Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3026 It’s done

In fact, his talent is not outstanding.

In the family, his status is not very high.

Didn't get much input from family resources.

It's just because their family's power is too powerful.

Therefore, people outside will give him a bit of a thumbs-down.

"you wanna die!"

Quan Qizhen was furious.

All the animal pattern tattoos on his body glowed at the same time.

It was obvious that he had decided to give it his all.

At this time, the aura he brought was even stronger than Duan Huaishan's.

But at this moment, suddenly at the end of the street, a cold voice came.

"Who is so bold and dares to cause trouble in Guanghan Dao Sect!"

Hearing this voice, even the arrogant Quan Qizhen couldn't help but change his expression.

At the same time, a sharp sound pierced the air.

Three long black knives about five feet long came through the air.

It was nailed to the ground in front of Quan Qizhen.

The warning is extremely strong.

Soon, five guards wearing white armor strode over.

They were wearing moon-white robes and white armor outside.

Covering his face, only his eyes are exposed.

There was a bone-chilling chill in his eyes.

At this time, many people in the surrounding shops also poked their heads out to take a look.

Seeing this scene, they all exclaimed in low voices.

"This turned out to be the law enforcement iron guard, and it actually attracted them!"

The leader walked up to him and said coldly: "Quan Qizhen, as a disciple of Guanghan Dao Sect, you took action without permission, took the lead in provocation, insulted your fellow disciples, and in accordance with the sect's regulations, you cut off the tendons of your hands and hamstrings and abolished your cultivation!"

After that, he waved his hand.

Several other law enforcement guards immediately rushed forward.

The long knife in his hand slashed hard at Quan Qizhen's hands and feet.

At the same time, a spiritual treasure appeared in the hands of the last law enforcement guard.

He threw the spiritual treasure into the air.

In an instant, Quan Qizhen's hands and feet seemed to be bound by invisible shackles.

He was unable to move where he was.

Ye Xinghe's eyes narrowed.

This Guanghan Taoist Sect really has strict rules.

If you violate the sect's rules, you will be merciless and your cultivation will be abolished immediately.

But Quan Qizhen didn't seem to be panicked and was prepared.

He said loudly: "I have this thing, which can atone for one sin!"

With a flick of his fingers, something flew out.

But it was a round token, all yellow and seemed to be made of brass.

There is a circle of patterns around it.

On the front, there is a huge word "sin" written on it.

Quan Qizhen shouted loudly: "This is a token of guilt. A token can be used to offset sins once without being punished!"

After seeing this token, the movements of these law enforcement guards instantly stopped in place.

The leader of the law enforcement iron guard stretched out his hand and took the guilt token in his hand.

He looked at it carefully, then nodded and said: "It is indeed an atonement token, so that's the end of what happened today."

They were extremely straightforward and immediately retreated to release Quan Qizhen's restraints.

But the leader warned: "Quan Qizhen, don't do it again, so you can take care of yourself!"

Quan Qizhen gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, your law enforcement guards are here today, I'll give you a face!"

He was obviously the one who started the trouble.

As a result, after he showed the guilt token.

These law enforcement guards didn't do anything to him.

Ye Xinghe also realized what kind of existence the Beast King Clan behind Quan Qizhen was.

Deep foundation and active accumulation.

There are even such things as guilt-offending tokens.

Ye Xinghe guessed that the guilt token should require meritorious deeds to redeem it.

Moreover, although he didn't know how much merit it would take, the amount would definitely not be low.

This kind of thing is almost breaking the rules.

Naturally, the price is high.

However, Quan Qizhen even has this thing.

Quan Qizhen glanced at Ye Xinghe, smiled and said: "Ye Xinghe, see you later!"

Although he showed no hostility.

But Ye Xinghe could clearly see the fierce murderous intent in his eyes.

Obviously, the other party only gave in temporarily because of the rules of Guanghan Dao Sect.

He will never give up!

Ye Xinghe also left.

On the way back, Master Qiang said slowly: "Boy, you offended that man to death."

"I can feel that the aura on his body is not weak. Moreover, although he does not specialize in practicing rules and Yuanying, his cultivation method is very powerful and evil. It is not something you can deal with."

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "What can I do? Is it possible that I really sell you to him?"

Mr. Qiang’s eyes widened.

"What do you think I am!"

The two chatted and laughed all the way to the dock.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were somewhat thoughtful.

He knew very well that the other party was probably unwilling to give up.

The other party entered the Guanghan Dao Sect many years earlier than him and was very powerful.

If it really comes to a fight, he is no match.

One look at him shows that he is the kind of person who will retaliate for his anger.

Ye Xinghe thought for a moment and had an idea.

Soon, everyone's free time was over.

The flying boat arrived and took everyone back to Guanghan Inn.

As soon as he entered the small courtyard, Wang Feng strode over excitedly.

He whispered: "It's done!"

"What's done?"

Ye Xinghe trembled all over.

"Has the time rule seed finally hatched successfully?"

This is the good news he has been waiting for for a long time!

Ye Xinghe immediately walked quickly into the room.

At this time, only a thin layer of the mask of the magic circle was left.

The three red-level high-level rule source stones have completely disappeared.

Under the light shield of the magic circle, something was floating quietly.

About an inch tall, the whole body was covered in a layer of black mist, making it blurry and unable to see anything clearly.

The next moment, it seemed that Ye Xinghe's arrival was felt.

The black mask instantly shattered.

The remaining energy was absorbed by this thing.

Then, this thing hit Ye Xinghe between his eyebrows.

Ye Xinghe felt his eyes go dark and let out a low roar.

The spiritual world seemed to be torn apart alive, his head hurt violently, and his sea of ​​consciousness was shaking wildly.

Even, in his mind.

In addition, those rules seemed to have encountered some kind of natural enemy at this moment.

They all ran towards the edge of his sea of ​​consciousness, trying to avoid giving in.

Ye Xinghe almost fainted.

But he is a man of great intelligence and perseverance.

But he gritted his teeth and roared madly.

Trying hard to gather his spirit.

Finally, I don’t know how long it took.

Ye Xinghe opened his eyes suddenly, breathing heavily on his forehead.

Already dripping with cold sweat.

His whole body seemed to be paralyzed.

After a while, it returned to normal.

At this time, his sea of ​​consciousness finally calmed down.

Ye Xinghe couldn't wait to sink into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The next moment, he was shocked.

The spiritual world seems to be frozen.

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