Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3021 Making Difficulties

Chapter 3021 Making Difficulties!

"This kind of rule is extremely rare and powerful!"

"Besides, I've never heard of him having such a rule before!"

He valued Ye Xinghe even more.

At the scene, only Duan Huaishan and Yuan Konggu knew what happened.

Because both of them had been attacked by Ye Xinghe's inner demon rules.

Naturally, I know what the reaction is like when being attacked by the rules of the inner demon.

However, when the two of them were stunned, their pupils shrank slightly and their hearts were shocked.

They had tried the inner demon rules themselves.

Although I know this rule is very powerful, it is not fatal.

It's just that he can attack himself for a moment or two.

But looking at this situation now, it is obvious that Ye Xinghe's inner demon rules have been greatly improved!

Ye Xinghe stood in front of everyone and said calmly: "My position here is not obtained by luck, nor was it given to me by anyone. I relied on my strength and fought for it with real swords and guns!"

"If any of you are dissatisfied, you can come up and give it a try!"

"I'm right here, whether it's a one-on-one fight or a group fight!"

Ye Xinghe's voice fell, and the whole place was silent. No one dared to answer.

Ye Xinghe growled: "Who else is dissatisfied?"

Everyone was trembling.

No one dared to fight.

Even Duan Huaishan didn't want to take risks easily without knowing Ye Xinghe's strength.

Seeing that no one dared to challenge, Ye Xinghe walked back to his seat while laughing loudly.

He leaned there lazily.

After this battle, Ye Xinghe established his reputation.

Song Yuan didn't care and continued to explain to everyone.

"There are many ways to obtain merit. For example, if the sect releases some tasks, or if you get some precious monster elixirs and donate them to the sect, you can also exchange them for the corresponding merit, and the price given is very fair. "

"The value of this meritorious service definitely exceeds the benefits that can be obtained from the outside."

Everyone can't wait.

But Song Yuan smiled and said: "Everyone, I will take you to choose your own cave first."

Then, Song Yuan led everyone out of the hall and came to a small courtyard next to the square.

Song Yuan faced everyone and said with a smile: "The caves of our Guanghan Dao Sect have nine levels, namely, lower level, lower level, lower level, middle level, and lower level, upper level."

“And so on, the highest is the best.”

"You have just started, so the caves you live in are all inferior caves."

"However, there are differences between superior and inferior."

"Ordinary new disciples will be classified as the lower class, the top ten will be classified as the lower class, and the top three will be classified as the lower class or the upper class."

"As for you, Ye Xinghe?"

He clicked on Ye Xinghe.

"I can give you a mediocre cave."

In an instant, everyone's eyes were filled with envy.

At this time, I had a deeper understanding of the core of the sect.

Everything is not without cost.

If you want to get good things, you can kill, fight, and earn merit to redeem them.

Song Yuan smiled and said: "After receiving your cave robes and some sect items, you have one month to deal with your unfinished business."

"Wait a month before returning to Guanghan Dao Sect."

One of the top ten disciples couldn't help but said: "Elder, don't we have a reward for the top ten?"

"When can I claim the reward?"

Song Yuan's eyes were profound.

"Don't worry. Now, you can't bear the terrible consequences of the reward. You have to practice for a year before you can receive the reward."

The top ten disciples were a little disappointed, but more excited.

Anyway, the reward is there and can’t escape.

From what it sounds like, the reward should be terrifyingly powerful.

Therefore, they need to collect it after one year.

Then, Elder Song Yuan left.

He still had a lot to deal with.

Everyone entered the courtyard.

A rather tall elder was already waiting there.

However, he was not dressed as casually as Elder Song Yuan. Instead, he was wearing a white robe.

There are two words "Guanghan" on it.

On the chest is a curved white moon.

He greeted him warmly and said with a smile: "Everyone, I am Su Zhouchuan. I am responsible for allocating caves for you."

At this time, the discerning person quickly stepped forward and made Su Zhouchuan very comfortable.

He smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed to slits.

He waved his hand, and a stack of jade signs appeared in his hand.

Each sign is about two fingers wide and three inches long.

The word "Guanghan" is written in the middle, and the back is a seal engraved with a magic circle, which is quite complicated.

Moreover, every magic circle is different.

Su Zhouchuan explained: "This thing is the key to your cave. Hold this thing and go to the cave to open it."

"There are some things you need in the cave."

"Anyone whose name I read out should come forward and receive it."

Then, he started to read the names one by one.

He read forward last.

The first ones I thought of were the disciples with lower rankings.

Not surprisingly, the caves they were assigned were of lower quality.

Ye Xinghe and others are naturally not worried.

And soon, I thought of Bo Hanzhou, who was ranked tenth.

Su Zhouchuan said slowly: "Bai Hanzhou, I'm going to the cave, Jiazi No. 67."

Bai Hanzhou was stunned and said in shock: "Elder, this is wrong."

"Aren't the top ten disciples able to get the caves in the lower ranks? Why am I still in the lower ranks?"

Su Zhouchuan was not as gentle and approachable as before.

He rolled his eyes, looked at him coldly, and said in a stern voice, "Do you have the right to speak for this!"

"Do you know what a sin it is to contradict an elder in Guanghan Dao Sect!"

When Bai Hanzhou was pressed by him, his face suddenly turned pale. He didn't dare to say a word and immediately endured it.

Su Zhouchuan glanced at him proudly and continued to read.

The ninth person was also assigned a lower-class cave.

There was confusion in everyone's eyes.

There were even some people whose faces were filled with anger and suppressing their anger.

When Ye Xinghe's name was read, everyone was in an uproar.

It turned out that Ye Xinghe, the number one newcomer, was personally named by Song Yuan and had a middle-level rank in the cave.

He was actually assigned to a lower-class cave!

It's equivalent to being directly demoted by three levels.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were calm and he spoke calmly.

"Sir Elder, I should be from a lower-middle-class cave."

Su Zhouchuan ignored him.

He just sat there and looked at everyone sideways.

He said leisurely: "I think I am a low-class cave. It doesn't matter. Whatever I want in Guanghan Dao Sect, I have to pay the corresponding price."

"If you want a better cave, then use your merits in exchange for it. Once you have the merits, the cave will naturally take care of it."

Everyone understood it as soon as they heard it.

This is clearly asking for benefits.

It was originally a lower-class cave, but it has been reduced to a lower-class cave for you.

If you want it, you have to exchange it for merit.

Of course, this meritorious service will naturally fall into his own hands.

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

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