Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3036 You are finished

Chapter 3036 You are finished!

Ye Xinghe looked down at him and said: "Take us to your Tianhu Association main altar."

Gao He's face was covered with blood, he bared his teeth and howled: "You still want to throw yourself into a trap!"

"Okay, when you get to the main altar, the gang leader will definitely kill you!"

"Since you want to die so much, I will help you!"

Wang Feng slapped him in the face and said a word lightly.

"Shut up!"

"There's so much nonsense, just lead the way!"

Gao He's face was full of hatred, and then he led them forward.

Next to Dongda City, there is a rather luxurious and huge mansion.

This is where the Tianhu Club's headquarters is located.

There were several powerful guards standing at the door, and the door was closed.

Behind the gate is a rather large square.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

The two metal doors were smashed open by a huge force.

The two door panels flew straight in and fell on the square, making a shocking noise.

Many senior officials of the Tianhu Society around the square were shocked by the movement and came to the square one after another.

Gang leader Li Quanhuai also frowned and walked out.

He looked gloomy and said coldly: "What's going on?"

Everyone was in a state of shock and doubt.

Suddenly, there was an endless sound of 'bang bang bang bang' falling to the ground.

One after another figures were thrown in.

When everyone took a closer look, their hearts skipped a beat.

Those who were thrown in were all members of their Tianhu Society.

At this time, he was seriously injured, or his cultivation was destroyed, and his body was covered in blood and thrown to the ground.

Li Quanhuai said coldly: "Who is so bold and dares to touch our Tianhu Club? Don't you want to live?"

At this time, Gao He on the ground struggled to get up and shouted loudly: "Master Gang Leader, you have to make the decision for us!"

"This kid looks down on our Tianhu Society and even cripples us. Only by killing him can I relieve the hatred in my heart!"

Those on the ground who were injured by Wang Feng.

At this time, seeing that they were back in their own territory, everyone became more courageous.

They screamed loudly and were arrogant.

A voice came faintly.

"Li Quanhuai, haven't seen you for a few days, you are so majestic!"

Hearing this voice, Li Quanhuai was suddenly shocked.

Then he saw Ye Xinghe and others walking over.

Li Quanhuai immediately took a few steps forward and shouted loudly: "I have met Mr. Ye!"

As he said that, he fell to his knees directly.

Behind him, the senior officials of the Tianhu Association also did the same, and they all knelt down.

Seeing this scene, Gao He was stunned.

Originally, they were still shouting arrogantly.

At this time, there was no movement.

After a moment, he was stunned and said: "Master Gang Leader, what is going on?"

Li Quanhuai glanced at him.

The coldness in his eyes was something Gao He had never seen before.

He said calmly: "If you offend Mr. Ye, no one can save you. Just wait for death."

Gao He and others felt as if their hearts had fallen into an ice cellar.

Only then did he realize that he had hooked up with someone special!

Ye Xinghe said coldly: "If Tianhu becomes like this, I don't think it is necessary to exist anymore!"

Everyone was shocked.

If there is a sledgehammer, hit your heart hard.

The eyes looking at Ye Xinghe were full of fear.

Seeing what Ye Xinghe meant, he actually wanted to wipe out the Tianhu Society from this world!

Li Quanhuai quickly stepped forward and explained: "Sir, all the mistakes you made are my fault, but I hope you can give me a chance to explain!"

After he explained it, Ye Xinghe found out.

As the leader of the Tianhu Association, Li Quanhuai was only temporarily in charge of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce.

It can be regarded as some extension of the underground power of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce.

During this time, Yang Luofeng had been trying to expand the power of the Tianhu Society.

This allowed Li Quanhuai to recruit many more people.

Therefore, it is inevitable that there will be some good and bad people, and some people who do bad things.

Gao He and others just joined during this period.

They had never seen Ye Xinghe before.

Naturally, I don’t know the relationship between Ye Xinghe and the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce.

I don’t even know how powerful Ye Xinghe is.

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "Then how do you plan to deal with it?"

Li Quanhuai shouted coldly: "Go and find out. Anyone with evil deeds will be killed directly. If the evil deeds are minor, his cultivation will be abolished!"

Ye Xinghe nodded and sat down leisurely next to him.

"Okay, I'll just watch how you deal with it."

Li Quanhuai didn't hesitate and immediately sent people to find out the truth.

Within half an hour, these people came back one after another and reported in low voices.

Li Quanhuai's face was full of determination and he immediately gave orders.

Regardless of the pleading of Gao He and others, he directly killed these few who had committed evil deeds.

The other people's cultivation was completely abolished and put in chains.

He was sent to the mines under the Tianhu Society to do coolies.

Li Quanhuai faced everyone and said coldly: "Whoever lets me find out doing such a thing again in the future will never be forgiven!"

"Gao He is your fate, do you understand!"

Everyone responded suddenly, all trembling with fear.

Li Quanhuai wanted to say something else, but Ye Xinghe waved his hand and said calmly: "No need to say any more, if I meet him again next time, Tianhu will be removed from the list."

After that, he led everyone away.

After seeing him leave, several newly joined hall leaders and other senior officials showed dissatisfaction on their faces.

One of them whispered: "Master Gang Leader, who does this Ye Xinghe mean? He dares to point fingers at our Tianhu master like this!"

"That's right, Lord Gang Leader, we are under the control of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce, and even the Chairman is very kind to you!"

Several people spoke at once, all criticizing Ye Xinghe.

At this time, Li Quanhuai slowly turned his head and stared at them.

Everyone fell silent instantly.

At this time, they saw the gang leader's eyes, which were fiercer than ever before.

He suddenly grinned.

"I can see that you guys are trying to kill me!"

Then, he yelled sternly: "Take these people who are talking nonsense and destroy their cultivation and send them to the mine!"

Several hall masters panicked and wailed and begged for mercy.

But Li Quanhuai didn't even look at them and had people take them away.

After experiencing this turmoil, Gu Changyu and the two of them didn't really want to go shopping anymore.

Gu Qingyi's eyes suddenly shone and she said, "I heard that the delicacies in Louwailou are the best in Lieyang Imperial City, and there are also singing and dancing to watch."

"How about we go there?"

Gu Changyu stayed there for a few days. After hearing this, he immediately scolded in a low voice: "Don't be so ignorant, things outside the building are very expensive!"

She has stayed in Louwailou and naturally knows how expensive Louwailou is.

Gu Qingyi was scolded a few times by her, and she immediately pursed her lips, but did not dare to say any more.

Ye Xinghe waved his hand nonchalantly.

"It's rare that you are interested. Let's go and take you there."

Then, a group of people came to the building outside the building.

The first and second floors of the building outside the building are dining areas, which are extremely luxurious.

The ingredients used are also excellent.

Therefore, it is extremely lively with people coming and going.

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