Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3049: So that’s it

But at the same time, next to the deathly energy, there was a strong vitality.

Intertwined with that death energy.

Seems extremely weird.

Yu Guangran introduced: "This is Xingguang Immortal."

Xingguang Immortal smiled and said: "Just call me senior, no need to be so polite."

Ye Xinghe cupped his hands and said, "I have met Senior Xingguang."

Although I don’t know the origin of this Starlight Immortal.

But if you think about it and can be named after an immortal, you will know how terrifying this person's strength is!

Xingguang Immortal smiled and said: "My little friend was actually introduced by Yu Guangran. His vision must be correct. I know you must be capable, so I can trouble you to take a look for me."

Ye Xinghe nodded.

Without any hesitation, he directly used Zhu Jiuyin's Eyes.

Because Ye Xinghe saw it clearly when he came and already had some guesses in his mind.

But it's just a guess and cannot be determined.

Therefore, he needs to use Zhu Jiuyin's Eyes to make a final conclusion.

Although I know that using Zhu Jiuyin's Eyes will bring many unknown costs.

But Ye Xinghe is still planning to use it this time.

After all, as Yu Guangran said.

The identity of this Starlight Immortal is very special.

If he can be cured, it will bring him a great opportunity.

From this point of view, the cost of using Zhu Jiuyin's Eyes is completely worth it.

His mind invaded his dantian and took a glance.

Next to the Bi Fang Demon Fire, there are still many ordinary scattered rules that serve as fuel.

He felt relieved and thought to himself: "If I use it once, I will use these rules as fuel and it will not affect my current core rules."

Thinking of this, Ye Xinghe calmed down.

Zhu Jiuyin's pupils suddenly activated.

In front of him, a huge erect pupil appeared, blinking slightly.

Of course, none of the other people could see this scene.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe's pupils shrank.

He has already seen some of the fate of this Starlight Immortal.

And in the last picture he saw.

It was the Starlight Immortal who twitched all over, turned dark, and his body turned into clouds and disappeared.

But there is only one original one left.

Ye Xinghe slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

"That's it, I know."

At this moment, Xingguang Immortal could not help but be slightly stunned.

Just for a moment, he felt like he was being watched.

It was as if someone had seen many secrets.

However, in his opinion, this is nothing.

There are many juniors who are somewhat capable.

At this time, Huo Tianjing walked out of the side room.

There was also a pottery bowl in his hand, and the fragrance of medicine could be heard from it.

This medicinal fragrance is refreshing and very strong.

When people take a whiff, they feel comfortable all over, as if their cultivation has improved.

Yu Guangran had a look of surprise on his face.

"This magical medicine is actually a seventh-grade magical medicine, and its level is quite high. Swallowing it will be of great benefit to your cultivation!"

He looked at Huo Tianjing: "Where did you get this magic medicine?"

Huo Tianjing sneered and said: "Of course there is a reason. Master has been relying on this magic medicine to survive these years. Otherwise, do you think you can survive until now with the help of quack doctors like you?"

From the bottom of his heart, he looked down on Ye Xinghe.

Huo Tianjing also speaks very irritably.

Xingguang Immortal took the pottery bowl, smiled slightly, and was ready to drink it.

Ye Xinghe saw that the medicinal liquid in the pottery bowl was thick, and the whole body showed a kind of translucent green.

It has a strong breath of life.

Ye Xinghe glanced at the pair of magical medicines, and suddenly a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Huo Tianjing, you keep saying that I will harm your master later, but you don't know that it is you who harms your master!"

Huo Tianjing looked angry and said sternly: "What do you mean?"

"It's okay to insult me, but you can't insult my master!"

In his heart, he regarded his master as a god, so how could he harm the other party?

At this time, Xingguang Immortal's scrutinizing gaze also fell on his face.

He frowned slightly and said, "My little friend, how do you say this?"

Ye Xinghe smiled faintly.

"This seventh-grade magic medicine, if I read it correctly, should be used to suppress demons and go to the God of Fire, right?"

Xingguang Immortal was slightly stunned.

"My little friend actually knows the name of this seventh-grade magic medicine?"

He had a slightly higher opinion of Ye Xinghe.

It can be seen that the person who prescribes the medicine is also very powerful, and the level of the divine medicine master is definitely not low.

You can easily prescribe a seventh-grade magic medicine.

"But the problem is, the higher the grade, the stronger the effect."

Ye Xinghe's mouth showed a faint smile, staring at Xingguang Immortal and said: "The sooner you die!"

Huo Tianjing shouted sternly: "Boy, what are you talking about? Believe it or not, I will chop you with a sword!"

Starlight Immortal was also slightly unhappy and frowned.

He himself knew the effect of this prescription.

At this time, I felt that Ye Xinghe was just sensationalizing and making nonsense.

Ye Xinghe knew that he didn't believe it, so he said leisurely: "After you take this medicine for three days, has it been eighty-one years?"

Hearing this, Xingguang Immortal was shocked.

For the first time, a look of horror appeared on his face.

Huo Tianjing stared at Ye Xinghe in disbelief and hissed: "You, how did you know?"

But then, he thought of something and sneered, "That's what Yu Guangran told you, right?"

"I told you this news on purpose, and then asked you to tell it at this time and pretend to be a ghost, making it look like you know everything!"

He looked at Yu Guangran next to him and suspected that Yu Guangran had revealed it to Ye Xinghe.

Starlight Immortal glanced at it and thought the same thing.

Ye Xinghe didn't bother to pay attention at all.

He said calmly: "If I don't come today, these three medicines in the next three days will be the last straw for you!"

"After taking the medicine for three days, you will take this medicine for a full eighty-one years, one small week."

"After three days, the death energy in your body will completely solidify, and your heart and internal organs will be shattered at the same time."

"When the time comes, not even gods can save you!"

Huo Tianjing sneered and said, "Alarmist!"

Ye Xinghe stood up and walked out, and said lightly: "Whether this is alarmist or not, we will know in three days."

Ye Xinghe said leisurely: "In three days, you will come to beg me."

He is ready to leave.

At this time, Xingguang Immortal's eyes moved slightly.

He raised his voice and said: "My little friend, please stay here for a few days, can you?"

He didn't dare to joke with his own life.

Ye Xinghe originally didn't want to stay.

However, Yu Guangran stepped forward and persuaded in a low voice: "Brother, let's stay here for a few days."

Look at him with a somewhat pleading expression on his face.

Ye Xinghe didn't want to waste Yu Guangran's kindness.

I know that he has good intentions for himself and wants to help him find a big opportunity.

Ye Xinghe also gave him face and nodded.

Next, the two of them lived in a stone house next to the small courtyard.

After a while, Xingguang Immortal served a banquet with wine and invited the two of them to the banquet.

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