He nodded like a fool and said with a smile: "Everything is as I said, little friend, then I can help you stay here for seven days!"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

Since you are a good person, you should do it to the end.

It's okay to stay here for seven days.

After absorbing it for about two more hours, it was getting late and the sun was setting in the west.

At this moment, Xingguang Immortal's cultivation level has recovered by about 30% to 40%.

Ye Xinghe suddenly looked at the sky and said calmly: "If the person who set up this trap that day wants to come and take away the results, it is almost time now."

What he said made Huo Tianjing's face full of pain.

Xingguang Immortal knew it well.

The smile on his face gradually faded, and there was a rare ferocious look in his eyes.

But it was also accompanied by unspeakable pain.

In an instant, the small courtyard fell silent.

Starlight Immortal waved his hand.

The ground in the main room of the small courtyard suddenly cracked.

Under the bluestone slab, a huge coffin appeared.

The entire coffin is made of a very special kind of wood.

The wood was dark in color, exuding a strange fragrance, and had a faint golden and stone glow.

Xingguang Immortal moved slightly and came to the coffin.

Then the coffin lid closes automatically.

Huo Tianjing said in surprise: "Master, what do you mean?"

Starlight Immortal's plain voice came.

"If someone comes later, just say that I have died of serious injuries and just sit down and die."

"Just think that I am really dead and think about how you feel."

Huo Tianjing was confused.

But he always listened to his master's words the most, so he nodded quickly and knelt aside.

Thinking that if the master really died, I would be alone in this world, and I felt indescribable sadness in my heart.

I couldn't help but burst into tears.

Ye Xinghe and Yu Guangran looked at each other, probably guessing what Xingguang Immortal was thinking.

The two quietly retreated to the side.

But just a moment later, a stream of light suddenly came quickly from the horizon in the distance.

After a moment, a man wearing a moon-white robe appeared.

He was wearing the clothes of the Guanghan Taoist Sect, and there were three red moons embroidered on his chest.

Astonishingly, he is an Elder of Chiyue!

Moreover, among the elders of Chiyue, they are considered to be the top ones!

You know, although Elder Han Yun was promoted to Elder Chiyue because of his great achievements.

But there is only one red moon on the chest.

This person has three in total!

His strength is definitely much higher than Han Yun!

Ye Xinghe could also feel the overwhelming sea-like aura from his body.

He landed in the small courtyard, with a face full of panic and fear, and said loudly: "Brother, when I was practicing just now, I suddenly felt something bad. It seemed that something happened to the master!"

"Master, what happened to him?"

He looked at Huo Tianjing and shouted tremblingly.

Huo Tianjing knelt down, lowered his head and said nothing, just waved his hand.

The door opened, revealing the black coffin inside.

The moment I saw this black coffin.

The high-ranking Chiyue elder was shaken all over, with an extremely complicated expression on his face.

There was shock, there was fear, there was guilt.

But in the end, Ye Xinghe clearly saw it in his eyes.

That strong, insoluble emotion called ecstasy.

It's just that he disguises himself very well.

He staggered forward, his face full of pain and sorrow, and shouted: "Master, what's wrong?"

"Brother, tell me, what happened to master?"

If it weren't for Ye Xinghe's previous reminder, Huo Tianjing wouldn't be able to see his true face at all.

At this moment, I decided to change my mind and remembered my master's advice, but I still gritted my teeth.

"Qin Xiaoheng, you came late and didn't get to see Master for the last time."

"Master, he was seriously injured and passed away just now!"


Qin Xiaoheng's legs went weak and he knelt on the ground with a solemn expression.

It took a while to recover, and then he burst into tears of sadness.

"Master, I'm sorry. It's my disciple who came late. I can't help you!"

He continued to move forward, hugging the coffin, and banged his head on the coffin, feeling extremely sad.

Pretend to be very similar.

Huo Tianjing even wondered if he had misunderstood him.

Ye Xinghe whispered: "Look at his movements."

Huo Tianjing looked carefully and was shocked.

Only then did he realize that Qin Xiaoheng's action was actually confirming.

Is there anything in the coffin?

Does that thing have any breath?

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "This Qin Xiaoheng is too thoughtful. At this moment, he is still uneasy and is still testing."

He sent a message to Ye Xinghe and said with a smile: "If I become an enemy with people like you, I'm afraid I'll die, even if you can see through him."

At this moment, Qin Xiaoheng cried for a while.

As you can see, there is no reaction in the coffin.

So, the big stone in my heart was finally put down.

I am convinced that the master is indeed dead.

He suddenly stood up and struck the coffin with one palm.

Huo Tianjing shouted sharply: "Junior brother, what are you going to do?"

"do what?"

At this time, Qin Xiaoheng said loudly: "Master must have left some relics. I will open the coffin and take a look."

"Senior brother, is it possible that there is something wrong with you?"

Huo Tianjing concentrated his sword intent and slashed at him.

Qin Xiaoheng's strength is not inferior to him.

He struck out with one hand, and the power of powerful rules surged, forcing Huo Tianjing back.

At this moment, he stopped pretending and laughed wildly: "I have been holding back for so many years, and finally I have waited for this moment!"

"Immortal old man, all your cultivation belongs to me!"

His palm was about to smash the coffin into pieces.

A 'bang' sound.

The coffin lid suddenly flew up heavily and hit his body.

He directly knocked Qin Xiaoheng back a few steps.

He looked up horribly.

But he saw Xingguang Immortal slowly stand up from the coffin.

Her eyes were like swords, staring at him.

"Qin Xiaoheng, am I not dead? Are you disappointed?"

But Qin Xiaoheng actually had no nonsense at this time.

It must be said that this person reacted very quickly.

Seeing that Xingguang Immortal was not dead, he was waiting for him in the coffin.

Then he knew that the plan had been exposed.

He didn't hesitate at all and ran away directly.

But how could the Starlight Immortal let him go?

At this time, Ye Xinghe finally saw the power of Xingguang Immortal's full attack.

Although, Xingguang Immortal has only recovered 40% of his cultivation at this time.

But Ye Xinghe clearly saw it.

Behind him, a terrifying existence similar to King Kong appeared.

It is about one foot tall and has eight golden arms on its body.

Each golden arm holds a magic weapon.

And Ye Xinghe clearly saw that each arm actually represented a rule!

And every magic weapon is actually condensed by the rules!

As several magic weapons were activated at the same time, the power of the rules with incomparable hatred surged down fiercely.

The overwhelming pats were on Qin Xiaoheng's body.

Although Qin Xiaoheng's cultivation level has surpassed Han Yun's level, he can easily kill Ye Xinghe instantly.

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