Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3024: Retreat

He looked at Ye Xinghe with emotion.

He knew that Ye Xinghe was very strong, and he was sure that Ye Xinghe would be able to enter Guanghan Dao Sect.

His dream of returning to Guanghan Dao Sect was realized.

But what he never expected was that Ye Xinghe actually won the first place in the newcomer trial!

When he heard the news, Elder Han Yun couldn't believe it at first.

Then he was ecstatic.

A person of his strength had a very complicated experience.

But even so, he cried with joy.

Then, he returned to Guanghan Dao Sect naturally.

Moreover, because he discovered such a powerful talent as Ye Xinghe for Guanghan Dao Sect, the future prodigy.

He was promoted to Elder Chiyue based on his merits.

He was the highest-ranking elder in the sequence of the third-class elders of Guanghan Dao Sect!

Then, Ye Xinghe asked Elder Han Yun about the Nascent Soul Great True Explanation Chapter.

Although he was imprisoned by the formation, Elder Han Yun could not reveal the details of the Yuanying Dazhen Jie Pian.

But he also explained it to Ye Xinghe.

He also told him how to comprehend it, which also made Ye Xinghe gain a lot.

The two chatted for a long time, and Elder Han Yun was ready to leave.

He looked at Ye Xinghe and whispered: "Ye Xinghe, I have gained a lot from being promoted to the Red Moon Elder this time. I need to digest it well. I will be in seclusion for several years."

There was a bit of worry in his eyes.

"You have a strong temper and would rather break than bend. I can't benefit you in the past few years. If you have anything, just bear it for now and don't be anxious." Ye Xinghe knew that he was doing it for his own good, and a warm current surged in his heart.

He nodded and smiled: "Don't worry, I know my limits."

Elder Han Yun seemed to want to say something, but knowing Ye Xinghe's character, he had to turn around and leave.

With a 'bang', the gate of the courtyard opened.

Everyone's eyes were cast over.

They wanted to know how miserable Ye Xinghe's death was.

But what surprised them was that Ye Xinghe came out of the cave safely.

Behind him, Su Zhouchuan sent him off respectfully.

Before leaving, he bowed and smiled, "Young Master Ye, take care, take care!"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The courtyard was shrouded in a thick magic array just now, and they didn't know about the arrival of Elder Han Yun.

They didn't know what happened in the courtyard.

At this time, they saw Ye Xinghe being sent out by Su Zhouchuan.

Moreover, he was holding the key to the middle-level lower cave in his hand.

Judging from this situation, Ye Xinghe not only resolved the crisis.

Moreover, he made Su Zhouchuan quite polite to him.

Bai Hanzhou's eyes were full of resentment, and he cursed in his heart: "Damn it, why can't he die? What happened to this kid?"

When everyone returned to the square, Qiao Tianhui was already waiting here.

"Nothing will happen today." Qiao Tianhui said to everyone, "Everyone, you are now formal disciples of Guanghan Dao Sect, but the real teaching will not start until one month later." "You can move around here on your own." Everyone was quite curious as it was their first time here. They made an appointment to wander around here. Guanghan Dao Sect actually doesn't look very lively, and it's even a little depressed. Guanghan Dao Sect has a very large area, with a radius of thousands of miles. But there are not many people living in it. Including disciples and elders, and even some powerful people who practice in seclusion, etc. There are only a thousand people. In addition, there are those wealthy families that have been passed down for many years in Guanghan Dao Sect. Their clansmen, as well as the servants and slaves brought in by these disciples to settle here and serve them, etc. There are only tens of thousands of people in total. The Guanghan Dao Sect scattered in this area of ​​thousands of miles. Just like a stone thrown into the sea, it can't make any noise. Most of the disciples of Guanghan Dao Sect practice in their own caves, which are far apart.

Most of the time, they spend in meditation.

The only bustling place is the market near the pier.

There are many streets in the market.

There are not many shops, but each one is quite exquisite.

Basically, they are all opened by major families related to Guanghan Dao Sect.

Ye Xinghe also went in for a stroll and was really amazed.

The things in this shop are even better than the treasures in Shenlong Pavilion!

However, the corresponding prices are also quite expensive.

In Ye Xinghe's opinion, it is actually not worth it.

If he goes to Shenlong Pavilion to buy this, he will be able to get a lower price.

Moreover, many things in it require merit to buy.

Ye Xinghe just glanced around and didn't buy anything.

However, Ye Xinghe didn't know.

While he was strolling, he was already being watched.

At this time, two people were standing outside at a street corner.

One of them was Bo Hanzhou, and the other was quite handsome.

But the strange thing is.

He is obviously a human, but his aura carries a hint of indescribable ferocity, cruelty and barbarity.

Especially his pupils, which are full of ferocity.

The exposed skin on his body is covered with tattoos of various colors.

The patterns are rare and ferocious beasts.

Bo Hanzhou lowered his voice, pointed at Ye Xinghe and said: "Brother Quan, that's him!"

"Did you see the flat-haired beast on his shoulder? It's probably of extraordinary origin!"

He chuckled.

"Are you interested?"

Quan Qizhen originally looked very calm and relaxed, even with a somewhat impatient expression.

He was originally practicing and was invited over by Bo Hanzhou, so naturally he was not in a good mood.

Moreover, Bo Hanzhou told him that there was something he was interested in here.

He didn't believe it either.

They are just a group of new disciples with average strength.

Even those who came from some wealthy families were nothing compared to his family background.

What foundation can there be?

But Bai Hanzhou is one of the top ten newcomers this time. He is very strong, has extraordinary talent, and has a bright future.

Moreover, there was also a powerful elder standing behind him.

He is also very good at getting things done.

The photo of Quan Qizhen was very comfortable.

Therefore, Quan Qizhen had no choice but to agree to come and do him a favor.

It turns out that this is Bo Hanzhou's strategy.

I am not your opponent, but someone is your opponent!

As long as he provokes his murderous intention towards you and the two of you have a conflict, it will be easy to talk about it!

Quan Qizhen's voice seemed to be trembling.

"What's the name of this flat-haired beast?"

Seeing his reaction, Bai Hanzhou was immediately overjoyed.

I know there is something interesting about this!

He said with some embarrassment: "I don't know what his name is, I just know that Ye Xinghe usually calls him Master Qiang."

"Master Qiang?"

Quan Qizhen frowned slightly.

Nothing can be judged from this name.

I just feel that Ye Xinghe and this flat-haired beast should get along as friends.

In this case, it would be a bit difficult to do this.

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