Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3044 Are you convinced?

He looked at Ye Xinghe's face.

I just feel that this face is becoming less and less clear in front of my eyes.

At this time, there was only one voice echoing in his heart.

"Liu Hongchang, you provoked someone you shouldn't have provoked. It's over. It's over this time!"

Ye Xinghe laughed and said calmly: "This Purgatory of Ten Thousand Poisons is quite fun, and it is also very beneficial to my cultivation. I would like to thank Xiang Zongqing!"

What he said was of course ironic.

Yu Guangran said coldly: "Xiang Zongqing, explain to me what's going on!"

Xiang Zongqing did not dare to hide anything when facing his master.

He explained the whole matter honestly.

Yu Guangran sneered and said: "Xiang Zongqing, you have taken on a good disciple, you really make me look good!"

"You actually dare to plot against your senior brother, and you want to kill him and take away his inheritance. You are so capable!"

At this time, Xiang Zongqing woke up from a dream, grabbed Liu Hongchang and pushed him to the ground.

"Master blames him. He lied to me and made this plan. I was bewitched by him, Master!"

After saying that, he slapped Liu Hongchang with one palm.

Xiang Zongqing is going to crush Liu Hongchang to death at this moment!

To put it bluntly, let him take the blame for himself.

Put all the blame on him.

Presumably, the master should give me a lenient sentence!

Liu Hongchang shivered violently at this time and suddenly woke up.

He knew that the only one who could save him was Ye Xinghe.

He knelt on the ground, walked forward with his knees, came to Ye Xinghe, and kowtowed like pounding garlic.

"Master, Master, please, please spare me, please spare me, I will never dare to do it again!"

"As long as you spare my life, I'll do anything!"

Seeing him begging Ye Xinghe, Xiang Zongqing didn't dare to do anything again, for fear of angering Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe glanced at Liu Hongchang and said lightly: "Call me master, I don't have a disciple like you who bullies his master and destroys his ancestor."

He patted Liu Hongchang's face and left only one sentence.

"Remember in the next life, don't offend people you can't afford to offend."

After that, he turned around and walked out.

Liu Hongchang was filled with despair.

Xiang Zongqing slapped down Liu Hongchang with a fierce palm, killing Liu Hongchang directly.

His body fell heavily on the iron fence.

Ye Xinghe stepped in the air, left the abyss, and walked out.

Everyone quickly followed suit.

Return to the cave entrance.

Taking a deep breath of the bone-chilling air, Ye Xinghe felt comfortable all over.

At this time, when they came outside, everyone could see it more clearly.

I saw him staying in this ten thousand poison purgatory for more than half an hour.

The result was that he was unscathed, with a rosy complexion and a calm breath.

There was a look on his face as if he had seen a ghost.

The poison in Ten Thousand Poison Purgatory is so terrifying.

Even if a master of the fifth level of Nascent Soul enters it, even if he will not die, he will be tortured in extreme pain.

When they are fished out, their breath is often weak and their bodies are limp.

You can't live, you can't die.

But he was still so calm.

How terrible is this person's cultivation?

Seeing this scene, Xiang Zongqing finally realized how wrong he was.

It turns out that this person is hiding something secretly.

Yu Guangran felt ashamed and said, "Senior brother, don't worry about this, I will definitely give you an explanation!"

He shouted coldly: "Xiang Zongqing, come here!"

Xiang Zongqing quickly knelt down in front of him and waited for his resignation.

Yu Guangran said coldly: "From now on, you are no longer my disciple!"

He stared at Xiang Zongqing and said coldly: "Your cultivation has little to do with me."

"But on your right hand, there is the heavenly medicine divine inscription that I have imprinted on you, allowing you to advance by leaps and bounds and become a sixth-grade divine pharmacist in one fell swoop."

"Now that I have retrieved this Heavenly Medicine Divine Inscription, are you convinced?"

Xiang Zongqing nodded quickly: "Disciple, I am convinced!"

"That's good."

Yu Guangran stepped forward, his right hand turned into a claw, and he slowly grabbed it out.

Follow Xiang Zongqing's arm and stroke it down hard.

In an instant, a blue shadow was pulled out from Xiang Zongqing's arm.

Xiang Zongqing let out a shrill scream.

The right arm instantly drooped softly.

Obviously, this arm is useless.

The aura on his body was greatly reduced, and the unique aura belonging to the divine medicine master disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, his cultivation as a divine medicine master was completely destroyed.

However, his strength is still there and he can still be considered a strong man.

Putting away the green shadow, Yu Guangran said coldly: "Now, you are no longer my disciple. Our current identities are the great elder and an ordinary elder of the Divine Medicine Master Association."

"And now, on behalf of the Divine Medicine Master Association, I will remove you from the membership!"

Xiang Zongqing's face turned pale.

Being kicked out of the division is certainly scary.

If he becomes famous from the Divine Pharmacist Association, it means that he will lose all the protection of the Divine Pharmacist Association!

In the past, he had a vicious temper and had offended many people.

Once the protection of the Divine Medicine Association is lost.

When the time comes, those who come to seek revenge can eat him alive!

Thinking of this consequence, Xiang Zongqing was covered in cold sweat.

He fell to his knees, his forehead banging on the ground, begging frantically for mercy.

"Master, please give me a way to survive. Please don't expel me from the Divine Medicine Master Association!"

After all, it’s a relationship that lasts for many years.

Just driving him out of the door wall was considered a great punishment.

Yu Guangran also felt a little intolerable.

He glanced at Ye Xinghe, seeming to be asking for his opinion.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "This is your own family matter, just handle it yourself."

Yu Guangran felt a bit grateful in his heart, knowing that Ye Xinghe had saved face for himself.

He stared at Xiang Zongqing and shouted coldly: "From now on, you will be Ye Xinghe's dog, do you understand?"

"Whatever he asks you to do, you do it!"

"If anything happens to him in the Lieyang Imperial City, I will ask you to die for him!"

Xiang Zongqing kowtows crazily, his heart filled with ecstasy.

For him, it was the greatest blessing that he was not expelled from the Divine Medicine Master Association.

There is nothing else to be unwilling to do.

Furthermore, as his uncle, Ye Xinghe has such a high status.

Following him is not a chore.

He immediately walked up to Ye Xinghe, his face full of respect and flattery.

"Master Ye, I will be your dog from now on. I will do whatever you ask me to do, without any hesitation!"

This matter has been handled.

Ye Xinghe and Yu Guangran arrived at Xiang Zongqing's residence.

Xiang Zongqing quickly served the fragrant tea himself, then retreated to the door and guarded it personally.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "What's the matter, why are you looking for me so anxiously?"

It turned out that it was Yu Guangran who had sent a message to Ye Xinghe before.

He asked where Ye Xinghe was and had something important to discuss.

This spiritual treasure was given to Ye Xinghe by Yang Luofeng before.

There is also one at Yu Guangran's place.

Ability to communicate ad hoc.

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