Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3042 This is your uncle

At this time, I also want to take this opportunity to forge my body.

As a result, within Ye Xinghe's body, the purple energy was steaming in the thousands-mile long river transformed by his blood.

The surface of Ye Xinghe's body flashed with golden-black light.

The rules of blood were activated instantly.

After the Blood Rule was activated, he immediately began to fight against the poison that invaded Ye Xinghe's body.

Ye Xinghe looked at himself inwardly.

I saw the rules of blood turning into purple mist, and the colorful poisons that invaded Ye Xinghe's body.

The two fought madly.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe's whole body trembled with pain, and his face turned pale.

It turned out that the battlefield between the two sides was within Ye Xinghe's body.

With every confrontation, Ye Xinghe felt as if his body was being torn apart alive.

However, amid the severe pain, Ye Xinghe's physical body continued to grow stronger.

Ye Xinghe sighed.

"Fortunately, Mr. Qiang is not with me. Otherwise, I don't know if it can withstand the poison here."

It turned out that after Ye Xinghe returned to Lieyang Imperial City.

Qiang Ye just told him that it would be out for a while.

He hasn't come back yet, and I don't know where he flew to.

Ye Xinghe shook his head, calmed down, and continued to temper his body.

About a quarter of an hour later.

The colorful toxins that entered his body went deeper and deeper.

Much deeper than before.

But Ye Xinghe's rules of blood are resisting and stabilizing little by little.

They are even starting to launch a counterattack.

Of course, this is also because those poisonous insects and beasts did not directly attack Ye Xinghe.

It just radiates poison.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe can use this method.

If they were to take a bite from them, Ye Xinghe would not be able to stop it.

Leaving Liu Hongchang and others in the Purgatory of Ten Thousand Poisons, Xiang Zongqing returned to his residence.

There is a courtyard not far ahead.

As one of the elders of the Divine Medicine Master Association, his courtyard is quite luxurious and spacious.

He sat down and took a sip of tea, Xiang Zongqing showed a satisfied expression on his lips.

Thinking to himself.

"According to what Liu Hongchang said, the inheritance that Ye Xinghe received from this magical pharmacist is, at worst, the peak of a sixth-grade divine pharmacist."

"If you look at the Eye Medicine Association, they can be considered to be the first echelon of experts."

"And, most likely, the net worth is very rich!"

"When Ye Xinghe hands over all this inheritance, my strength will improve by leaps and bounds. Among the master's disciples, I may be able to directly rank first!"

His eyes were excited.

"Master has never valued me before, this time I want to impress him!"

He looked up into the distance.

"With this foundation in place, when they grow old, I will definitely be among the top members of the Divine Medicine Master Association!"

Suddenly, a powerful aura descended on his residence.

This smell is also very familiar.

Xiang Zongqing was stunned for a moment, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

He hurried out and greeted him.

He said respectfully to the sloppy old man who fell from the sky: "Master, why are you here?"

It turned out that the person who arrived was Yu Guangran.

Yu Guangran laughed and patted Xiang Zongqing on the shoulder.

A look of relief appeared on his face.

"Boy, I originally thought you were a rather inconspicuous one among my many disciples, and I didn't pay much attention to you."

"I didn't expect you to do great things quietly!"

"Okay, I'm very happy!"

This person speaks unscrupulously and never cares about other people's face.

He really looked down on Xiang Zongqing before.

Xiang Zongqing himself knew it very well.

Yu Guangran always treated him with sincerity.

Unexpectedly, now his face is full of smiles.

Xiang Zongqing was immediately flattered and felt very happy.

Xiang Zongqing had a deep, flattering smile on his face, but it was a bit baffling.

He quickly asked cautiously: "Master, don't you know what big deal you are talking about?"

"What else could it be?"

Yu Guangran laughed and said: "I didn't expect that you actually knew about my relationship with Ye Xinghe, and even invited him to your place. Yes, you are a bit discerning and know how to flatter him!"

"I will build a good relationship with him for your master, so that I can benefit from you in the future!"

After hearing this, I heard the words "Ye Xinghe".

Xiang Zongqing's heart suddenly skipped a beat, filled with an ominous premonition.

However, he was thinking deeply and quickly suppressed that emotion.

He asked tentatively: "Master, you, the Ye Xinghe you just mentioned, what is his relationship with you?"

Yu Guangran was suddenly unhappy.

"It's now time, don't pretend to be confused because you understand!"

"If you don't know the relationship between the two of us, why would you invite him here!"

He laughed and said: "Remember what I told you a few days ago, I met a very powerful seventh-grade divine medicine master. The two of us got along very well. I recognized him as my senior brother, and he is also your senior uncle. !”

When Xiang Zongqing heard these words, he felt as if thunder struck his head.

He was shaking violently, his vision went dark, and he almost fainted.

After a while, I finally regained my composure.

His voice was hard and trembling as he said: "Master, is Ye Xinghe your senior brother, my senior uncle?"

"Who else could it be?"

Yu Guangran seemed to realize something at this time, frowned and said, "Stop talking nonsense and invite your uncle over quickly."

"I have something important to do with him. I asked him and found out that he was invited here by your boy."

It turned out that he had just sent a message to Ye Xinghe, saying that he had something important to discuss.

Ye Xinghe said that he was invited by Xiang Zongqing.

Yu Guangran came over excitedly.

At this moment, Xiang Zongqing felt as if the sky had fallen.

He suddenly remembered the joking expression on Ye Xinghe's face just now.

Think of what he said.

"Later, you will kneel down and beg me to come out of here!"

At that time, he was full of disdain.

I just feel that Ye Xinghe is bragging.

Think of him as a lunatic.

But I didn't expect that he really didn't lie!

I really want to beg him to come out!

He left the room a little disappointed.

After he came out, he was struck by the cold wind and suddenly shivered with excitement.

Only then did I realize what needed to be done at this time.

He needs to quickly bring Ye Xinghe back and obtain his forgiveness!

Xiang Zongqing hurried to Ten Thousand Poison Purgatory.

In the courtyard, Liu Hongchang and others were guarding there.

Liu Hongchang hurriedly came forward and gritted his teeth and said: "Master, that kid is still very tough-mouthed. It has been half an hour since he went in. He must have been poisoned by at least five kinds of poisons, but now he is still tough-talking and refuses to spit out a single word!"

He said harshly: "Do we want it?"

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

There was a ‘pop’ sound.

Xiang Zongqing slapped him hard on the face.

This slap immediately stunned Liu Hongchang.

His head tilted to the side, and several broken teeth flew out.

He covered his face with confusion.

"Master, you, you, why are you angry? Did this disciple do something wrong?"

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