Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3028: The Power of Rules Loses Control Again

Ye Xinghe shook his head helplessly.

"Let's go, take me to see it."

Soon, the two of them arrived at the highest point of Shenlong Pavilion.

This is Yang Luofeng's residence.

Before entering, Ye Xinghe heard heart-piercing screams coming from inside.

Ye Xinghe frowned.

Listening to this scream, the breath is weak and crazy.

A bit more serious than the previous situation.

It seems that the fundamentals have been damaged.

Moreover, Ye Xinghe felt an extremely chaotic mental aura.

This means that Yang Luofeng's soul may have been damaged!

At this time, the servants waiting outside were all trembling with fear.

Yang Shuyue opened the door.

After the two walked in, Ye Xinghe immediately frowned.

At this time, in the center of the room, was Yang Luofeng.

Yang Luofeng's current situation looks extremely bad, completely different from before.

At this moment, his body shape is still that of an ordinary person.

But on the surface of the body, there were countless dense wounds.

It looked shocking.

But there was no blood gushing out from the wound.

But inside the wound, there was a transparent human figure, struggling in pain.

And this human figure is exactly the same as Yang Luofeng.

Ye Xinghe could tell at a glance that this was Yang Luofeng's soul.

At the same time, in Yang Luofeng's soul.

But it was as if there was a huge monster trying to rush out from inside.

Continuously tearing the soul apart one by one.

The soul was squeezed so hard that it kept changing its shape.

However, for some reason, the soul cannot be broken out.

Next to him, there was a short and stocky old man with a red face and scruffy white hair.

The clothes on his body are also a little dirty.

He was sitting there cross-legged, his eyes dull.

Under a big cauldron in front of him, flames lingered, and the fragrance of medicine lingered.

He is refining the magic medicine on site.

Ye Xinghe glanced at it and probably knew what was going on.

He said lightly: "Have I told you before that you can refine the third rule again, but you must take a complete rest, at least one year later."

Yang Shuyue looked embarrassed at this time and whispered: "Master Ye, I'm sorry, grandpa is indeed impatient."

"But as you also know, now that the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce is in trouble internally and externally, Grandpa is under great pressure. He also wants to quickly refine the third rule, so."

Ye Xinghe frowned and said: "Okay, the matter is over, there is no need to pursue those matters."

"Tell me what the third rule he refined is, and it was obtained by He Luzi."

Yang Shuyue quickly explained: "This rule is a first-class rule, and it is the rule of the sword.

She explained.

It turned out that after Yang Luofeng was rescued by Ye Xinghe.

During this period of time, I felt that there were no problems with my cultivation, and there were no future problems in my body.

At the same time, the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce is facing some pressure.

Therefore, he obtained a rule at a very high price.

I want to refine it into my body.

It has been refining for three days.

Nothing happened in the past three days.

However, starting from this morning, Yang Luofeng's body suddenly had problems.

The rules in the body suddenly began to boil.

Then, Nascent Soul lost control.

Yang Luofeng was in extreme pain, but there was nothing he could do.

Yang Shuyue had no choice but to invite Yu Guangran, the somewhat sloppy old man in front of him.

He is the great elder of the Lieyang Dynasty Divine Medicine Master Association.

The level of its magical medicine ranks among the top in the entire Lieyang Dynasty.

After he arrived, he immediately took out a pair of magic medicine and gave it to Yang Luofeng to swallow.

Yang Luofeng had been recovering for about an hour, and he just thought the problem had been solved.

As a result, another attack followed and the situation became more serious.

Yu Guangran made medicine on the spot.

Yang Shuyue went to invite Ye Xinghe.

She was a little ashamed and said: "Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, we didn't want to trouble you in the first place."

Ye Xinghe waved his hand.

He looked forward and observed carefully, and then said: "There is a problem with Nascent Soul. In the final analysis, it is a problem with the third rule."

"What's the origin of the third grain rule?"

Yang Shuyue quickly said: "It was given to me by one of my grandfather's friends."

"It is said that the sword soul was once a ninth-grade spiritual treasure. Later, its owner died, the spiritual treasure was broken, and the sword soul escaped between heaven and earth, and began to cultivate the spirituality of heaven and earth."

"In the end, the wildness slowly faded away, the wisdom disappeared, and turned into an extremely pure rule of the sword."

Ye Xinghe said calmly: "That's the problem."

"The wisdom of the sword rule has not disappeared, it is disguised."

"In other words, it regained its intelligence after entering your grandfather's body."

Yang Shuyue said in shock: "Is this the reason?"

After Yu Guangran came before, he didn't find the real reason.

Just use magic medicine to suppress it.

But Ye Xinghe could see the reason at a glance.

Ye Xinghe said coldly: "This rule took advantage of your grandfather's unpreparedness and invaded the Nascent Soul, and then the control backfired on the Nascent Soul."

"Now, the Nascent Soul has a spiritual intelligence, and it is devouring your grandfather's soul."

"The last step is to take over your grandfather's body and completely seize it!"

Yang Shuyue was trembling all over after hearing this, and her face was pale.

If that really happens, it will be even worse than death!

It seems that he heard Ye Xinghe's words.

The monster that was struggling in its soul, rushing left and right, suddenly paused.

Then, Ye Xinghe clearly saw it.

Yang Luofeng's body froze, and his eyes looked towards him.

Only the whites of his eyes looked eerie and scary.

But then, Yang Luofeng's body began to tremble violently again.

His soul aura instantly became weaker.

Obviously, the monster is speeding up its annexation.

Ye Xinghe moved forward and prepared to treat Yang Luofeng.

At this moment, Yu Guangran suddenly opened his eyes and exhaled loudly.

He growled and stood up.

An unnatural blush flashed across his face.

At the same time, a ball of green liquid about the size of a fist flew out of the cauldron.

Then, the big cauldron was taken back by him.

He gasped for air.

Obviously, for him, refining this magic medicine was quite expensive.

After he turned his head and saw Ye Xinghe, he frowned and rolled his eyes strangely.

He looked sideways at Yang Shuyue and said with a sneer: "Why, you went to invite a young boy to come. Do you think you can't believe in my magical medicine?"

Yang Shuyue quickly explained: "Elder Yu, please don't misunderstand."

"Ye Xinghe is very strong. The last time Grandpa's rule changed, he was the one who saved it."

"So, this time I want to invite him over to see if there is anything we can do."

"No need!"

He sneered and said carelessly: "I have already refined this magical medicine. Once this magical medicine is taken, your grandpa will keep the medicine until the disease is cured and solve the problem immediately!"

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