influence on me.

That only shows that its terrifying spirit is everywhere.

So much so that it can have such an effect unintentionally.

Ye Xinghe suppressed the emotions in his heart and said calmly: "I have met you, sir."

The Supreme Mist Beast didn't move at all.

Just an invisible spiritual force enveloped Ye Xinghe in an instant.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe felt as if he had become transparent.

From the inside out, all the secrets are hidden.

Then, Ye Xinghe felt an indescribable discomfort all over his body.

There was a sharp pain in his body, as if something had been ripped away.

But Ye Xinghe knew that this Supreme Mist Beast had no ill intentions towards him.

Therefore, there was no resistance.

Then, a shadow also appeared above his head.

Ye Xinghe suddenly realized that this thing should be the embodiment of his own bloodline.

Then, the incarnation of this bloodline poured into the green pendant.

The next moment, the green pendant shattered with a 'pop' sound.

A figure formed by black mist slowly appeared from inside.

When he came to the Supreme Mist Beast, he seemed to say something to it in a low voice.

Then, it completely dissipated.

The Supreme Fog Beast looked at Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe clearly felt an emotion called softness.

"As expected, it's you. You didn't find the wrong person."

There was a bit of sadness in its tone.

"I have forgotten how many thousands of years have passed."

"The person the old friend said has finally arrived, and it's time to fulfill what I promised her before."

Ye Xinghe's heart jumped wildly.

He knew that the great opportunity in the clouds, mountains, and fog was finally in front of him!

The Supreme Fog Beast seems to know everything about Ye Xinghe.

It said in a hoarse voice: "What you need most now should be the high-level rule source stone, right?"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

This is what he wants most and what he has been looking for in the clouds, mountains and fog.

But unfortunately, not one has been found so far.

This shows how cherished this thing is.

Ye Xinghe estimated that if the normal progress is followed.

If I want to find this thing, it will probably take me three to five years.

He couldn't wait.

The Supreme Mist Beast said: "I will give you three high-level rule source stones."

After saying that, the clouds and mist gathered in front of Ye Xinghe, forming a tray.

Three things appeared on it.

Each one is as big as a fist, and the whole body is emerald red.

Its shape is like a small fruit, crystal clear.

And it contains extremely terrifying power.

That is an extremely strong power of rules.

This level of concentration is something Ye Xinghe has never seen before.

He even felt that the power of rules in his body were all added up.

None of them are as rich as a high-level rule source stone.

At this moment, Ye Xinghe couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

"The power of rules in one high-level rule source stone is so strong that it takes three high-level rule source stones to turn the seeds of time rules into time rules."

"If this time rule is not a god-level rule, I will be sorry!"

His breath stopped.

The three coveted high-level rule source stones are right in front of you.

Things that I couldn't get at all appeared so easily.

However, Ye Xinghe was not flustered or impatient.

He calmed down instantly.

He knew that nothing in the world was so cheap.

His eyes were clear and he asked in a deep voice: "What is it that you want?"

The Supreme Mist Beast was slightly stunned.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xinghe could still remain calm at this time.

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